das pry good

chinks can only copy

dont care about the looks as long as it has a good price/specs ratio

this, chinese education is all about stuffing as much shit as possible in your brain.
Not about actually aplying the things you have learned unlike western education.


And actually selling it.

Who cares.

>no water proof

Super sad.
But hey, I got myself the midnight 128gb version for half the price thanks to this.

Android simply cant resist the urge to copy iPhone, never will, apple is too successful

>never will
Hopefully, I want to legally own my """smart"""phone, I don't want to pay a entry few to be allowed to use it.

The iPhone is $1000?

Some people just want a phone that is the best at what they need it for, some people are losers and they want their phones to have gimmicks to fill the empty space in their life. I get it

Bestbuy/Frys just had a sale on 7 Plus 128gb for $699 and if you sign up for a new contract they take an additional $200 off. At Apple they are still $799 however. No idea where people are getting $1k.

In dollaridoos it is

>Rick ROAD

>Some people just want a phone that is the best at what they need it for
Exactly, this is why I use android.
>some people are losers and they want their phones to have gimmicks to fill the empty space in their life.
I don't need social recognition like most iphone users do.

When Chinese children learn the Chinese writing system, it wires their brains for rote memorization and their minds are only optimized for memorization.

Originality and vision is not the strong suit of the Chinese mind. Hence why they copied:

The internal combustion engine
Western Medicine (aka actual medicine)
Modern Warfare

etc. etc.


>some people are losers and they want their phones to have gimmicks to fill the empty space in their life. I get it
no, clearlyl you don't. You seem to actually point one of the main reasons most idiots get an iPhone and you clearly look at it as a way to "fit in". This world doesn't need you or your kind.

I go to a design school and you should see the Chinese kids. Not an original thought in their bodies. And most of them outsource their homework back to China which is so fucking pointless. What are you going to get a job and outsource every project for the rest of your life?

Shit display and horrible battery life.

Google won't even let it work with Daydream.

The 256 gb is $969

>Shit display
u wot m8

>horrible battery life
I get about 3 days of moderate use on it.
Stop loading your phone down with 600 applications that run in the background spitting notifications at you

>muh specs

Lol don't you know how the politburo works?

Western Education has Rote learning?

I don't care how it looks.

Nobody can make an original black rectangle with a screen and double camera on the back, anymore. There's only so many ways you can design this shit optimally.

Their OnePlus 3 and 3T designs weren't any more original either.

If it's got good performance, good battery, and a good price, it's already a winner.



Can't wait until the taco form-factor comes back and saves us from flat rectangular slabs.

>apple invented rounded corner rectangles
The more you know!

>Not wanting to get noti's every second so you feel important

The Chinese version came before apples remodel

looks likeiphone
has iphone price
not running iOS

I chuckled. But owning a 3T, I'd rather wait for the OP6 or 7.

>this operative system is copying this phone brand design!!
Neck yourself

fucking chinks man...

what are the odds apple files a lawsuit?????

And I thought OPPO was copying apple. Haha wow