IOS game recommendations

Recommend me some iOS games Sup Forums

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A game that lets you access the file system

A game which makes OP straight.


>bottom right android game is about avoiding Apple products


but you have file manager in ios now dumbass ;')

>using your phone to play games
short attention span millenial detected
if you have spare time and only have your phone read the news or something


why does android have shit games?

iOS gets games like 6 months plus before devs even consider porting them to android. and most devs don't even bother.

>he buys an iFag Homo 8 Plus
>for gaymes
>no 3.5 jack
>sticks it in his ass

>Playing games on your phone

Get out normies

Found OP.

>Android games

>avoid shit game
>Android exclusive
This explains everything about applefags.

Dumbass SummerFag GTFO

enjoy your 32 bit games while you can.

Everything made before September 2013 may be 32 bit only if not updated.

Oh well, not my problem.

>Accessing system files on a fucking phone


That's why I'm looking

Are you serious?

answer the question, pajeet

Off the top of my head
>able to download files and move them around
>manage pictures and media easily
>document management

I can understand why these wouldn't be necessary for you when all you do is browse Facebook and Instagram on your iShit device.

lol fuck off you nerd. All you need is social media

To retain original filenames and not be called a phoneposter on Sup Forums :^)

>wasting your life playing faggy games and on your phone like a toddler giving your good-goy bux to some pajeet shovelware developer
>building a fucking directory tree structure on your phone for literally no reason other than to tell other fat neckbeards on Sup Forums that you like havaing a file manager on your phone like some fat neckbeard

is there anybody who uses a phone like a normal person anymore? phones are for utilities like making calls, accessing a calendar, sending quick messages and checking your stocks


This user is right.
Also you are getting file manager in ios 11.
So the pajeets argument don't make any sense.


>Apple pays for it.

You almost had me, but then
>checking your stocks
As if, faggot

Who the fuck uses phones for calls nowadays? Are you enjoying being ripped off by your provider? Smartphone is a portable Internet device first, a media device second and, lastly, a messenger. They have replaced PCs for many people, as evident by Android being more popular on the web than even Windows.

Apple doesn't pay for anything this is just they are the richest company on the world. They just give best tools for devs(ez as fuck optimization, swift, all the the devkits they made etc.) also apple users have money, they buy their shit not torrent it so devs can make some money.

>implying i didnt mean calling over various VOIP clients

You're a god

If they allow to manage files from a PC as well(without using shady apps) then I might even consider buying it.

Text > voice.

>I prefer IOS because muh games

You are more cancerous than Winbabbies, fuck off to

hence why i also said

>sending quick messages

I recommend you to suck some cock you fucking faggot

Pretty sure that one is a simulation of being on xda.

the trips of truth

I stopped using my phone as a simple phone when I realised it allowed me to not carry a laptop around for basic stuff

>supports external storage, mouse and keyboard via USB OTG
>has plenty of good apps on its own(some even better than their desktop equivalents) but also has busybox and you can even chroot into a full Linux distro of your choice(most commonly Debian)
It's literally a pocket PC at this point.

>playing games on smartphones
What the fuck is wrong with you people?

>phones historically had games on them
>it's a bad thing now, when phones finally have decent GPUs

I like the potential discussion of technology in this thread OP! Keep it up!

Phone games were always trash, now now they just kill your battery magnitudes faster


You take that back you son of a nigger.

>snes Speed Racer game
I laughed harder than I should

oh my fucking god this was on a Siemens phone I remember oh god

It has the shittiest version of Shin Megami Tensei, if that's your fancy. You could just emulate it on Android though

Monument Valley 2 is out.
Yes, it's short and sweet but it's eye candy all the way.