/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux

Official homepage: cloveros.ga
Github: github.com/chiru-no/cloveros
Package count: 1500
Official IRC channel: #cloveros on Rizon
License: WTFPL

Current CFLAGs: CFLAGS="-Ofast -pipe -flto=8 -Wl,-flto=8 -funroll-loops -fgraphite-identity -floop-block -floop-interchange -floop-parallelize-all -floop-strip-mine -ftree-loop-distribution"

Install script: read -p "Enter preferred root password " rootpassword
read -p "Enter preferred username " user
read -p "Enter preferred user password " userpassword

mkdir gentoo

echo -e "o\nn\np\n1\n\n\nw" | fdisk /dev/sda
mkfs.ext4 -F /dev/sda1
mount /dev/sda1 gentoo

cd gentoo

wget distfiles.gentoo.org/releases/amd64/autobuilds/current-stage3-amd64/stage3-amd64-20170525.tar.bz2
tar pxf stage3*
rm stage3*

cp /etc/resolv.conf etc
mount -t proc none proc
mount --rbind /dev dev
mount --rbind /sys sys

cat > /etc/portage/make.conf

emerge gentoo-sources genkernel
wget liquorix.net/sources/4.9/config.amd64
MAKEOPTS="-j8" genkernel --kernel-config=config.amd64 all

emerge grub dhcpcd

grub-install /dev/sda
grub-mkconfig > /boot/grub/grub.cfg

rc-update add dhcpcd default

echo -e "$rootpassword\n$rootpassword" | passwd

useradd $user
echo -e "$userpassword\n$userpassword" | passwd user
emerge xorg-server twm feh aterm sudo xfe wpa_supplicant porthole firefox emacs gimp mpv smplayer
rc-update add wpa_supplicant default
cd /home/$user/
wget raw.githubusercontent.com/chiru-no/cloveros/master/home/user/.twmrc
wget raw.githubusercontent.com/chiru-no/cloveros/master/home/user/wallpaper.png
mkdir .mpv
cd .mpv
wget raw.githubusercontent.com/chiru-no/cloveros/master/home/user/.mpv/config




Other urls found in this thread:


le Sup Forums os?







ebin :DDDD


would be nice if you put a bit more info on what cloveros is all about, which distro is it based on? Gentoo I'm guessing? For whom is it made for (programmers,newbies, etc...).

Good idea though, hope you actually make progress.

It's like Crunchbang, but Gentoo.

The binaries are autistically riced with love for optimum fastness.

too bad it looks like shit.

cool, if you want to attract more folks to this, have some guide on how to contribute, or at least post some places where you learned this stuff, I'm guessing you went through that linux from scratch tutorial?
also, livecds would be nice, and possibly a gui installer for the lazybros

LiveCD is in progress. Right now I'm using a random iso and running the script to install it.

I started this on Monday, so things are changing quickly.

How is this better than TidOS?


it runs on a distro that actually works

>I started this on Monday
lol, nice, a good project for the summer & beyond then

>inb4 this is actually a initiative launched by the CIA to spy on people who regularly watch terry Davis bashing CIA niggers

I wish duge.

You're free to compile your own cloveros repo though. github.com/chiru-no/cloveros/tree/master/etc/portage

Why not.
Thanks for this and make it a reference, with good customizatiin features. Put compiz on this by default and some cool themes.
are you behind the clover app btw ?

I will make logo for it!

>are you behind the clover app btw ?

no, it's an old meme


which kernel are you guys going to use?
which scheduler are you going to be using?

kernel is emerge gentoo-sources genkernel
wget liquorix.net/sources/4.9/config.amd64
MAKEOPTS="-j8" genkernel --kernel-config=config.amd64 all

>no goatsy ascii animation while emerging

I see, nice, how cutting edge are you guys planning on being?

Gentoo stable except for mpv

it's not a real distro without an asscii logo

we need it for the threads

Is this going to have a focus on privacy and security? Because then it would be the perfect OS and I would unironically install it:
>gentoo without spending days to install
>made for ricing

I would kinda like rolling release but stable is fine too.

It's focused on speed and low ram usage.

eselect profile select hardened/linux/amd64
nano /etc/portage/make.conf # add stack smashing protection and sane cflags
emerge -e world

Gentoo stable is rolling release. It's kinda like Debian testing in that it's rolling, but they actually make sure it works before removing ~amd64

Ah that's fantastic.

But that requires me to put in effort of my own

Gentoo makes it easiest. Just 3 commands dude

>nano /etc/portage/make.conf
That's "one command" but it requires user input, a lot of it

Anyway I'm just shitposting, this would be a good excuse to actually learn gentoo and hardening in general.

echo '\nCFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -march=native" CXXFLAGS="{$CFLAGS}"' >> /etc/portage/make.conf

>CFLAGS="-Ofast -pipe -flto=8 -Wl,-flto=8 -funroll-loops -fgraphite-identity -floop-block -floop-interchange -floop-parallelize-all -floop-strip-mine -ftree-loop-distribution"

It's good that there's a distro finally using Graphite, LTO and Ofast. It would suck to ignore 5 years of compiler advancements.


Am I being bamboozled this is just installing Gentoo

Worth a bump for the mems alone. Good luck lads

you got memed. install gentoo :^)


It don't boot no ways, lol. Can't find the root partition and /dev/sda1 cannot be mounted in the ash shell for some reason

Nice OS


I'll make a youtube video later then.

This gave me autism and three forms of cancer


Why is this thing a OS, shouldn't it be called simply a "gentoo installation script"?

It has its own configured package repo.

because it has the logo, makes it automatically better

You're unironically trying to reboot this useless failure of a hypothetical distro?

>newfags can install gentoo now

Is this at all being developed by some people in rice bowl? Because fuck you pony fag and I forgot your name.

No. This is all me. I'm just a Gentoo user.

Fuck this faggot, it was me


I am the true developer of cloveros

Tried to do something but I can't into gimp..

CloverOS install:


I'll add it to the repo as wallpaper2.png

Virtualbox's recording fucked up the last part of it. I'll do it again with OBS and put it on youtube.


speed, privacy and security is all I need from this OS

I'll try to finish it tomorrow if no one else does.
m a d m a n

Any reason preferring a 200 columns line instead of a heredoc on line +26?


fuck, marry, fuck, marry, fuck

CFLAGS="-Ofast -pipe -flto=8 -Wl,-flto=8 -funroll-loops -fgraphite-identity -floop-block -floop-interchange -floop-parallelize-all -floop-strip-mine

this is 5 years worth of compiler advancements and innovations right here

it would be a crime not to use graphite, lto and ofast

try no=2
`/: -+.
`-` -oyhhhhhhhhhhhs: `-`
`:shh+. .+yhhhhhhho- `/yhy/`
`:shddddh+. .+yhhyo- `/ydddddy/`
:yhddddddddho- .+o. .+ydddddddddy/
-shddddddddy/` .+o-` `:shdddddddhs:
-ohddddy/` -oyyyyo:` `:shdddhs:`
.ohy:` -oyyyyyyyys:` `-shs-`
.` :oyyyyyyyyyyyys:` .
:. `:`

That install script will fuck up partitions of people blindly using it. Add recognition for an empty partition or ask to the user.

lo/g/os is better

That comes tomorrow



Almost placebo. I'd rather have all my packages compile, than to gain 2 extra seconds when decompressing a 2gb archive.

>graphite only

Every package builds with Graphite, user.

/´ `\
/´ `\
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`. {´ `} .´
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Does it?
Alright, maybe I fucked up, sorry.

LTO is the one that doesn't always work.



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How about

Sup Forums strips empty braille characters, that's why I put it on pastebin.

I posted on the first Clover OS thread ever in 2014.

So if I get this right, I make a gentoo live USB and run this script to install it?

You can use a Ubuntu live USB to make it easier.


boot ubuntu, sudo su

You need to install curl first.


When it says local host login, I can't log in to my user, but I can log into root. Also, startx does nothing.

passwd user


Fuck off kevin

so Sup Forums just """""""""""forked"""""""""""""""""""" gentoo and replaced the logo?

It's a binary distro that uses Gentoo as a base. Gentoo basically lets you create your own distro through use flags and cflags.