Just installed Ubuntu

Just installed Ubuntu.
What should I do? What packages should I install?

Is there a list of 'TOP 10 MUST HAVE LINUX PROGRAMS' or like that?

Install what you need.
What the fuck kind of question is this?

Depends on your needs.

For music, I recommend Clementine. Digital art, Krita. Chromium or Chrome for web browsing, as long as you're not paranoid about the botnet.

>when the art is so bad that you're not sure if he was trying to draw a hand or a foot


Well, I don't care.

are you the artist?

Inkscape is also good as vector graphics editor. Libreoffice if it isn't already installed. Wesnoth, whatever. Dick around in synaptic if you want to see the scope of what's available.

Lern 2 rice.

I don't have Linux but from what I have learned around this site is that the icecat browser is good. Also if you get chromium then get it as an ungoogled version. And something about using Wine to run programs that don't transition into Linux like photoshop or maybe some emulators or something.

Got this uncropped?

user, is that your art?

>ooga booga I don't know what I'm talking about but I want to opine

I tried Ubuntu on a spare laptop. Installed the graphics drivers through the "additional drivers" and it crashed the OS. Well, both OS since I tried 17.10 and 16.04 and both did the same thing.

>Linoox is dah best



Sudo apt remove zeitgeist geoclue whoopsie

wtf thx!

It's almost 9 years old privacy issue. Fuck Ubuntu. Just use Void or something, Antergos.

sudo rm - rf /

drawer here, what distro is best for an artist workflow?

is gimpl still bad?

>Doesn't bypass root preservation
This is the state of /gee/

Yes, GIMP is still bad.

Distro doesn't matter, just get something that works for you. As for software, definitely try Krita. GIMP is bad.

openssh, tmux, vim, rsync, mpd+ncmpcpp

Gimp is terrible.
