Foreigner, please do not come to Finland

Foreigner, please do not come to Finland

I had no intention on visiting a frozen hell hole inhabited by autistic half mongoloid sad freaks in the first place anyway.

Hate how they were overhyped as memelords by the Sup Forums community, finally that bullshit meme is disappearing slowly but surely Fin will be seen as the subhuman freaks they are.

I had no intention on visiting a frozen hell hole inhabited by autistic half mongoloid sad freaks in the first place anyway.

Hate how they were overhyped as memelords by the Sup Forums community, finally that bullshit meme is disappearing slowly but surely Fin will be seen as the subhuman freaks they are.

I had no intention on visiting a frozen hell hole inhabited by autistic half mongoloid sad freaks in the first place anyway.

Hate how they were overhyped as memelords by the Sup Forums community, finally that bullshit meme is disappearing slowly but surely Fin will be seen as the subhuman freaks they are.

I had no intention on visiting a frozen hell hole inhabited by autistic half mongoloid sad freaks in the first place anyway.

Hate how they were overhyped as memelords by the Sup Forums community, finally that bullshit meme is disappearing slowly but surely Fin will be seen as the subhuman freaks they are

Anonymous 7 minutes ago No.60856285
I had no intention on visiting a frozen hell hole inhabited by autistic half mongoloid sad freaks in the first place anyway.

Hate how they were overhyped as memelords by the Sup Forums community, finally that bullshit meme is disappearing slowly but surely Fin will be seen as the subhuman freaks they are.
Anonymous 5 minutes ago No.60856352
I had no intention on visiting a frozen hell hole inhabited by autistic half mongoloid sad freaks in the first place anyway.

Hate how they were overhyped as memelords by the Sup Forums community, finally that bullshit meme is disappearing slowly but surely Fin will be seen as the subhuman freaks they are.
Anonymous 4 minutes ago No.60856391
I had no intention on visiting a frozen hell hole inhabited by autistic half mongoloid sad freaks in the first place anyway.

Hate how they were overhyped as memelords by the Sup Forums community, finally that bullshit meme is disappearing slowly but surely Fin will be seen as the subhuman freaks they are.
Anonymous 1 minute ago No.60856450
I had no intention on visiting a frozen hell hole inhabited by autistic half mongoloid sad freaks in the first place anyway.

Hate how they were overhyped as memelords by the Sup Forums community, finally that bullshit meme is disappearing slowly but surely Fin will be seen as the subhuman freaks they are

why would anyone go to finland anyways?

Your fears are allayed, this intention I will not have. Not to mention I am supremely annoyed at the undeserved reputation by this community of said country and it's inhabitants who are below the normalized average as above stated.

Fuck you for breaking my chain turkroach

hello is dis s4s :DDDDD

I say they are welcome to visit as long as they leave reasonably quickly.

mario pls why u hef 2 be so mean

he is really afraid while locked in his homo-fortress

Why the fuck would I even want to go to your frozen hellhole?

I had no intention on visiting a frozen hell hole inhabited by autistic half mongoloid sad freaks in the first place anyway.

Hate how they were overhyped as memelords by the Sup Forums community, finally that bullshit meme is disappearing slowly but surely Fin will be seen as the subhuman freaks they are.

>Frozen hellhole
>been ~30C hot this whole week

i was there two years ago
was fine

I had no intention on visiting a frozen hell hole inhabited by autistic half mongoloid sad freaks in the first place anyway.
>Hate how they were overhyped as memelords by the Sup Forums community, finally that bullshit meme is disappearing slowly but surely Fin will be seen as the subhuman freaks they are.

I want to fuck a fin

Autistic homo hellhole

I had no intention on visiting a frozen hell hole inhabited by autistic half mongoloid sad freaks in the first place anyway.

Hate how they were overhyped as memelords by the Sup Forums community, finally that bullshit meme is disappearing slowly but surely Fin will be seen as the subhuman freaks they are.

I had no intention on visiting a frozen hell hole inhabited by autistic half mongoloid sad freaks in the first place anyway.

Hate how they were overhyped as memelords by the Sup Forums community, finally that bullshit meme is disappearing slowly but surely Fin will be seen as the subhuman freaks they are.

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Anonymous 06/16/16(Thu)20:31:07 No.60856091 Foreigner, please do not come to Finland
Anonymous 06/16/16(Thu)20:37:43 No.60856285 (OP)
I had no intention on visiting a frozen hell hole inhabited by autistic half mongoloid sad freaks in the first place anyway.

Hate how they were overhyped as memelords by the Sup Forums community, finally that bullshit meme is disappearing slowly but surely Fin will be seen as the subhuman freaks they are.
Anonymous 06/16/16(Thu)20:39:26 No.60856352
I had no intention on visiting a frozen hell hole inhabited by autistic half mongoloid sad freaks in the first place anyway.

Hate how they were overhyped as memelords by the Sup Forums community, finally that bullshit meme is disappearing slowly but surely Fin will be seen as the subhuman freaks they are.
Anonymous 06/16/16(Thu)20:40:54 No.60856391
I had no intention on visiting a frozen hell hole inhabited by autistic half mongoloid sad freaks in the first place anyway.

Hate how they were overhyped as memelords by the Sup Forums community, finally that bullshit meme is disappearing slowly but surely Fin will be seen as the subhuman freaks they are.
Anonymous 06/16/16(Thu)20:43:19 No.60856450
I had no intention on visiting a frozen hell hole inhabited by autistic half mongoloid sad freaks in the first place anyway.

Hate how they were overhyped as memelords by the Sup Forums community, finally that bullshit meme is disappearing slowly but surely Fin will be seen as the subhuman freaks they are
Anonymous 06/16/16(Thu)20:45:03 No.60856495
Anonymous 7 minutes ago No.60856285
(OP) (OP)
I had no intention on visiting a frozen hell hole inhabited by autistic half mongoloid sad freaks in the first place anyway.

Hate how they were overhyped

kek, i actually live there

Too late.

> Anonymous 06/16/16(Thu)12:45:03 No.60856495▶
>Anonymous 7 minutes ago No.60856285
> (OP) (OP)
>I had no intention on visiting a frozen hell hole inhabited by autistic half mongoloid sad freaks in the first place anyway.
>Hate how they were overhyped as memelords by the Sup Forums community, finally that bullshit meme is disappearing slowly but surely Fin will be seen as the subhuman freaks they are.
>Anonymous 5 minutes ago No.60856352
>I had no intention on visiting a frozen hell hole inhabited by autistic half mongoloid sad freaks in the first place anyway.
>Hate how they were overhyped as memelords by the Sup Forums community, finally that bullshit meme is disappearing slowly but surely Fin will be seen as the subhuman freaks they are.
>Anonymous 4 minutes ago No.60856391
>I had no intention on visiting a frozen hell hole inhabited by autistic half mongoloid sad freaks in the first place anyway.
>Hate how they were overhyped as memelords by the Sup Forums community, finally that bullshit meme is disappearing slowly but surely Fin will be seen as the subhuman freaks they are.
>Anonymous 1 minute ago No.60856450
>I had no intention on visiting a frozen hell hole inhabited by autistic half mongoloid sad freaks in the first place anyway.
>Hate how they were overhyped as memelords by the Sup Forums community, finally that bullshit meme is disappearing slowly but surely Fin will be seen as the subhuman freaks they are

>another quality thread ruined with anime