*blocks Intel's path*

*blocks Intel's path*

Other urls found in this thread:


>Trading proprietary shit for even more proprietary shit

*emulates your instruction set*
Pssh, nothing personal kid.


*blocks everyone's path*


Intel is going to sue Qualcomm out of existence.

everyone should be free to make an x86 CPU imo
where can I campaign for such changes to the legal system

Pay 1.2b fine to AMD first, schlomo.

Emulation is legal, Qualcomm and Microsoft are going to take a big dump on Intel.

lmao fuck Intel for trying to pull this shit.

>Emulation is legal, Qualcomm and Microsoft are going to take a big dump on Intel.
For reals? With the sd835? A CPU that is something like half the speed of a mobile Core chip from 5 years ago? Yeah I'm sure Intel is real scared of that. My Sandy bridge powered T420s would stomp this thing in the ground easily. Much less anything newer. MickeySquish and Shitcomm are on dope if they think they have a chance.

>My Sandy bridge powered T420s would stomp this thing in the ground easily.
While having 1/3 the batter life.


>You now realize that people use their laptop as a Facebook machine and none of what you said matters

/thread (tehee)

Lol. There are plenty of 6th and 7th generation Intel powered laptops that get over 10 hours of battery. Try again.

These are barely more powerful than s835. The only real competitor is Zen.

Ok question from a retard in legalese, what exactly do they have copyrights and patents on? The actual instruction set, or the implementation of it? What can they sue other companies for?

We also got raven ridge from amd coming out too.

Which would be relevant if Atom powered laptops hadn't been such a dismal failure. And those Atoms were just as fast as a sd835 which is to say they were so slow as to be worthless trying to run the JavaScript shitshow that is the modern world. It will be fun watching this fail.

Prove it, show us the linpack benchmarks or software HEVC encoding benchmarks.

Lol nope. The single thread speed of even a core m3 is double the sd835. You need to check the numbers and wit falling for the hype. Only Apple ARM can compete and they aren't licensing any time soon.

I would imagine they'll pull the same shit Microsoft does when it comes too Linux. Just threaten with their "portfolio" sans specifics enough to put a chill on the market and maybe extract a few billion in license fees.

Atoms were trash before they had shit battery life in comparison with ARM.
Willing to bet your average user can't even tell the difference between a core m3 and SD835.

He's a Big Boy

The x64 instruction set emulation is temporary at best. They want you to submit to Universal Windows Platform (UWP) applications and Windows 10S which doesn't allow you to install anything outside of their appstore will become the norm.

Emulation is also a non-issue for other operating systems like ChromeOS and GNU/Linux since it's trivial to port and run them and all the software for them with native instructions.

I seriously doubt that Intel has a real legal case with their imaginary property. Their basic x86 patent expired long ago. They do have some patents that build on it but not that many and they are for hardware anyway.

Intel's real fear is that Lenovo, HP, ASUS and others have already announced that they will make notebooks using Qualcomm's chips.

If the chip is way cheaper than Intel and AMDs offerings and it's good enough to browse the web and play videos then it's fine. Can you already do those things on a flagship or just a low-end phone? Why yes, yes you can.

Atom chips are pure garbage and generations behind ARM chips. I say this because I actually bought a cheap Intel tablet when Intel tried to get into the tablet space and sold those chips below cost in a desperate attempt to get into the market. That Intel Atom powered tablet performs worse than a cheap phone made years before it. That tablet has extremely short battery life and it overheats all the time. You'll understand how bad those Atom chips are if you ever see or try a tablet powered by an Atom. Even those MediaTek ARM chips are vastly superior to Intel's current offerings.

And this brings me to one of the more important reasons why I think these Qualcomm notebooks will be a huge success: The norm for a laptop today is something like 2 to 4 hours of battery life in real-world usage. If they make one that will actually last a full day or a weekend then I'm sold.

>SD835 can't run basic web browsers goy, buy intel

>Willing to bet your average user can't even tell the difference between a core m3 and SD835.
You are talking about a cellphone chip that is half the speed of Intel's bottom of the barrel Core running a full operating system and emulating another instruction set on top of that. This is going to be a shitshow of the highest order. I get that normies don't get a lot of respect around here but, come on, people aren't that stupid to not notice when their laptop is so slow as to be practically useless.

Intel's going to fail to get into mobile with their trash Atoms and then sue anyone who tries to use ARM with Windows and an x86 emulation layer, lol. What a bunch of fucking kikes.

I don't get it. What's happening? Why can AMD use x86 and intel not give a shit?

1. It only kicks in when using old Win32 programs which normies prob. won't be running all the time
2. It's a lot more complex than just an emulation layer. venturebeat.com/2017/05/11/watch-windows-10-running-on-arm-with-full-support-for-existing-win32-apps/

Cross-licensing deal. Intel owns x86, AMD owns x86-64. They both can use each other's instructions and extensions.

I've made my case and I don't know what else to tell you. It doesn't matter how cheap it is or what the battery life is if it is unsuitable for its primary purpose. The fact is sd835 is to slow to be a satisfactory laptop/desktop experience for the average consumer. The chip is half the speed of a core m. Period. Even for Facebook et al that is unacceptable. Resist that all you want but you are wrong.

My 5" Redmi 5 Prime has a chip that's a whole lot slower and guess what? I can use a web browser just fine. I can basically do everything I want to on it. It cost me $150. This phone is not so slow it's practically useless.

See, a laptop for normies with any of the chips that are in your phone is good enough for the social media crap and videos and so on. Remember, Qualcomm chips have things like hardware video encoding and decoding built into them.

You're basically pretending that a modern phone is too slow to be usable as a notebook. You're simply wrong. Sure, there are some things you can't do on a phone but there's also a whole lot of things you can do. Just imagine a flagship phone with a bigger screen and a full-size keyboard and you'll get how that's totally usable for posting on Sup Forums.

Here's one last little detail to think about: Modern phones score higher in Geekbench than the laptop I'm currently using.

Guess all those billions of people with ARM devices (most of which are even slower than SD 835) are going to dump them in the trashcan for a core m by Intel who you should definitely buy right now, amirite?

You are both making the mistake of comparing completely different devices with completely different form factor, operating systems and expectations. Yes, a sd835 works great on a cellphone running Android. This means fuck all when you move over to desktop windows 10 on a desktop/laptop form factor. Imagine running a thinkpad T420 or X220 at half speed. Permanently. When your could just get a not frustratingly slow real laptop that will also get 10 hours of battery life and also weigh less than two pounds.
Yeah fucking right.

Are you saying native ARM code version of Windows is slower than some JVM bullshit with Linux under it? Damn, guess Windows really is shit. Or you're full of shit.

As was mentioned before, the x86 compat layer is only used for older x86 software and is much more complex than your average basement coder attempt at emulation. It will be near-native speed.


Don't even try that shit. Android ran fast on the HTC Dream launch device with a vastly inferior SOC to what we have now and Android today is much more optimized with AOT compilation and many apps making use of native code with the NDK.

Yes I know the x86 layer uses dynamic bytecode yada yada. Do you really think this somehow makes up for a processor running at half speed versus Intel's lowest part? Really? Really? Have you even thought this through?

Intel's going to be crushed by Ryzen Mobile anyway.

You're suck a fucking hardcore Intel shill. If Intel really had a superior product, they wouldn't have completely failed to break into mobile. They lost horribly and their core m shit isn't any better.

everyone is,
You can't use Intels or AMD patents and that is about it.

Actually I despise Intel and I hope AMD stomps them in the ground with Ryzen. Furthermore, I think Atom processors are piles of shit and I said the same thing about them in tablets I'm saying about this in laptops. The fact is I know a slow motion train wreck when I see one and this is it. Wake me up in five years when the Snapdragon 895 ships and they might have something competitive. As of right now they have nothing but another impending letdown.

AMD fought many hard legal battles for years in the 80s and 90s, they eventually reached an agreement with intel

Nobody wanted to use intel on phones because it was too expensive. Their core-ms are clearly superior to any snapdragon trash out there and android doesn't really give a shit if it runs on x86 or ARM.

Also by the time people go to mobile devices with with x86 processors they want to run full desktop OSs not play angry birds all day long.

I can see AMD going into the mobile market with dual-core raven ridge apus. Probably toward the revival of UMPCs though.

>Only Apple ARM can compete and they aren't licensing any time soon.
a73 should be even quicker

Still slower than Zen.

And uses 300W to run angry birds.

*blocks your low budget market*

>The desperate shill trying to make it sound like it's impossible to do basic tasks on a SD835 despite Microsoft and Qualcomm having released videos of stuff running fine already

snapdragon router when????¿

Yeah, a fucking canned demo. Come back when you have it sitting on your desk.

Will the sd835 use active cooling for the weedows devices?

for you

We didn't see it do anything cpu intensive like blender or cinebench.

>Running X software now will have radically worse performance when it comes out later this year because reasons
2 rupees deposited.

You have no idea what the performance will be until it is released. A demo in a YouTube video can make anything look good. Are you really that easily fooled?

Who the hell runs blender or cinebench on a low power laptop?

>Reeee it's fake

no worries, there's a backdoor in every intel™ product!

It's to give us a general idea of how powerful single and multi-thread performance is gonna be like.

I'm actually rooting for Qualcomm desu. If a tiny blower fan can keep all the cores at max frequency then maybe it can match a desktop A8-7600 APU in 45W TDP mode, who knows.

I'm not saying the video is fake. I'm saying you don't know how it's really going to be using this computer until you actually use it. I have an Atom powered 2 in 1 and I could make a video that would make it look fast and perfectly smooth. It wouldn't be until you used it yourself before you realized it had shit slow storage, weird delays, poor performance in many situations and all around jankiness. Of course if I were trying to sell it, I wouldn't show that in a demo just like Microsoft is going to demo this in the best possible light. Does it hurt being so naive?

How can they get away with this?
We need to completely rework the lwgal system.

That's free market for you, goyim. Everything else is commie shit and blah blah blah.

I know you are joking, but there are some capitalistic countries with a working legal system.

>free market
>government enforces a duopoly on x86 cpus

Patents last 20 years after filing.* Most x86 programs nowadays rely on "i686" instructions introduced with the Pentium Pro (1995) and Pentium II (1997), whose patents have presumably expired just recently, and the Pentium III (1999), whose patents still subsist. Furthermore, many application developers have stopped building for i686 protected mode in favor of the newer x86-64 long mode.

* A few U.S. patents filed before mid-1995 and granted after mid-2000 still subsist because they're grandfathered into the pre-1995 rules.

What's the fucking point if I can't buy their cpus off digikey or something?

Autism. If you really wanted ARM "performance" just get a cheap $50 A8 APU and downclock it to 1 GHz.

(((They))) are nervous.

> x86 apps are slow
> why yes goym, you aren't using our UWP applications!
> x86 programs are kill

Surface RT was and is still fast for web browsing and anything you may want from a tablet. It's based on Tegra 3.

can't wait for google to roll their own silicon and fucking beat Qualcomm's ass
seriously fuck CDMAids, nobody would use Qualcomm's shitty processors if they didn't need the baseband for CDMA networks and Qualcomm didn't force you to use their processors to get the cellular modem at a fair price.

Surface RT may have been a tolerable tablet but this thing Microsoft and Qualcomm are showing off is intended to compete with Intel inside laptops. Expectations will be completely different and I suspect the results will be the same as the late Surface RT.

Doesn't qualcomm own enough patents to effectively stop most rival attempts?

Qualcomm is just another ARM licensee. They have some patents of their own but not nearly enough to stop other companies from making their own ARM procs and selling them. Think Mediatek and Kirin.

Wew lad

*blocks Qualcomm's path*




>Intel carefully protects its x86 innovations, and we do not widely license others to use them. Over the past 30 years, Intel has vigilantly enforced its intellectual property rights against infringement by third-party microprocessors. One of the earliest examples, was Intel’s enforcement of its seminal “Crawford ’338 Patent.” In the early days of our microprocessor business, Intel needed to enforce its patent rights against various companies including United Microelectronics Corporation, Advanced Micro Devices, Cyrix Corporation, Chips and Technologies, Via Technologies, and, most recently, Transmeta Corporation. Enforcement actions have been unnecessary in recent years because other companies have respected Intel’s intellectual property rights.

>However, there have been reports that some companies may try to emulate Intel’s proprietary x86 ISA without Intel’s authorization. Emulation is not a new technology, and Transmeta was notably the last company to claim to have produced a compatible x86 processor using emulation (“code morphing”) techniques. Intel enforced patents relating to SIMD instruction set enhancements against Transmeta’s x86 implementation even though it used emulation. In any event, Transmeta was not commercially successful, and it exited the microprocessor business 10 years ago.

>Only time will tell if new attempts to emulate Intel’s x86 ISA will meet a different fate.

Have fun in court, ARM.

(((They))) built the road to the gas chamber and it's hilarious!

>old man shouts at clouds.txt

>Implying Intel has any legal leg to stand on

I'd still take Qualcomm's bullshit over Intel's.



That is for the court to decide.

x86 patents should be invalidated and the arch made royalty free. That should get us some much needed competition

That wouldn't happen unless AMD died and the FTC got involved.

>That should get us some much needed competition
With stifled innovation.

Exynox >>> Snapdragon tho

How can one even claim that patents apply to instruction sets?
If someone else's hardware or software should happen to produce identical output given the same multibyte sequence, how can it be said that there was any sort of infringement at all?

It's like trying to patent a human language and sue anyone who can understand what you're saying.

t. stockholder

user confirms SD835 cannot run a web browser, how will all the androidfags that use a CPU that either is a SD835 or is worse than a SD835 ever recover after believing they can run a web browser for years?