ITT : It's 1985

ITT : It's 1985

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close enough



it's always 1985 in the retro threads

Yoh man totally gnarly man. Isn't this like tubular man.

Nice people.

greatest decade in tech history

>His modem isn't 9600baud

You're being rude, remember what we talked about personal space?

>mfw just received my Amiga
I can't wait to enjoy my superior games and sweet sampled music

Atarifags eat my shorts, go back to your beep boop machine


Y'all poorfags WISH you had the //c. Just look how THIN and LIGHT it is.


D-Delete this

Hey Sup Forums, I'm looking for a good gaming laptop. Is pic related worth the money?

Did you guys see this SLR Minolta just released?

It has fucking autofocus. No one else does that.

You are going to be able to use this camera for the rest of your life!


I will be born in 20 years!

PASCAL is for idiots.

Code in C.

So in 2005? What the fuck, are you 12? baka neo-Sup Forums



Which movie is this?


itt: I'm 2 and don't know what a computer is. NES was the only good tech in 1985.


What's this thing ?


an incredible device capable of storing and reproducing Anime from a long strip of plastic with a magnetizable coating






This feeling when you have no girlfriend who hacks the NORAD with you. :-(


Pretty autistic to search an old thread in the archive instead of just typing Wargames desu

Thanks anyway senpai :)

Godzilla 1998.

na, i've just seen the exact same question to the exact same image a few times

>pretty autistic to try to teach a baby to eat food when you could just feed it yourself, UGH

that's bullshit, but i believe it.

Everybody is so chill, was it the lack of blacks and muslims?

We're about to see some serious shit.

so no SJWs?
no women in tech and women #koders?
no trannies that barely look like the opposite sex?
no requests to change "problematic" words that are common terms in computing since ever?
no pajeets and niggers that barely know how to write decent code?
no complaints about the gender or race of the protagonist of some game?
people that actually work instead of complaining about everything?

oh man.. i wanna stay here in 1985 forever..

Yep. Multiculturalism was a mistake.

How the fuck am I here? I wasn't even existing in 1985.

Why the hell are there wires on the exterior of that car?

>tfw you were born too late to experience a sane world

>poorfags buying PC compatibles instead of the real thing


I don't understand. All he did was take the video out.

That sweet magnetic tape smell...
It's all gone now, my childhood, my family, my dreams...

any /LOD/ bros here?

Soviets are so far ahead of us. Not only do they have more tanks, planes, and nukes than us, they also graduate more physicists, mathematicians, and computer programmers. We'll never be able to keep up with them, it's over the west is doomed. No wonder we reelected that wannabe cowboy. Damn idiot is trying to start World War III! Its impossible that a less qualified man could ever be elected president!

t. ivan ivanov

t. boris. America will prevail against the red commies. Just you wait, someday the Union will fall.

>not using Blit+Jim