>not teaching your children to accept a home Microsoft server from birth



>tfw this dump will take 20 minutes







He does it for free





Can't wait to see the dad piss on the server.


Why was this made?


>a special gift

AIDS from a honduaran hooker that he's been seeing to deal with stress caused by his windows server

I have some bad news for you.

2000s advertising my dude

dey jelly

Microsoft is addressing Sup Forums directly.


Big "people" BTFO

Is having a loving mother and father a micro-aggression? Fucking shitlords


We out this piece

NEET master race once again confirmed

Send this to stallman

I kekked hard. Thanks for sharing.

Koding 102: Servers are funny-looking boxes which make friends with computers.


>windows server

Implying every home doesn't have at least 8 windows

Hits too close to home
t. wagecuck

>applefags laughing at windowstard

>not using superior freenas

Someone post the GNU homeserver version

>Special gift

That's seamen

Wtf! I love Windows now!

infinity doesn't have this problem :^)

Nah, it can't be. Azure wasn't even mentioned.


it doesn't exist.