There are cuckolds on Sup Forums right now with less than 16GiB of RAM

>there are cuckolds on Sup Forums right now with less than 16GiB of RAM


Low RAM is comfy AF

Compensating for something?

>2Gb Win10
Oh Christ the horror

On LTSB it's really smooth. I wouldn't dare with a non-stripped down version

You only need 2 GB of ram.

does the amount of ram affect the speed that the computer takes to accomplish things?

No , you are the cuckold using an OS that requires you to have such a ridicolous amount of memory to even boot to the start screen


>swapping at 33%

what teh fuck are you doing

Laptop I got in 2011 had 16GiB

lightroom with VM win7


It just werks

Comfiness is never having to close a program again

Just dont turn on your pc then :^)

>16 GB

Not actually mine ahah, a friend of mine sent me this today ! Seems to be in Québec university


Will probably go with 64 or 128GB once Skylake-X comes out. Although I'll probably go the Xeon route.


Its actually 2.56 GB when converted to American units tho....

Please stop using the term cuckold as though it's a bad thing. There's nothing wrong with having a bull if you can't satisfy your wife, or if that is your fetish.

>16GB of RAM
>Browsing Sup Forums all day


b-but mmuh virtual waifus

>all these butt blasted ramlets in this thread


not sure if poor or just stupid

I totally agree with you. Forest fires are really something that should be prevented at all costs.


I only managed to go over 8gigs once by having 20 Chrome Tabs, 1 VM and 2 game severs running. Was I memed?

>There are nigger cattle on Sup Forums right now who don't have 128 GB of RAM