Hey Sup Forums, taskbar on top? Or bottom?
Hey Sup Forums, taskbar on top? Or bottom?
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Top, with autohiding window titlebar if the window is maximized for extra space saving.
easier to access and closer to menus.
bottom. old windows habits die hard.
Le contrarian meme
Learn about Fitt's law you stupid Apple nigger.
Do you put the window title bar and buttons on the bottom to make up for it?
not him, but left saves space, it's objectively better (yes, im autistic)
I'm on windows and I think it works better like that
why would i be a "stupid Apple nigger" lel
Tripfags, ladies and gentlemen.
jordan is a fag
I prefer top, partly because I like having the date and time centered at the top of the screen, and partly because i prefer the launcher to be at the bottom. I have the launcher on autohide, but I keep the taskbar always visible so I can always know the time without having to hover over it.
>move everything to the top so that menus and windows are close together
>somehow moving window buttons to the bottom is a logical step
Fitt's law suggests a top title bar is beter actually. Less distance between browser functions (almost any app functions for that matter) and the taskbar.
Are you suggesting it's better to move from the bottom of the screen all the way to the top?
this lel
Left side unless you have chink eyes or a square ratio monitor.
not to meme, but i don't see how there could be any other argument, objectively, than the right side, other than, "but i like it better on the top"
i am, of course, assuming a 16:9 aspect ratio, which, if not the case, neuters this argument
placement on left/right is preferable because you maximize vertical space, whilst simultaneously making it more comfortable to view most things, as very few media, besides visual, is intended for such a wide aspect ratio
however, right side wins over left, because when you look at a maximized window, your eye naturally looks towards the left-most side, as english reads left-to-right
if you place the taskbar on the left, you have to constantly adjust and make up for that bit of panel space before the text you want to read actually starts
if you place the taskbar on the right, you rarely, if ever, glance at it, because all your text is immediately beginning at the leftmost edge of your screen
i feel like this is objectively irrefutable
Workspace with tasks bottom, stats up. I use i3
>Trying to copy the homOSeX operating system.
Nigger tier.
>muh side
My top panel is less than 20 pixels so moving it would mean I get one line of text extra on screen. Having it horizontal along the top means I can have the window titles in the panel instead of having an extra title bar on every window.
The idea of an infinite size button in the corner of the screen nigger.
Hello Gentoo friend, please share wallpaper.
left with autohide
Yea well I like my program titles to display with the icon. If you use a vertical taskbar it either writes it all weird or just doesn't work.
stupid canonical nigger
upload limit is 4MB and too lazy to compress so here imgur.com
>oriental cartoon girls
>le waste of space applel dock
wow... rude!
no taskbar
its on autohide nigger, no space wasted
>Living the botnet
who the fuck cares?
(except autists)
winfag plebs are the only ones who don't care.
uncultured swine
>using mainstream products is uncultured
I've been using bottom since forever, it's maximum comfy
Always left.
On windows, I just leave it at the bottom..
I used to have it on top in Windows Vista but it was the last (only? I never tried it on older machines) one that allowed the task bar to go "Under" an open window.
7,8 and 10 dont have this as a feature.
Linux: Top or no task-bar.
Having the bar on the left pushes the left-aligned content more towards the center of the screen which is preferable, not that it matters either way.
And since the content is left aligned the bar is more often in view without having to glance anywhere.
And having the bar on the right for touch screens results in unintended activation for right-handed users, not to mention occlusion of the bar.
No matter what way you spin it left is superior.
Doesn't matter as long as it is automatically hidden, can even be on left or right.
?? what??
This icon theme is trying to mimic the ANDROID aesthetic, the fact that his dock is on the bottom doesn't fucking matter since the style of his dock isn't even like macOS and even it it was, on most Linux DEs and macOS you can move the dock to the sides as well.