IM General

>Forced to use WhatsApp since friends and family aren't willing to switch

>Only Signal contact is ex gf

Other urls found in this thread:

>forced to use whatsapp since friends and family aren't willing to switch
>only riot conversation is with my other test account

Same with Jabber. All my exgfs are there. I have no other friends. OMEMO ftw.

nobody I know will use anything other than plain-vanilla SMS

>location ?
>age ?

flyover country, USA

>remember back in the day
>Yahoo AIM MSN

What happened?
Why is this shit making another comeback?
Why do I 'have' to download Messenger, when I can just leave my Facebook App out of date, and the mailbox still works just like it used to?
Why is social media such a strong force?

>using skype
>gf complains it's not secure
>migrate her to cryptocat (it's cute enough that even grills wanna use it because of cat stickers)
>she doesn't even own a smartphone because privacy reasons
she's a keeper. soon I will convert her to the GNU/Linux mustard race

>Forced to use WhatsApp
BS. You can just not use it.

>gf complains it's not secure
>she doesn't even own a smartphone because privacy reasons

a true legbeard

What would be the go-to IM to use if I have lots of old accounts and still would like to use them (like msn and yahoo and all that.)
Got some contacts on those I'd like to keep but I think it's time to move away from all these separate IMs. Can get a little too out of hand with multiple chats going on.

couldnt get omemo to work with gajim for some reason. does it work better with pidgin/miranda or whatever?

This but early 20s. People here are all guns and freedom but dont have a shred of interest in the real threats regarding their privacy

Yes, please post pics

>using sms
>not communicating with your gf by using dead drop one time pad encrypted messages in the woods 100 miles out from civilization

they're disgustingly subservient to law enforcement and the military, too, in addition to being all "hurr nothing to hide"

That's because they don't live their lives on the computer.

Did this post time travel from 2005? Network is long dead, no?

>favorite XMPP server shut down indefinitely
>all the others are shitty or in German
Are there any English servers with all the good addons like OMEMO?
inb4 "host ur own :^)"

What's up with the WhatsApp popularity in third world countries?

I use Gajim.

What's wrong with

it's popular everywhere desu

and for what it is, it's good enough. gives you secure chats, easy to install. normies are already despairing at setting up an irc client, doubt they could ever get jabber to work. telegram is good in that regard as well and provides a nice usability/security tradeoff. same reason why so few people use linsucks.

>only 500 users allowed
>registration closed
I might try this

sorry, I dont like my privacy violated. She's my gf :3
>The data of the jabber-server is backed up hourly to a remote location. The data is encrypted using GPGbeforeit is sent over the wire, therefore, only Robert, Mati and David can decrypt the backups, even if the backup-server is compromised. The hourly backups are stored for 3 days, daily backups are kept for an additional 4 days. is actually pretty good. They know what are they doing.

>IM General
Kill yourself.

>despairing at setting up an IRC client
This can't be true.
Also I give no to Telegram and WhatsApp. Metadata are actually pretty much valuable. Doesn't matter if you don't use debloated LineageOS or GNU(not 'buntu)+Linux tho.

is that all you can contribute to the thred?
LOLE me too.............

>not having any friends

I dunno why I said msn. Ah well.

You got what I meant, yes?

Other than apparently not having OMEMO, this looks good. What are the downsides to the other kinds of encryption? I've never really used them.

It does support PEP.

Pretty Easy Privacy.

I taught my mom how to use Wire, so I use Wire as my primary message service, also I convinced two friend to use it as well, but I still can't deleted WhatsApp, I don't use it anymore but I have it for emergency use only.

Wire is commercial bullshit and stores your phone number in Ireland on Amazon' servers.

I don't think that Conversations supports that, only OMEMO, OTR, and OpenPGP

Personal Eventing Protocol.

here PEP means private eventing protocol, which is needed for OMEMO.

OMEMO is an client-side thing. as long as the servers supports PEP you can do omemo.

I don't know about that, but it seems the most secure alternative imo...

>all those shovelware features

>Signal as a replacement for texting/whatsapp
>Matrix as a replacement for all other messaging on both desktop, mobile, and web
If you haven't heard about Matrix:

Cryptocat is run by morons and has been thoroughly BTFO and decrypted multiple times.

that's he old version of cryptocat, senpai

the new cryptocat is a desktop client that builds on omemo and everything

>>Only Signal contact is ex gf
>I haven't let go yet

Also, be happy you're forced to use WA, maybe you'll seem normie enough to get another gf or a fuckbuddy at the very least.

>using encryption software run by morons
No thanks.

I've looked at the source code and found no errors. since it's free software, why don't you give it a personal audit?

I tried using it but didnt find any sort of interesting contacts/channels. it's pretty much dead. normies rather stick to discord

It doesn't matter if it's "secure" now. It is still managed and written by retards that ignored vulnerability reports until someone wrote a decryption tool and completely wrekt them. I won't use software managed by idiots.

Call me when there's an F-Droid app for Matrix that doesn't use pull for notifications

nobody is forcing you to use it. it's pretty much perfect for my purposes, and, unless someone finds a serious bug, I will continue using it, because it fits my scenario perfectly: secure chatting with my gf without having to give up my phone number or guiding her through complicated setups on her laptop.


Wire is good as a stopgap until certain Matrix features mature (like e2e for group calls), but I'd rather just get my friends to move to Matrix than get them to move twice.

For friends that don't want to use something secure, just use the most basic commonly available methods of communication: SMS, Email, and phone calls. Everyone has them, and if they want to use something nicer, I guess they better use something secure. No one can make you use Whatsapp, if they have Whatsapp, you have each other's phone numbers. Just text them.

That explains it. You guys have the shittiest data plans on earth.
>tfw MX
>1 USD is 18.73 MXN
Not the best, but everybody can afford WA over here

Well, just know that if cryptocat ends up having another vulnerability, they will ignore it until it's too late.

I thought we were talking about securely IMing friends, if you're trawling public chat channels to try and make friends, that's something else entirely.

That's pretty specific. Have you submitted an issue about it?

>shittiest data plans

you haven't been to Germany

>You guys have the shittiest data plans on earth.
Burgers get cucked on a lot of things because so many people here are too lazy to shop around. Phones especially, most normies are just like "But I need a new phone and lots of data... oh well, it costs what it costs, I just have to pay it" Switching providers (or even calling customer service and threatening to switch if they don't give you a discount) is regarded as too much of a hassle, compared to just coughing up every month.

When are people going to realize that Whatsapp won the war in most countries.
E.g., here in Switzerland everybody is using it. And they will, since everybody in their life is using it too. It does not matter what Whatsapp is lacking, it's the one with the userbase.
Normies don't know and don't care about Threema, Signal, Telegram, or whatever they are called.

Using something else doesn't stop normies from using Whatsapp. They can use both. Just don't use Whatsapp. If your friends won't spend the minute to download something else, you don't have very good friends.

>your friends won't spend the minute to download something else, you don't have very good friends.
So basically you're a shit friend for not spending a minute downloading WA? Sheesh

Privacy and security matters a lot to most people who browse Sup Forums. If your friends won't spend 1 minute on something you're clearly very passionate about, then yeah, they're shitty friends. People use Whatsapp because people already use it, not because they care particularly about what they're using.

>Privacy and security matters a lot to most people who browse Sup Forums.
>If your friends won't spend 1 minute on something you're clearly very passionate about, then yeah, they're shitty friends.
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Anybody that uses anything other than riot/matrix is an idiot. Signal and wire are better than standard SMS but why the fuck would you care slightly enough about security to use those but not enough to just use the best platform.

You can run your own matrix server and create accounts for your friends on it. You wouldn't even need to enable e2e at that point, u mean you could but the data is only on your server anyway.

Plus matrix bridges with irc, slack, and even SMS so you can use it to talk to fucking everybody

Seriously, the only reason to not use matrix is if you just don't give a shot about security. Using signal or wire is batshit stupid.

their sms plans are even worse

its why the iphone meme is so strong there, because it uses data and not sms with imessage

my friends and I all use Telegram. Desktop versions, good performance, group chats, etc. Nobody complains.

and thats why signal works

if friends dont use it, it just sends standard sms
if they have signal it uses data

wtf? it doesn't even require you to give it a phone number.

(you) sound entitled

Lucky user but at the end they recommend using lolwhatsapp so idk

What do you lads think about wickr and gliph?

Every single one uses a smartphone heavily for financial purposes and I have seen a few discuss very sensitive legal topics
I don't understand how my post made you believe that but it is probably just the "millenials are entitled meme" which is just muddying real issues for the sake of having a simple one liner to discredit young people who have real things to say. I definitely believe that my generation is the toxic pinnacle (hopefully) of the "me" mindset, however.

If they do this, they must do something worse. Use logic, user.

>forced to use telegram because slavic country -> shitty stupid white niggers everywhere
>forced to use wechat because trading with china
>forced for skype because retarded gf
>only sip/xmpp contact is my literally 70 y/o grandpa because i set everything for him to just "point and click"
I hate my life.

Look, I've dunked on Nadim plenty enough but he's done okay there this time.


Matrix's encryption is still unreliable as hell for me. But I like it and it has a lot of promise for the future when megolm is a little more seasoned.

Signal works for devices with phone numbers, Wire works for devices without phone numbers (and cross-platform) and WhatsApp is normie-friendly and still pretty good (if you don't back up your messages to the cloud).

Telegram's shit, don't, don't, don't.

I do not have a positive impression of Wickr but that is not backed up by any work that I myself have done. I've never heard of that last one.

>thinking these apps will save you
The powers that be track your thumb taps before it even reaches the messenger servers. Just use snapchat since the only thing worth caring about at this point is not having a hard record of your chats.

Nice try NSA

Lol. Sup Forumstard thinks he's someone. I suppose you don't use Signal either because moxie's a retard for implementing badly checked MACs for large files. I suppose you don't use PGP because Zimmerman used shitty home-brew crypto at start. I suppose you disable TLS because of BEAST, DROWN etc. Can't use crypto libraries written by morons. Go fuck yourself. Love, user.

Lol. And in the end your crappy client is hacked by a nation state.
Eat shit nigger.

Good point user.