>gaming on Loonix
Gaming on Loonix
>gaming on windows
but hey at least we have the fastest yes
back to Sup Forums thanks
And they want to put this on Steam.
Really makes you think.
#rekt :^)
That looks pretty sweet
TuxMasterRacer OS vs Pajeet OS and Faggot OS
>not turning up the graphics
>not picking the haunted mansion track
Funny, I used Windows for over 15 years and I never had BSOD
Looks like an N64 game
>not playing roguelikes
You mean it looks like the game it was based off of?
Also this is what an n64 game looks like.
the slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune
Would rather play that than superlookart
>things that never happened: the post
>it doesnt look like call of duty therefore its shit
sure, user
even back in 2003 it would be considered a 4/10 game
Why did you lie to me?
Pic related objectively better
>loonix fags can't accept the fact that windows is more stable than their half assed os
>windows being more stable than GNU/Linux
you're trying way too hard user
actually meant to post this
>installing windows on shitty tablet
I have Windows 10 on 2 PC's though.
But if Windows is so stable it should work fine senpai. But I guess that's why I still have 2002-era PCs with Debian on them running perfectly fine.
Windows is designed to be used on computers, not some shitty Chinese tablet, your argument is invalid
Not really. Windows 10 is shit. Will remove when bored enough to. Probably when I decide to get some cheap hdds, and decide what to do with them.
Pretty sure 2002-era PCs aren't tablets and even so tablets are still computers
Try harder faggot
>installing windows
>literally hundreds of documented cases of random BSODs and crashes on the internet
>b-but windows is so stable user, I swear!
>it's hardware fault, it's totaly not windows goy!
At the very least, post screenshot from the current version.
>Inb4 Tux still Sux
I never said it's stable, I said it's more stable than Linux which is true
>pajeets being this desperate for their daily 5 cents
user I'm going to be completely honest and on par with you. If you're comparing an entire operating system's stability to a kernel's stability, you're setting yourself up for failure.
Don't turn me into poojeet you fucker.
>more stable than Linux which is true
You're making an ass of yourself, senpai
>anime picture
>think I'm gonna read what he said
anime website
>anime site
Shit meant to link these two.
Then this
>he never tried developing a kernel driver
fucking plebs
dota2 on linux looks pretty rad imho
>what is Valve
>lying this hard to protect your favorite corporation
How sad.
Now we know for sure you're a liar, user
>non-monospace console font
That's the reason your kernel panics.
fuck off anime weirdo
>kernel driver
>on windows
Can you even do this without selling your firstborn child to Microsoft?
Windows DDK (driver dev. kit) is available to download for everyone and there is a startup option in recent windows' to disable digital signature checking in drivers.
yup, free in debug mode and you only need a digital code signing certificate from COMODO which you can get for $100 if you want to do it legit
About 40% of the new games on Steam these days come in GNU/Linux versions....
Valve knows that they will be locked out of Windows 10S, they know Microsoft will be pushing this walled garden OS everywhere they can and they are preparing.
It's nice. Gaming on GNU/Linux used to be a non-thing, but that's really changed a whole lot the last year.
These days it doesn't really matter what platform you use for CSGO and a bunch of other popular games (don't play much myself, but I've been keeping tabs on steam).
It's really quite weird how the weabs think all the boards on the website are for the discussion of anime, despite the glaring fact that there are specific boards for them.
At this point, the animefags are as bad as the furfags used to be. The furfags continuously went out of their way to piss everyone off by derailing threads by going off topic with their annoying garbage.
Are you people seriously so autistic that you can't talk about anything but anime?
Don't games run like shit in GNU/Linux compared to windows?
>why does this website originally created for anime discussion has so many users who like anime, and post anime reaction images?
The fucking founder of the site is a fucking Weeb, this is an anime based site
games with native gnu+linux executables run just as fine with proper graphic drivers.
>gaming on Loonix
literally nothing wrong with it
>no gta v
>descent: underground
I am so sorry user (is it any good yet)
you OP?
didn't play it so far, will play it in future
While this might be a lie, I never had any BSODs since I switched to Windows 7, I don't even know how they look like.
>Loonix never breaks, for anything
for those who want to play windows games but want to use linux, there's still GPU Passtrough
>15 years
for fucks sake user at least pick a smaller number so it sounds more believable.
I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you meant to type "5 years" but even then I don't believe you.
I really really like this picture
>download Ubuntu with mate
>starts customizing it
>UI crashes, kernel panics
>how unfortunate, may be a bug, let's restart
>try doing the same thing again, panics.
>fuck this Ubuntu shit
>downloads Mint with mate
>everything is slow
>UI is buggy as hell, clicking on items sometime don't work
Really makes you think
I have a10-7850k and r9 380 with 8 gigs of ram, if I was to do a passthroug, how good would my performance be?
Which is a huge hit or miss as to whether it will work or not.
>no Bad Rats
Linux has NO GAME
Your specs?
>Install Windows 10
>blows up
>Bill Gates comes through screen
>pulls me into his virtual world
>it's all full of pajeets
>*indian accent* "hello sir may i help you"
>me: "I just want to go back to the real world!"
>"okay sir, try the turning of computer off and back on again."
>Downloading updates, restarting...
>Couldn't complete the updates, undoing changes...
still more believable than
Who's "we"?
Holy shit. Did you think this was clever or funny in any way? Go back to middle school.
the botnet refers to itself with the royal "we"
your CPU supports IOMMU so if your motherboard supports it, too you will be able to do a GPU Passtrough. since your CPU has a built in GPU you don't even need to buy a second graphicscard
>Windows 10
I can believe in this.
It's true. Mint with Cinnamon is working perfectly tho
nice safe space SNOWFLAK!!! think u cn hide form the real warold, then spewing you're hate and oinions on the rest of the world. So sick! Shameful! Cowardly! I don't like it..
now this is shitposting
Does it have online multiplayer yet?
But hey it runs at 240fps constant.
If you aren't here with a foundation in liking anime or at least being mature enough to recognise the fact this site was created for anime fans, you are not welcome on this site, newfag.
I don't even actively watch anime much myself, but you are still the biggest faggots on this site.
Even more so than ponyfuckers.
At least those autistic fucks create content. You fags only come here to bitch and post your desktop. I bet you even go to Sup Forums unironically.