Return of the Tranny!

That fucking Libreboot bitch is back again causing moar drama. If you don't recall, Francis "Leah" Rowe is the leader of the Libreboot project and owner of Minifree. He recently went on a spree slandering the FSF for 'mistreating' transwomen. Now "he" is cooking up storm by attacking a business competitor in the thread below.

Moar cancer.


Other urls found in this thread:

Don't call her(him) a tranny. Call it what it is. An aberration.

Those prices for used thinkpads from both places are insane.

>hosted from
why does some guy on Sup Forums keep posting his site and pretending it's somebody else's?

>he's hosting it at his university in Gothenburg
>he even attached his real email and name to it

>deadnaming me on trisquel forums
>you realize deadnaming a trans woman is a *huge asshole thing to do*, right?
These people...

What happened to our lovely Christan nation? ;(

Who the fuck are you and why is your mum's Internet connexion leaking again?

Of course the thread derailed, and spun into an attack against trans people to shadow the fact that a trans person was agressively spreading fud against a competitor's product.

Also ayyy trips.


what a boring wall of text. post the good bits or fuck off.

>That fucking Libreboot bitch is back again causing moar drama.

>read the forum
>completely normal tech related discussion

trust a Sup Forums faggot to paint everything red.

>completely normal tech related discussion

All tech related discussions turn into identity politics. This timeline is the worst.

you never got to page 2 I see

>people on a tech forum have a disagreement
>literally ends with them agreeing to settle their differences and make peace for the good of the community
>Sup Forums faggot barges in trying to enlist le personal army for a based deus vult crusade against le leftists and degeneracy

you alt right faggots are exactly as childish as those "leftists" (whatever that even means anymore) you're desperately trying to crusade against. do the world a favour and through your computer out the window

t. liberal shill


sometimes i wish you idiots were right about your insane shilling conspiracy theories because then at least i could make some coin on the side

Hi Francis.

I can deposit a few shekels to your pajeet wallet if it makes you feel any better

omg how dare you deadname somebody



They're two companies that are trying to earn money by doing the exact thing, nothing wrong with that
Leah bringed X200 and T400 to libreboot and I'm greatful for that. She's planning to even disable ME in T420 and X220 which is amazing. You're the one that is causing drama here.
This thread is kindly supported by Microsoft®, we never hire trans and black people i s...swear!

What else can you expect from people like this

>2 people are having an argument
>one of them is a plain retard and have to use personal stuff on the other person because he's probably loosing the argument
>she gets pissed of by this behaviour as anyone would do

No really, there's nothing we should be carrying about here. Now go back to Sup Forums

If the person is such cancer, Maybe stop giving them fucking attention.

Are there other coreboot distros that deblob bios similar to libreboot for x86-64?


You don't understand

Redpill me on libreboot. Is is safe/ethical to use?

libreboot is debloated version of coreboot. coreboot or libreboot are not a "distro". Closed source Intel ME was coded by niggers and trans people too. your only option is go to Sup Forums and save the white race.


you mean deblobbed right

who cares if someone is Trans.
get over it.

>coreboot or libreboot are not a "distro"
>Libreboot is a coreboot distribution >(distro) with proprietary software >removed

This. I refuse to refer to all "trannies" as anything other than AIDS-carriers or genetic degenerates.

I plan on librebooting a thinkpad in the near future regardless of how much of a faggot the leader of libreboot is

>Closed source Intel ME was coded by niggers and trans people too.

I would have never known without you telling me. I wonder why intel doesn't openly advertise this, but libreboot feels the need to make it necessary to remind everyone.


I meant both, but you're right
then you never visited their website

does this mean what I think it means

Sorry to disappoint. My post wasn't meant as an "attack" against anything, or anyone btw.
>then you never visited their website

Can't say that I have.


>being a tranny
> going to all that effort and not being a qt trap

you should, Intel's website it is a golden mine lmao, I did visited Libreboot and didn't find anything offensive. It's just these intel shills that are trying to force Libreboot is a bad thing, Libreboot doesn't openly support trans people, polfags are just cherry picking. I didn't see anything that says "we need more black and muslim woman is tech" in libreboot's website
here, just visit this """pol approved""" website
intel is worse

ayy lmao

>Libreboot doesn't openly support trans people, polfags are just cherry picking

Libreboot was pulled from fsf over some transperson issue. It said this much on it's landing page describing the entire drama, and how the main contrib was trans who had issues with the fsf, or at least used to in the past.


This is why free software is doomed.

It got hijacked by trans faggots.

I don't care if it is a tranny, as long as it doesn't mix software and politics.

>Libreboot was pulled from fsf over some transperson issue.

did the /lgbt/ tell you that?

read for yourself faggot

this thread

Yes, later Leah apologized. I don't know about you, but I trust a transexual person who is willing to publish his/her work of deblobbing Intel's ME more than a company that is ready to shit millions of dollars just becuase they want more black, muslim and woman. Woman are not that bad, but black and muslim(syrian) people are geneticaly has less intelligence. Even intel said it, according to them less white man is "progress".
not just free software, all of the software is doomed. Enjoy Tyrone coding your next ME update :^)

yfw even this mentally disturbed transexual is a way WAY more accomplished programmer than any of Sup Forumss keyboard warriors?

Please stop with your thinly veiled attempts at making your trans phobia and racism about computers.

I'm gonna have to ask you all to go back to Sup Forums

>did the /lgbt/ tell you that?

libreboot told everyone that when it was plastered all over it's website. Something along the lines of libreboot no longer being apart offsf/gnu.

I took that the strange post as a canary, and that the libreboot project was compromised.

>Be transphobic.
>Get mad when a trans person gets triggered for people being transphobic.

What exactly did you expect to happen?




you need to get back to plebit

>Yes, later Leah apologized.

I wasn't aware of this.

>I don't know about you, but I trust a transexual person who is willing to publish his/her work of deblobbing Intel's ME more than a company that is ready to shit millions of dollars just becuase they want more black, muslim and woman.

I don't know who to trust these days. Intel, and AMD introduced suspect software, and a dev who deblobs a bios to nullify the suspect software decides to use libreboot as a platform to further an she agenda. Running many people's names in the mud while doing so, and ignoring the wishes of other libreboot contributers.

It's summer.


Welp, I'm actually a little jealous of 'her'.
25 years old, has fuckloads of knowledge about extremely low-level workings of modern x86 hardware, leads (or used to anyway) a rather important and difficult free software project.
On top of that manages to fund herself very well trough her company, so much to have enough spare cash to throw like __200k USD__ at porting new hardware to coreboot.
Sure, 'she' may be a psychological trainwreck and every word she writes is cringeworthy but fuck, she has sure done well for herself. Wanted to work on free x86 hardware and done it spectacularly well, so well to make that much money doing what she likes.

I feel like a loser for envying such an trainwreck of a tranny.

>I feel like a loser for envying such an trainwreck of a tranny.

Find something that you're good at, and Lord your accomplishments over someone who isn't good at your specialty.
Your self worth will skyrocket.


and in spite of that he's still mentally ill

I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as >She, is in fact, He/She, or as I've recently taken to calling it, She plus Penis. >She is not an female unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning reproductive system made useful by the hormones, chromozones, and vital system components comprising a full woman as defined by feminisim.
Many >shes run a modified version of the male system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of >she which is widely used today is often called trans, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the male system, developed by nature.

It's amazing just how ignorant to anonymous image boards so many posters here seem to be. This thread has turned into a bait feasting frenzy.

>how dare you post something about a transexual who is causing drama in the FSF community, back to Sup Forums!

Yeah, the thing is this is Sup Forums. If you think this is out of the norm or doesn't belong here fuck off and lurk moar because you've been here for less than a year.

>getting offended on Sup Forums

Do you know where you are?

If you actually bothered to read the thread that was linked, Leah decided it was okay to spread FUD against a business competitor. Then when said competitor provided evidence disproving her claims, she doubled down again and again and again until said competitor posted a convo log from back when he was a she. Leah then flips out and is forced to provide an apology post via her account from her coworkers.

Also, you faggots need to realize that just because someone posts "cuck" or some other "containment board" bullshit (like Sup Forums itself isn't/wasn't a containment system itself) that doesn't mean it's actually some /r/donald redditor or some neonazi. It's actually probably a liberal or anti-Sup Forums advocate just reinforcing that shit meme because even people from Sup Forums know how cancerous that shit has become.

You fucking people kill me sometime.

(((Christian))) "nation"

she doesn't do that much
most of the work is coreboot, she pays someone else to remove the proprietary blobs in coreboot

ruined by freemasons



Gee, I wonder who could be behind this thread? CIA/NSA getting worried perhaps, trying to spread disinfo about the project that scares them the most??

Man, this post is like a breath of fresh air
I'm sure most people who post >back to Sup Forums are more often than not just regular anons fucking around rather than some kind of hardcore SJWs trying to censor everything, but it gets tiring sometimes to see discussions devolve into chaotic shitposting just because the subject matter is tied in some way to current politics.

Can't wait for Muslims to kill off all these trannies.


what a fucking retarded cunt.

Stupid frogposters. Nobody cares.


what a gigantic fucking faggot shitposter.
this pol-shitposting is not welcome on any board, so fuck off.


You guys are literally making drama from a forum discussion.

CIA niggers