Ylyl thread

ylyl thread



Fucking underaged newfags on my Sup Forums

oh jesus, saved

I've been here since it was guro you fucker.

go be an asshole somewhere else

That will just be a copy of you.
After you are "uploaded" the real you, the person reading this right now, will continue to live for a certain amount of time, and then you will die. You will cease to exist, and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

>smells nice in there

>Implying the copy is somehow less me then me
>this is what fleshbags actually believe

>2 layer
I want layerlets to leave.

This is advanced autism.

if you transfer all the information of an object to another location you will just be moving that object.

>replying to shitposting

>replying to newfag with autism

>replying to autism

>not having watched star trek to know this is bullshit

>using star trek as a base for reality

the only autist is you, you fucking ameoba

>not knowing they have predicted most of the current technology advancements that exist today 20 years before they happened

>show that tries to shoehorn american geopolitcs on a galactic scale has to be right! muh mayonaise

this is your last (You)

How does this contradict what I said before? You literally can't disprove it.


you can't prove it either. an object being destroyed and arranged exactly the same can't be proven to have been destroyed. your existence is dependent only on the arrangement of your particles. so what is there to prove? there's no magic tether here.

What you can't disprove is that Star Trek has predicted many of the technologies we use today in advance, it hasn't been wrong yet.

Also, about the shit you just said, if you had watched it properly you would know that the transporter creates a copy that isn't the original, as the incident with the duplicate Commander Riker proved.

it predicted that we would have support for interracial couples. that is invalid.

What the fuck these jokes all suck

That's exactly my fear. I don't want to die never, so a copy of me wouldn't work. I must be inside a machine that somehow heals my brain and makes me as close as inmortal as posible.

>The real you
There is no real you. You can't dip your toe in the same river twice. Every time you sleep, you lose continuity and you wake up as someone different. You become another person every time you gain new information and change your mind on a topic. Every time you reflect and grow. Your concept of self is a moving target.

This isn't a comfortable concept, so you may want to just reject it and believe I'm out of my goddamn mind, but it's really true. Recall yourself 10 or even 5 years ago. Who was that person? Do you really remember everything about them? Would they do the same things you would do in a complex situation?

Thats exactly my point. If you got uploaded 5 years ago, then that wouldn't be you in the computer.
Even if you live for 5 more minutes, then _you_ will die. A split second after the upload is finish, youre going to realize "oh fuck, Im still here". Its the outdated copy of you that wins the lottery on that day.

also the same thing applies to teleportation devices.

They did predict tablets.. or pad's as they call'em. But watching the series it's funny how there seems to be one special pad for each purpose, each book, each report, like each of them have the storage capacity of two sheets of paper and no networking.