How does Sup Forums feel about Red Hat Linux? Has anyone here used it?

How does Sup Forums feel about Red Hat Linux? Has anyone here used it?

I use version 6.X on some lab computers in my Uni. The system is fine but the packages are really old. Single digit Chromium and Firefox versions can bately open any website.

RedHat is great because of long term support of releases. CentOS (redhat community) is the same software but no long term supported versions. We would kill, for a rhel license but in the meantime we spend months planning what CentOS version to upgrade to, knowing itll be unsuported too.

If youre going to be on systems that host software thats constantly updating, you want rhel.

I have it on my laptop
nothing special. It has better forum and repositories than centos though. But debian beats both

well maintained distro, their software portfolio integrates it very well with the OS and vise versa (satellite, idm, jboss, etc), very good documentation, decent and relatively fast engineering support

packages are old and scl is pretty awful imo but overall the most professional distribution there is, next to suse maybe. only thing im missing is a build environment that is not a self setup mock or OBS

FYI redhat is an enterprise OS and is pointless to use on a single-install personal system. It's focused on maintaining systems that have countless packages, versions and configurations to account for. It's for enterprise level development work, not taking screenshots of your setup.

>enterprise level development work

hearty chuckle, like your style

Redhat (not centOS) is paid and stupidly expensive for a license in any capacity. A linux user wanting a personal system has no reason to make it their primary OS

>stupidly expensive for a license in any capacity

Enterprise development. On Linux. With support license. That is a scam for cucks who pay for AV as well

RHEL developer license is free

its for servers
you don't need firefox on a server

>unironically paying the company who employs harry poettering

I used 7.2 and it was really stable and well polished compared to other distros.

Wintard here, what's so bad about systemd? Can't be as bad as Winpoo and as far as I know it's licenced under GPL.

I administer RHEL servers at work.
Save yourself a lot of pain and don't use RHEL 7 if you rely on Perl.

> If youre going to be on systems that host software thats constantly updating, you want rhel.
Why not Debian? As far as I know, both RHEL and CentOS can't be upgraded in-place to a new major version. Red Hat backports some 3.x and 4.x features to the old as fuck 2.6.x kernel.

every project of Lennart is like communism - great in theory and has admirable goals, but brings nothing but pain and suffering in practice

1. Support - if a system component misbehaves, you can shift blame on RedHat

2. Debian package maintainers have a fetish of patching everything they can get their hands on, sometimes resulting in serious vulnerabilities that seldom get spotted because they are Debian-only

This, you can use it for free as long as you click a checkbox saying you'll only use it for development.

Reminder that complaining about FOSS software is literally illegal. If you don't like it, fork it.

"Today Germany, tomorrow the world!"

"Today the init, tomorrow the world!"

Fedora is my daily driver, no need to pay for RedHat since its just PC and light server use.

If I had large business, I would use RedHat

your uni didnt update.

im running firefox 48

Isn't "the complaining user" a burden of the software world in general?

Also I'm genuinely curious to know from what premise you can derive the statement "complaining about FOSS software is literally illegal".

Even if you're memeing, there has to be a reason behind your injunction to forbid complains.

NSA, privacy, systemd, yada yada yada, OP is gay af, yada yada yada, kys.

FOSS respects the developer's freedoms to do as they please. Complaining about FOSS places yourself above the developers. You are not allowing them to do as they please, but arguing that enslavement to your purpose would be better. Slavery is illegal.
You must respect the developer's freedom. This means complaints are disallowed. If you have an issue you must resolve it through your freedom to fork it, you may not insinuate that others should be enslaved in order to make the features you believe you're entitled to. That entitlement is the exact opposite of respecting freedom.

Wasn't RHEL7 released for free?

Is subscription-manager shit everywhere or is my company just too retarded to manage their subscriptions properly?

you pay for support not the software.

Thanks for the new wallpaper

It's the NSA approved distro.

I used it back before Fedora was around.

Coming from portage, rpm was a fucking nightmare.

It's not FOSS if it ain't free you retard.

