ITT: Terrible software

ITT: Terrible software

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lunix distros

anything that isn't made by Apple
their software is just so clean and beautiful, nothing else competes

every moden OS
>windows 10
>every distro of Linux (yes, gentoo too faggots)

windows 10
everything made by apple

Illustrator is the best vector software I have used.

>not fireworks

Through sheer pull in the industry and the amount of people involved in the development they've managed to create a mostly capable product

Which yeah, is better than anything else there is

For what it's worth though it's god awful

Illustrator is god tier, Affinity Designer coming a close second.
OP, please explain why you hate Illustrator

What is the Sup Forums consensus on Inkscape compared to Illustrator?

It's a bloated, unorganized mess of tools buried in unintuitive interfaces with roundabout and obtuse organizations that has managed to become a useable piece of software through sheer muscle memory from people using the 0.2% of the software they actually want

It isn't made for anyone. It's not really complex but for a purpose with many different paradigms like Vim, it's not simple for a purpose like people that just want to use their iPhone to take pictures and organize their contacts and it sure is fuck isn't for anyone that actually draws for a living.

It's crap. It only looks good because there isn't a more capable alternative, the status of which they've managed to achieve just through the sheer amount of financial incentive to make it useable on a boilerplate level

Anything foss

Sounds like you just don't know how to use it, brainlet. Is it missing features? Does it have replicatable bugs?

He is right.
Almost every Adobe creative suite software is intuitive. Fireworks makes sense, Dreamworks, Photoshop, Aftereffects and Flash (well used to) make sense.

Illustrator is just fucking weird.

I seriously don't get what you mean. Illustrator is as intuitive as any other Adobe tool

I knew a professional who did all his vector work in flash and exported to illustrator because that's how unintuitive the software is.
Eventually you can learn illustrator and become proficient.
Babby tier work requires skill in illustrator and it feels like it's the exact opposite in other products.


What's so bad about it

The concept and the implementation.

mah nigga
This single menu blows illustrator out of the water

*blocks your path*

No 16-bit colour rendering is a huge turnoff for vector gradients.

Not that guy but...
I work at a production company and I was already proficient with After Effects, Premiere, Photoshop, In-Design and a bunch of other non-Adobe content-creation software when I first started with Illustrator. It just struck me as an unintuitive and clunky program that didn't seem to follow common conventions.

I've been using it a lot the past few months because of a freelance gig and I like it much better now. It's pretty fucking good actually. Definitely didn't make a good first impression though.

Why OP? just because you suck at it doesnt make it bad.

I have a friend who is a GOD in Illustrator, and watching him work is insane. the things he can do with that software is pure magic.

*buys out your company*
>captcha: xact sale

*nevertheless remain the crowned king of all multimedia software*

AI has the worst vector path tools even compared to InDesign. Lack of customizable shortcuts and you need plugins to get it to be decent.

>Freehand rip

>worst vector path tools
What are you talking about

MS Word, absolute shit tab control

most people can't properly use the pen tool because they're incapable of thinking ahead.

Just feels clunky and not as smooth/intuitive as Photoshop or in InDesign.

It's decided:
TempleOS is the only thing we should be using

You're objectively wrong, but I'll bite; HOW is it 'clunky' ? What does PS and ID do that AI doesn't regarding the pen tool?




t. used gimp for years

It's not as smooth, intuitive and it's fiddly for some reason. Kinda like OSX for Win users or vice-versa. YMMW.

> been using DTP software professionally for 22 years

You are just an idiot, face it. Your opinion is shit.

She don't like the nigger doll. Lol!


Great reasoning

what about inkscape?

It's shit

Interface aside, illustrator is numero uno when it actually comes to making colour accurate print.

That's why it's an industry standard.

You'd be retarded to do any actual editing on it though. Just use something else and import the vector files.

Windows 10

You can customise the Workspace however you want, just remove the stuff you normally don't use.

Waah that's too hard!

I've used both for years. Inkscape is designed specifically for SVG web graphics, but not for print or video.

Inkscape explicitly conforms to the SVG featureset (if SVG doesn't support it, Inkscape can't do it); Illustrator on the other hand, while it supports SVG nicely, is not limited by what features the format supports, so they have the freedom to add as many features as possible.

Support for multiple artboards/pages in one document (pic related) is a key example that I've wanted, but Inkscape devs said they can't support it because even though it was a proposed part of SVG 1.2, it was dropped from SVG 2.0 so they can't do it.

Just because it's harder to use doesn't mean it's harder to use for a reason

If I "don't know how to do something" it's because it's unintuitively buried under 6 menus and figuring out how to use the software just means Googling an extensive list of everything you want to do

"You can change everything about it until it no longer resembles it" is not an argument for why something is good

Illustrator really is a mess. There are a lot of excuses and justifications, but the only real reason it's so dominant is that it's packaged with the other Adobe software that's actually worthy of it's ubiquity.

Use Corel Draw instead if you want something sane.

Can anyone recommend me something like Illustrator?

None of these programs are vector based


Literally read the thread

Working with layers is a pain in the ass but I enjoy Illustrator a lot.

Anything not licensed under a free as in freedom license.

The harder a program is to use, the better, because it gives me pay leverage. This only applies to commercial programs, not open sores.

Sorry, Inkscape is useless for anything except making SVGs for web stuff.

literally everything that's free (free both as in beer and as in gulag)

Wrong board

leave illustrator alone

Inkscape fucking sucks compared to Illustrator, as far as I can tell having used both

Agreed. It's kind of funky when coming from other Adobe stuff


bump :3

I passionately hate adobe but illustrator is a great tool. Photoshop can't be matched either, which is annoying because adobe has no competition and have become ascended ultra jews.


Illustrator is bad, but it's by far the best vectorial illustration software.
It's also one of the rare Adobe product that worth it.

Illustrator is truly awful, complete Pajeetsoft.

Can't believe there are no viable alternatives

>He probably thinks that the only kind of spline is a bezier

Truly horrendous

fight me faggoats