what's her endgame?
What's her endgame?
kill intel
To become the emperor and make sith great again.
To make a mockery out of Intel.
And she did it in 3 months, and she'll brutally finish it once 7nm Zen2 parts with more IPC using IBM's super high clocking process roll out.
Become the smuggest CEO ever.
To get some 1 on 1 time with LinusTechTips and offer to go down on his deformed penis in exchange for an exclusive look at Vega.
Crashing the desktop cpu industry, with no survivors
I like that lazy eye thing she got. Keep one eye on intel and the other on da money. Straight up gangsta.
>Su: Let's release that 32 core for X399
Wait, so if I'm reading this right, he gets his dick sucked AND an exclusive look at Vega? Isn't that like a win-win?
Kill all the jews.
You are like little baby, watch this.
More like
>Intel: Call the "historians", this is another shoah, she's literally hitler!
"""""security engine"""""
botnet nsa backdoor
No one would look at enterprise hardware without some kind of hardware security nowadays, even low end office stuff.
And especially any networking hardware
Doesn't have to, she can ignore the desktop market.
The 28 core Intel is confirmed to run at 2.7GHz with all core turbo, meanwhile AMD's 32 core will be anywhere from 2.9 to 3.1
>meanwhile AMD's 32 core will be anywhere from 2.9 to 3.1
Seeing as 16 core Threadripper is already est. to be at 3.5 GHz, I would be disappointed if they had the drop the clockspeed that much just to add two more dies onto the CPU. Unless you're talking about power consumption melting a hole in the motherboard. They can afford to pick and choose dies, they've got like 80% yields.
do you think more people would buy amd if she was attractive?
Dude, they're constrained by TDP, which is gonna be 180-205W
Threadripper is 16 cores at around 160W, 40W more doesn't give you much more to fit 16 extra cores without lowering frequencies.
For what, efficient FDE or provisioning/inventory shit over the network?
To make AMD great again
>goal reached, next goal:
For someone to blame when something happens, and I guess there are hardware security features to make VMs less prone to outside interferences, but that chalks it up mostly.
I'd hit it.
>For someone to blame when something happens,
Kek, holy fuck this.
I had the pleasure of seeing what a large scale rollout (10k cores) looked like, actually like nothing I ever imagined, pretty much everything was handled by contractors outside the company, installation, transportation, software, training.
When I asked why not do it internally since we have more than enough people, and it would be far, far cheaper, I got the answer that if something goes wrong, the blame won't be on the internal departments literally no matter what happens barring a fucking earthquake or taking a flamethrower into the server rooms.
That peace of mind is apparently worth the money.
So middle managers wasting money and protecting their own hides? Nothing new here.
The story of why there's no raise this year.
simultaneous multi track drifting
Jewtel is no different the nsa works on all fronts
Her ass on my dick.
>Implying she is not attractive
Pic related.
They expect skylake in the wreckage, schlomo.
Anudah Shoah
Crush her enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.
Bring the corruption of the powers to their knees.
Lost hard. Is Vega confirmed to be using small dies wrapped up with IF on a MCM? That'd be amazing. Navi is way too far away.
Who wins out of Intel calling her Hitler, or her calling the Jews at Intel 'lacist'
The Jews always win.
She wants to fill the empty void in her heart that should have been occupied by the love for a child by being the best mommy she can for AMD and help them grow up to be big and strong and successful
I'd fill her empty voids
Absolutely pathetic. Bravo bingbus.
No, Vega is big dies pushing pixels, R300-style.
Navi is just dieshrunk Vega with power and efficiency optimizations.
user, I...
The creator of the Linux kernel is a very busy man.
Ryzen is her child
Making AMD great again.
As opposed to what?Intermittent multi track drifting?
Something about her gives her a bit of Pepe's smugness. I don't know what though.
What's his name?
nobody used yahoo when they tried that attractive ceo shit