She was using TOR


Other urls found in this thread:

Thor is a faggot anyway

>hiding from the US government on a US military network

nuffin 2 hide

>one backdoored by the agency your company was working for
wew, women zero, computers one

what did """she""" do?

leaked a document to the press by mailing out a printout which was bit-encoded with information telling the NSA who printed it, when, and where

then she mailed it to glenn greenwald without washing it through a copier, and he scanned it high rez enough for the bit pattern to be recovered and she was arrested one hour later

then she squealed and is now telling them everything she knows

Should've used Tor instead of TOR

*fake document, it probably turns out, at that

they made up some bait that anti-drumpf tards would bite at

>when a media outlet outs their source
kek everytime. same thing happened with murderin mcafee and vice

She was caught when she was PRINTING at her workplace.


Nah Tor is backdoored use tOR

proof that its fake?

Only 6 other people printed the document she leaked. She would have cracked under pressure from people with printer logs in hand anyway.

She used her Gmail email when she mailed the document to the interncept.

She didn't know about the hidden yellow dots for identification on the document she printed which also screwed her.

As far as I know, she didn't use Tor. She had no reason to. She fully expected to get caught.

On another note; 'Reality Winner'.. really? This is all just a simulation I'm living in, isn't it..

Revealed Russia hacked some computers belonging to election officials in charge of voting machines and then spread malware from their email addresses before the presidential elections. And that the NSA not only knew about it, but were doing nothing.


OP is a liar.

man, what's the point of the civil liberty violations if they aren't gonna do shit?

9/10. Would interrogate sexually.

Snowden warned us months ago about the potential for an escalating war of attribution with regards to hacking. It's currently happening right now.

Yup. It's going to be the first war fought with out shooting a bullet.

Every case of someone being caught who was using tor was never because authorities cracked tor, but because of poor opsec.

hackers are the new terrorists you mean?
yeah i would agree if so, more people getting dependent on technology, easy to make a new boogeyman out of hackers, both foreign and not.
better start loading up on those loonix isos before they ban them

>Tor is secure meme

Cute. I wish I was in that pod.

it has backdoors, openbsd is a good bet but plan9 or 9front are the future as far as people see it

Like they are going to reveal the fact they broke down TOR and all it took was a million dollars and some Carnegie-Mellon nerds.

proof that it's true?

why would you expect them to serve the public? they have too much power for that.

not an argument

>404 argument not found

why does it seem like they get most of their help from that school in particular?

First, you have no proof of this claim that they somehow "broke" tor.

Second, the encryption keys used on tor are practically unbreakable on any human time scale let alone trying to break into the multiple keys used for tor connections.

Third, every case of someone being caught who was using tor was a case of poor opsec, i.e., logging into your personal accounts, using the same name, posting images of your room, opening childporn.jpg.pdf, etc.

Fourth, even if some government entity controls some tor nodes they don't have nearly enough information to tie any connection to any one person given that thousands of people will be using said node on a daily basis, and since there are millions of tor nodes half the time many connections might not even run through said government node.

Fifth, go away FBI and/or Chink intelligence, I'm sorry people are escaping your surveillance grip with tor and you're desperately trying to shill the meme that tor is insecure.

stop shilling for tor, it's busted, backdoored, etc, and this has been known for years

She was arrested and charged?

So is the election fake?

>following normie drama
Literally had to read the thread to see what this is about and I still don't give a fuck about this slut.

Honestly lol if you find any of this or the Edward Snowden shit interesting or important.

Remember girls, go to Karlie's YouTube to learn about cyber.

>no proof
>effectively the same argument from just worded differently that I already addressed in
Every "failure" of tor was never tor itself, it was the idiot behind the keyboard who didn't practice good opsec.

Nice argument FBI.

not an argument

The burden of proof is on you

Because the Plaid Parlament of Pwning won Defcon CTF 3 years in a row. Feds saw the talent, and those little nerds wouldn't turn down the money or the opportunity.

No. Not at all.. Attritbution = being able to say with 100% confidence WHO hacked you. Before it wasn't exactly possible, but nowadays the Russians just don't give a fuck. Combined with the fact that some careless NSA TAO operator left a shitload of nation-state-level tools/weapons/files on a server that the Russians compromised and are now throwing it in our faces; see Shadow Brokers.

Everything Snowden said is coming true.

Hidden Services are a niche that no one cares about and exits are all fucked.
Number of reasons to use tor: 1 (going to jail)

>On another note; 'Reality Winner'.. really? This is all just a simulation I'm living in, isn't it..

hehe welcome to my world kid

hopefully they execute her for treason.


>caring about this
so out of touch you are

Cool, again, there are millions of tor nodes around the world and even if the FBI controlled some of them they still wouldn't have enough information to connect any connection to any person.

I recommend watching these videos into tor since you obviously don't understand what the fuck you're talking about.

Onion Routing - Computerphile

How Tor Users Got Caught - Defcon 22

>be part of intelligence community
>be unaware of printer microdots

violated a dept of defense contract under top secret level clearance

you left out the fact that she was only one of six people to print the document as well.

>Tracking dots are usually invisible to the naked eye under normal light. They are tiny and light yellow which makes them hard to see against the white of a page. They are usually printed across the entirely of a page -- even the parts where that are otherwise blank. They are present in both color printers and copiers but do not show up in pages printed in black-and-white mode.
>do not show up in pages printed in black-and-white mode

>millions of tor nodes
I do use tor for toy uses but really if you're going to spread that much misinformation you're doing the project a massive disservice. If you want to help Tor, you need to shut the fuck up because you are a fucking dumb shit.

You'd be surprised how many secretaries and security guards work "in the intelligence community", with clearance and access, and have no IT knowledge or experience at all. And for those people, it's best they not know what microdots are and what they do. Case in point, this woman.

Excuse me if I was wrong on a hyperbole. Everything else I've stated is factual and have yet to see a single argument that isn't along the lines of
>tor is insecure because I said so

millennials, they were 2 when that was news on slashdot

How old are you?

no you've been given a laundry list of theoretical vulns which were pursued by researchers to some degree or another, which you ignored as usual

this government funded research into vulnerabilities in a government-funded bit of software being sold as secure and SHILLED as secure couldn't possibly go secret after they are made into effective weapons against Tor could they?

you lack imagination and the one thing these past few years have proved is that if (((they))) *CAN* do it, they will

I'd wager at least 95% of Sup Forums users are millennials, user.

old enough to have fucked your mom when she was cute

Tor can't mask traffic shape or metadata which are the two most useful things to law enforcement. Telling people to use Tor so they can be safe is pure evil, Tor is only as safe as you allow it. The more the powers that be marginalize Tor the less useful it becomes.

Modern color printers have no such thing as B&W printing. They're always using a tiny bit of ink from each of the color cartridges, because otherwise the nozzles would get clogged.

I'm 25 and remember when this was news.

Ok shut the fuck about Tor now, armchair experts pulling the first results off google you can find.

She wasn't using Tor. She did this knowing she would be caught. Why else did she use her fucking Gmail when emailing the news publication.

>she didn't use tails
>she didn't use a torrented copy of windows 7

>you've been given a laundry list of theoretical vulns which were pursued by researchers to some degree or another, which you ignored as usual
I have? Well then, feel free to share them then because all I've seen is
>tor is insecure I know this because I said so

>this government funded research into vulnerabilities in a government-funded bit of software being sold as secure and SHILLED as secure couldn't possibly go secret after they are made into effective weapons against Tor could they?
Tor is open source, you're more than free to audit the code for yourself as I'm sure has already been done by hundreds of users and by the lack of noise it seems there's nothing and you're sperging out about nothing. Hell, you're also free to go and fork it too if you want.

>you lack imagination and the one thing these past few years have proved is that if (((they))) *CAN* do it, they will
If "imagination" is the only argument you have against tor being insecure then I think I'm done here.

>replying to a bait thread with a serious non-troll reply
you have a lot to learn newfuck

Bait thread that had some real discussion going on before Tor sidetracked it.

openssl was open source but that didn't change that it's a steaming shitpile, alas that's not the problem. the tor network is the problem not the tor software.

you should suck on a dick and calm down a bit, then get back to us.

Which again, comes down to opsec and not that tor is insecure. I've never stated tor is a silver bullet to anonymity, in every post I've stated that how effective tor is comes down to how intelligent the user is.

so basically it was another side-channel discovery, and nothing directly through Tor?

Isn't requiring super opsec antithetical to a general purpose privacy network for the common man?

so like, 60+?

Openssl has since been patched and fixed. The same applies to tor, if something is found it'll be fixed on the spot.

>you should suck on a dick and calm down a bit, then get back to us.
Well now that you've been reduced to ad hominems I can say that yeah, we're done here.

>super opsec
I didn't realize doing simple things like not opening childporn.jpg.pdf, removing metadata from images, using bridges, not using the same handle across the web, and logging into accounts you've made over tor over your regular IP was "super opsec."

>Internet Arguments on Sup Forums, sponsored by the Tor Internet Defense Force

They're thick as fuck, it's almost as bad as a systemd thread.

Systemd is a backdoor too by the way.

Hey, call me when you have an actual argument. I'm still waiting on that "laundry list" of "theoretical vulns" you spoke of.

Tor shills are worse than systemd shills by orders of magnitude.

They can and do both eat dicks like sausages though.


They protest a little too hard.

Why should I use Tor when I could pay for a log free VPN? I mean you get what you pay for, who the fuck would use a free service? It's a fucking botnet.

>not remembering the content of the document
>not encrypting said content,writing it in groups of 5 digits on highly combustible paper
>not using dead drop devices made to look like dog turds

modern spying is pleb as fuck

Modern spying is boring as fuck.

>her name was Reality Winner

seriously, what the fuck, man

Tor has some advantages over a VPN but in general either or is fine so long as you use proper opsec.

Tor is a free service but it's free as in freedom and the network is entirely maintained by the community rather than by the tor project itself.

>Reality Winner is a SJW so far detached from the rest of the world that she leaks classified info to fight drumpf yet gets caught because she used Tor.

I thought it was a pseudonym lol

what are these "some advantages"? looks like using tor is like choosing to draw the "go directly to jail" card, I would like to pass go and collect $200 thank you very much.

Reality used to be a friend of mine.

Oh nevermind you're just the same shitposter sperging about



>because she used Tor
nope try reading again, maybe you'll get it right next time

I miss when Tor had mostly cool people and wasn't infested with useless shits like you.

So they didn't actually hack the air gapped voting machines?
Because that might have affected the election results a little


There is no way this is real. How the fuck could someone this stupid (allegedly) get such security clearance. This whole thing must be some political scheme.

You put the idea out there that this document was legit. The onus is on you.

>still miss any proof Russians did shit
This is getting sad

yeah she's getting arrested and will be getting the book thrown at her because this is all a deep state ruse. it's good you were here to debate so marvelously and show us the truth.

That's what we don't know yet, but looking like less than probable. So far it's just their computers and the malware.

There has been some finger pointing at the collusion between the Trump campaign advising Russians on which districts to spread propaganda online, but that's it.

So you just assume the doc is true and not a fabrication

Yes you are.

>Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday his country has “never engaged in” hacking another nation’s elections, but left open the possibility that hackers with “patriotic leanings … may try to add their contribution to the fight against those who speak badly about Russia.”