The fact that you keep using lewd pictures as the OP is proof that audiophiles are degenerates.
Isaac Ramirez
Post em
Justin Brown
Thanks for the lewd image
Isaac Ortiz
How do I replace hd600 pads?
Adrian Moore
wtf my boss just came over to my desk and told me I'm fired
Dylan Reed
>hd600 pull them off, they're bonded to a plastic ring which clips into a channel. you'll have to use some force but you can look it up on youtube or something.
Sebastian Perry
Good job
Tyler Walker
Zachary Gomez
Jaxon Hill
You're just joking, but if that happened, they don't value you in the first place. My boss sees actual porn in my screen and doesn't give a fuck. I'm actually valuable to the company.
Daniel Reed
love my he-300
Jaxson Lopez
>Budget ca. 150€, flexible >Location Germany >Source Galaxy S5, probably getting a new phone within the next months (looking at the Moto G5) >Type of headphone IEM >Comfort level I will be wearing them at least 2 hours daily, so comfort is important to me >Sound signature I really don't know too much about this, but I guess I like a natural, true-to-original sound. Definitely not a fan of excessively bassy ones. >Past headphones My previous IEM was Teufel Aureol Fidelity. I liked them for a long time, but after I got my DT770 Pro I realised I need a step up in my IEMs, sound-quality wise. They were also not the most comfortable since they'd easily fall out.
>Additional info: I'll be wearing these IEMs on the bus/train on my commute. I'd like a big soundstage, but I have no idea whether that's possible in this price range. I bookmarked the MEE Pinnacle P1 because they seem like a fair deal. I didn't find out whether they'd be underpowered on my phone though. Does anyone know whether they would suffice my wishes?
I hope that's enough information to help me, I appreciate and thank anyone putting effort in for me.
Asher Jackson
You mean anime fags are degenerates (and probably pedophiles)
Lucas Reyes
Se215 are good, I like my pair. They have pronounced low end, but not any more than your 770's did. Main thing with them is great noise isolation, I wear them on my motorcycles and can still hear my music without effort so they're good for bus/ train ride I'm sure. I haven't tried the 315, but they're closer to your price range and I've heard more neutral
Juan Taylor
Tyler Price
Anime is shit
Michael Diaz
>tfw when anime haters gets me wet(hard)
Jaxson Turner
ok but for real, /h/ exists for a clear purpose, and this board is blue. You've already had the op image deleted once. Are we just gonna keep doing this?
Daniel Ward
What is the second best headphone ever made behind the HD600?
Gavin Roberts
>once summerfags should be banned
Leo Watson
And reddit too
William Bailey
Wanna put hm5 pads on though, where do I get the ring?
Jayden Gonzalez
Why does it seem like everyone in these threads hates bass?
Juan Smith
Chase Robinson
Cooper Bell
Are these good?
Dylan King
>No no, don't hide detail from me! Begone bass! Basically or they come up with some horseshit excuse like it makes them uncomfortable.
Michael James
it's funny that you responded to this with an animated image of a child that you probably masturbate to.
Ian Young
Give template
Nicholas Richardson
I don't hate bass. I like equal servings of bass, mids and treble.
James Lopez
So how are these? (Superlux 662 Evo)
Everyone seems to dickride them once modded.
Joseph Perez
I have a zircon rock RAU0501, but i want buy a shure se215, It will be a good upgrade, /hpg/?
Julian Robinson
20 seconds in paint. donations only accepted in the form of dragon dildos.
They are absolutely excellent, especially for the money. The only downside is that they are fragile. At some point the cables will break, most likely at the remote. If you keep them at your office and don't tangle the cables in your pocket or take them to gym you will enjoy them and they will probably last some time.
Parker Rogers
Austin Cox
HD650. This guy gets it.
Ryder Moore
Zachary Bennett
Would it be possible for an amplifier's power supply to be faulty and introduce ground loop hum and interference? I recently acquired a used amplifier and if I turn it up I can hear something that sounds like ground loop interference
Aaron Gonzalez
Brody Thompson
Of course you can get ground loops with an amp. Could also be other things, so test it first.
Anthony Ortiz
hey I bought a scarlett solo 2nd gen and every now and then the audio will just become distorted and stay that way until I unplug and then plug the device back in. have you ever had that problem?
Robert Richardson
>Budget $50 or less >Location USA >Source LG V20 >Type of headphone IEM >Comfort level Comfortable enough for like 1-3 hours of use at a time >Sound signature Neutral or something almost true to sound at least. >Past headphones Apple earbuds. Sony MDRZX100 ZX. I am an extreme casual when it comes to headphones.
Robert Long
Soundmagic E10
Ian Scott
Sorry, user, never had that problem, what was happening not long ago with mine is that the sound would simply die and only return after disconnecting and reconnecting, however in this case it seems like the culprit was a faulty usb port on my laptop, haven't had the problem ever since i got a new pc. Are you drivers correctly instaled? Is there any chance you have a bad usb cable connecting it? Depending on the distortion it could be a problem on the interface itself.
Caleb Bailey
>Budget $100 AUD >Location Straya >Source Computer >Type of headphone Full sized >Open or closed Closed >Comfort level These will get several hours of use a day so fairly comfortable. >Sound signature Neutral or Warm-ish, but I'm not too fussed. >Past headphones HD681s that lasted me quite some time.
Ryder Roberts
Thanks for the response user
Cameron Russell
Yeah. Not one of my bosses has ever set limits to what sort of sites I could browse at work as long as I do my job. Hell I know one of them used to browse 4chin, too.
Colton Davis
Ath m40x maybe? Are you sure you need closed? Because the Philips SHP9500 sounds like something you would really enjoy, but they're open
Christopher Lopez
Connor Davis
Sebastian Reed
Hahahahahaha holy shit Who knew Linus was into such lewd stuff
Henry Fisher
I've only ever used closed, but I guess I should consider alternatives. These also would be impromptu speakers as well, I should have mentioned.
What's a good place to buy, too.
Ayden James
Jeremiah Richardson
Amazon or wherever you want desu You should definitely consider the shp9500, they have glowing reviews
Jason Williams
>Super Eurobeat very nice user
Colton Cox
I came.
Kayden Green
What is the public opinion here about "new Headphone burn in", real or myth? Or is it just your hearing adjusting to slightly different sound `?
Isaiah Sanders
Drivers can break in, the difference would be very subtle at best. It could easily be yourself adjusting to the sound too.
Hudson Sanchez
You say that every time.
Dominic Miller
Have you seen the bass THD on these things? The regular 800 is actually better if you aren't hyper sensitive to treble.
Christian Campbell
this is my first time commenting on you specifically...I guess other anons are cultured as well
Levi Miller
If you want massive soundstage, the Zero Audio Duoza have it in spades if you can deal with the treble. And judging by the fact that you have Beyers, I think you'll be fine.
Gabriel Torres
Prove that it's audible
James Rivera
>THD Not related to the discussion but i have a question regarding THD and all that shit. I currently have the RN3P which has mediocore audio and want to get high quality portable headphones like the MSR7 for example. I fear that the RN3P will ruin the experience with high quality headphones and consider upgrading to Mi 6 which has excellent audio according to gsmarena or OP5 if they don't fuck it up like the OP4. Now, while the Mi 6 has excellent audio the test revealed THD and crosstalk rise with the 3.5 jack plugged directly into the phone. They said it's not a big deal and should be fine, will it?
Jace Wilson
Oh shit, I just realized I said E10. Those are V-Shaped. I meant the E30...
Joseph Rogers
No problem. I'll go with the E30 then.
Andrew Hill
What are the comfiest headphones under $500? I have an X2 but it gets a bit hot and hurts my earlobe a bit when I'm wearing glasses.
Jackson Mitchell
HD598, also have glasses and can barely feel them.
>second harmonic distortion anywhere >especially in the bass >a problem "No." It's second harmonic distortion. It won't be objectionable even if it's audible. People buy tube amps because they actually desire second harmonic distortion.
Colton Allen
My HD650 sometimes feels like I'm wearing nothing at all.
William Jones
Should I get cb-1s or m40xs?
Ayden Martin
>Budget 200$, can go a bit over >Location Ohio >Source Laptop >Type of headphone Cans >Open or closed Closed unless someone really convinces me on open >Comfort level Reasonable enough, sound is top priority >Sound signature Probably balanced/neutral >Past headphones No good headphones
Isaiah Sanchez
The $100-$350 region for closed non-ANC headphones has few neutral options unfortunately.
Daniel Evans
looks bretty good
I'd rather avoid sony
seems pre comfy but hope it was more A E S T H E T I C. also pricey for a somewhat dated tech.
thanks for the suggestion anons. leaning towards the 598 but I'll do more research
Grayson Smith
I'm open to non neutral options as well, would be ok with recessed bass or other midcentric options.
Cooper Bell
Is this more aesthetic for you?
Brayden Long
Snapheiser user pls go
Justin Martin
I have the m40x, they have surpassed my expectations since they were released. I just wish they had a wider staging, but it's about as good as you'll get for closed phones under $100.
Nathan Davis
I won't go until you fuck off with your cracked headband pics.
Colton White
So my sennheiser 202's finally had an ear gave out on me and I planned to get another pair, because they served me well and are great for price to quality.
So pissed to see that they are no longer sold anymore, and its really hard to search for new headphones like them, because the wireless meme is going hard and everything on the market is bluetooth bullshit.
Does anyone know of a good replacement thats the same kind of economy headphone option? I would prefer not to deal with the china quality roulette.
James Walker
>I'd rather avoid sony Why though?
Noah Morgan
Austin Wilson
Creative Aurvana Live!'s on a fat price drop on Amazon for a whopping $48 for the last one in stock.
Jayden Perry
HD650 is not outdated tech at all. It used to cost $500. I picked mine up for $300 new a few months ago. It's worth every penny.
Logan Peterson
It's MSRP still is $500 m8. Of course you can buy things under MSRP.
Juan Perez
not the most ethical company and mediocre experience with JP tech in the past