RIP Oneplus

RIP Oneplus

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Oneplus is a shitty brand.

But they are getting complaints because of the camera placement?

This world is so fucking retarded.

>But they are getting complaints because of the camera placement?
Yeah, apparently if you copy Apple with just one camera it's fine, but if you add a second then you're worse than Hitler.

OnePlus is also getting complaints because they decides to abandon the OnePlus 2 and OnePlus X after just a year. For a company that prides themselves in being the flagship changer and never settling they sure do settle, in shit update guarantees and copying shit designs. Plus, former fanboys of OnePlus are also fearing that OnePlus will also abandon the OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T too early as well. Plus, this is a precedent for shit updates that even the next OnePlus 5 will have. They'll probably abandon it after just one update. Plus, even worse is that they'll make a bullshit middle cycle version after just six months probably calling it the OnePlus 5T. Fuck that shit. Plus, they're Chinese and the Chinese phone companies have tended to begun copying iPhone too much. Sure Apple has very good design but I do want some originality. Like, the only original and good thing that has come out of China and recent times is that oh so delectable White Rabbit Creamy Candy. I fucking hated that bullshit milk scandal with fucking melanine. Thank the Lord those shits got executed. I hate how they changed the term to Golden Rabbit. Argh!!! Anyways, OnePlus is totally ded.

Considering that Oneplus is the brand of choice for running custom ROMs these days, who gives a rat's ass how often they update? Just run Lineage and update once a week.

i'm glad that oneplus announced they wouldn't be updating the OP2 and X phones before releasing the oneplus 5 so i know to avoid their phones from now on. who's the next oneplus, then? someone who delivers high spec phones without the race for the thinnest chassis and glass errywhere as well as consistent updates to their phones. wileyfox? xiaomeme? fucking alcatel? i'm a bit out of the loop admittedly

oh i suppose the moto phones are also decently priced and well-specced

>apple copies HTC with the iphone6 design
>oneplus copies the same design with the dual camera of the 7plus
>suddenly there is an issue

Fuck these dog eaters

>apple is shit
>other company which isn't shit turns into apple 2.0
>wow why is this a problem

they're chinks so copying is no big deal to them. also it's a goddam flat cuboid where one side is a screen with a narrow range of dimensions and a certain number of devices on the other side, it's not like this has ever had a large potential for variety.

Stop defending them.

First comes the hate, then comes the shills OnePlus is actually advertising successfully on Sup Forums

Maybe Oneplus is just fucking around with us and the phone will be completely different when they'll release it.

what kind of a stupid marketroid name is oneplus anyway? just call it "more" and avoid confusion.

The entire enclosure looks like almost an exact copy of the iPhone 7, not only the camera/flash arrangement, but the antennas look exactly the same too.

hardware and looks wise, apple isn't shit.

Their support, business practices, price, and general perception however are shit.

They didn't turn into Apple, they just made a phone that looks like a bunch of other phones.

The first phone was quite fun a flagship phone for 300$ but later on when the company gained more popularity it very much started to jew.

Find a better company then. Oh wait, you can't because OnePlus is still the best phone manufactuer on the market.

Amen brother

There are so many people here who want the same thing, always looking for the g phone
Why dont you all guys just come together and make the Sup Forums phone

Isn't this the best phone already?

Nexus 5 with modern specs and chink prices


I personally hate the bezel at the bottom
It looks disgusting
Either no bezel or a bezel like current samsung with buttons

>who gives a rat's ass how often they update?
everyone cares about updates. and as often as the criticism is raised youd think it would have been fixed by now, Iphone 4S got at least 4 years of continuous updates. Not even the nexus line gets that sort of support, and even when it gets an update it doesn't get them as soon as the firmware is released.

This is at the heart of whats wrong with android.

iPhone gets updates so Apple can control how fast their devices run, so they can throttle you and make you buy their new product. It's planned obsolescence.

Fucking bullshit that meme needs to die already, I know people using their 4S without any issues.

Are you trying to say offering zero updates is better than offering updates for 4 years?

>they're chinks so copying is no big deal to them.
exactly this. it's a chinese company at the end of the day and copying is what they do. people have bought chinese phones because they've had no problems with copying designs. oneplus was unfortunate enough to blow up and attract the regular mainstream apple, samsung population and now they're expressing disappointment when chinese phones copy the shit outta iphones. I fucking wish oneplus remained a relatively unknown company.

That is current Samsung though.

OnePlus has failed their OPX and OP2 customers (like me).
>into the trash it goes, can only fool me once
Waiting for proper Nokias for the European market (the current line-up is too focused on Asia)

>Waiting for proper Nokias for the European market (the current line-up is too focused on Asia)

Beginning to think they're just fucking with us, it's been almost two years they said they were going to launch new phones, then they do this big to do over new models over three months ago and you still can't give them your money. I am not counting on nokia to offer the updates they promised. The models they announced were already close to outdated when they announced them, now they're just obsolete.

Fucking this. It's shit.
>Jewgle releases update
>Pushes it to manufacturers so they can do their shit type device specific bloat that should be handled as normal fucking apps through Jewgle play
>Manufacturers then push their shitty images to carriers, that once again have to apply their shitty bloat at the system level
>Finally an update is pushed to devices

This is something Apple and Microsoft (yes I'm going to mention Windows Phone here, fuck you) both get right with updates pushed straight from the source to devices. How hard could it be for Jewgle to accomplish this, and why on earth haven't they?

>push system updates straight from Jewgle to Android devices
>let carriers and manufacturers handle their shit through the play store

So there's a lot of different devices with a lit of different SoC's. So what? There is a finite number of drivers to support, and system updates shouldn't break driver compatibility anyway (see: desktop PCs as an example - Windows 10 is compatible with Windows 7 drivers, and oftentimes even Vista drivers will work). If they drop support for a given SoC, simply warn the user that it isn't supported and *might* break a system update.
Shit, drivers could be handled by manufacturers through the play store just as well.

That phone looks very much like an iPhone. I can understand why people are upset desu.

>implying Hitler was bad in some form or fashion

why do you hate iphones?

I have been extremely happy with my OnePlus X (except for the recent lack of security updates).

What's going on with them?

This is complete horseshit. My iPhone 5S runs better on iOS 10.3 than it did on iOS 7 that it launched with almost 4 years ago. You can stop with this meme now.

Why is nobody talking about this? THIS is the real deal breaker if it's real.

So? Do applefags feel threatened that this is gonna reduce the "prestige" of owning an iphone>

Because Apple products are bottom of the barrel garbage only retards buy.
Now fuck off iPajeet.

i don't really understand the point at all. why are people sperging because of a copied design?

>Sure Apple has very good design
What kind of retard believes that?

>being this autistic
i asked a legit question and you jumped at so many conclusions.

>legit question
You have to be literally retarded if you have to ask
>why do you hate iphones?

different people might have different reasons to hate the iphone. i'm merely asking what they are for you.

Lineage doesn't fix security holes in the modem firmware

Sorry I meant s7

It clearly says the state of security patches. And for stuff like stagefright the fix comes out sooner than for AOSP.


Just to be clear, security patches in lineage only fixes vulns in the kernel and android version. Other non-android partitions like bootloader, modem, tz are unpatched.

They can't be exploited by apps.

Driver binary blobs can be exploited.

Does anyone actually buy these phones? I hear all sorts of news about them but I've never met anyone who ever owned one in my life.

In my college I saw a lot of OnePlus users.

Will be missing new drivers or other firmware updates.
Note 2014 has the latest GPU driver on AOSP only because custom devs ported the new driver from samsung marshmallow tab that has the same specs. So if the device stopped being officially updated it'll only have what google puts out.

phones ruined Sup Forums

original design.
do not copy.