Amdlettes blown the fuck out can you overclock this far?
Amdlettes blown the fuck out can you overclock this far?
>water-cooling as a minimum cooling option at stock clock
What the fuck are they using to cool this? Open air system in Antarctica?
about time. I can finally emulate SNES roms like the system intended
not enough, liquid helium, -250C.
Again, i dont really understand why people care so much about those frequencies when its clear you cant use this. Im more interested on realistic frequencies, and its even worse considering this shit is not soldered.
>Needs Liquid Helium to reach 7.5GHz
This is so stupid, even if they're using a nonstop stream of liquid nitrogen to keep it cool, that chip can't possibly run at 7.5GHz for very long before it simply explodes.
Overclockers regularly complain about their GPUs only lasting 2 years, and they take it like a fact of life instead of owning up to the idea that it's their fault because they're running their GPUs at voltages that exceed design tolerances.
>being so poor you cant afford ln2 cooling
need to de lid a 500$ cpu just to overclock
They didn't use ln2, they needed liquid helium to cool it
>photoshop of the Sandy Bridge logo as an i9 on a video card
Reddit must be proud
This is unfortunate yes, but if you listen to that german overclocker dude, the stock paste is the most time-stable TIM. It's from some big tech company like Corning or something and intended to last a decade. The liquid metal you can pop the lid off and spread on will lower temps by 10 degrees C when overclocked, but he said it needs to be changed out, somewhat like a car's oil, after a year or so if you want to keep getting that maximum cooling. Some of you call yourselves tech enthusiasts but don't want to open up your CPU. Just buy an apple, fags.
Kill yourself
>it can do something that 99.9999999999% of people will never have a use for
They disabled HT and half the cores. It's a joke.
fuck yourself, intel kike
>use liquid helium to cool down your CPU
>beam microwaves into your CPU
>overclock your CPU with NMR
>>beam microwaves into your CPU
this works?
How long can it play dwarf fortress? lol
Literally fake news. The world record for highest CPU overclock is held by an AMD CPU at 8.4GHz.
>Intel can't even match AMD clocks from 2012 in 2017
>implying they're not BTFO'd
I dunno, you'd have to hire a midget to pour the ln2 for you. BTW this is what the CPU looks like "preparing it" for ln2, so it doesn't split in two like a graham cracker.
Also from the braintrusts at PC Gamer that convinently left out the fact that shit is done on ln2 ..
This can only end in hilarity. Even the guy who made the tool doesn't reccomend using it as it can damage the chips around the die.
P4 days are back huh?
AMD did this ages ago. lol.
Wasn't this with Hyper-Threading disabled and only 2 cores?
Not even that user but you inspired me to make this.
Wow, so I can be faster than Ryzen if I run my PC on liquid helium?
That's all I ever wanted.
Literally DoA.
Anyone got the copypasta about daddies cummies and can put the PC Gamer editors face in it replying to Intel media managers?
Those records are completely artificial as it's no real world representation, simply because the physics within the chip change so much. A chip cooled at minus a-fucktonĀ°C will have much lower internal resistance and power consumption than a chip at regular temperatures.
The current world record is still held by Bulldozer and in no way was it anything but God awful.
Wasn't that only on 1/2 cores though?
Yes, but this 7.5ghz result was also on 2 cores only
That filename, kek.
Intel on suicide watch.
no wonder why those cpu's cost 2 gorylions
intel must pay for all those trolls
Didn't check, what's so funny about it-
God fucking damnit
>PC gaymer
reminder that AMD doesnt let you delid their chips whereas based intel does
i didnt know the navi was real.
i'm interested to see vga card with intel chip
>Sie Sind Das Essen Und Wir Sind Die Jager
Copy that.
8.7 on all cores.
So I can expect about 5GHz on stock right? And about 6GHz on CM 212 Evo. Based Intel.
4.7 tops.
Intel actually made an AGP GPU once, it sucked.
>inb4 housefire memes
Oh man a 4core CPU was clocked at 7.5Ghz what a world record!
Oh wait. Here's an old AMD 8-core clocked at 8.4Ghz
She is actually just 6.1.
Sorry but amd was reaching those temps like 5 years ago if not even more
That image was made right here on Sup Forums about a week ago.
Lurk moar faggot.
>he needs to open his CPU every year for maintenance
oh hi there with your shitty 7700k rebrand
>can reach 7.5 GHz
>on liquid helium
>relevant for everyday usage
Intel shills are desperate, again.
Top fucking kek, it's the FX-9590 all over again
I'm really thinking about getting an i9 for Gentoo. Would it be worth it?
>Them legs
Totally would
lmao no
threadripper and makeopts -j32
didnt amd get 8ghz 4 years ago?
Nearly 8.8GHz to be exact, see
>7.5 GHz
>world record
I've seen 10+ GHz overclocks with nitrogen cooling in the past. It's literally nothing.