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International #608
/hell/ /gr/
What's the best region to retire
Why don't you have a gf yet?
How does your country like their steak done Sup Forums?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /urmum/
How do you view nationalism in your country? Good or bad?
Is this Korea or Japan?
If you were given a chance to marry and impregnate Sabina...
Why are these countries shit even though they are white?
Which country has the best light brown women?
White women
Tfw you are currently living in a country with a rich Catholic tradition and culture
/esp/ - hilo español, viva el brexit edition
I will never be European
This is almost summer. How can we protect ourselves from the invasion of million Dutch tourists ?
Kurva anyátok
Japanese are very powerful before:
Why yes, I DO support gun accessibility people on the no-fly list...
An immigrant says he wants to emigrate to the U.S
/ita/ - il filo
Why is Eesti so much ahead of rest of the Balts?
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Power gap in Asia
Why does everyone assume that I'm a Muslim? In Western countries, Muslims are denied jobs, housing...
TFW addicted to Sup Forums
1. Your joke of a country
You have 60 seconds to name 10 Chinese cities
Europeans dont put butter on their popcorn
USA is supposed to be the country for immigrants but they have extremely strict immigration laws and the only ways to...
Wake up
Me on the right
What would you do to this spanish gal after you defeat her in battle?
It's the same story when you talk about free healthcare
Ask a guy who just ate a whole thing of Tim Tams™ anything
Allors, que-es vous as fait aujourdi'hui?
Hilo latino anti judios con aguante
This is what the average Latina looks like
Red pill me on latino simpsons posting
How do they teach about WWII in French schools?
America LITERALLY has a city called Sugar Land
TFW no Jewish gf
Your city and country security overall
Reminder that the only landmark Australia has is
Norway officially has killed more whales in the past year than Japan and Iceland combined...
If your countrys leader hasnt been on Southpatk, youre pretty much a non-country
Do you think American gay guys are into Iranian guys? I'm not fit, I'm have manboobs and I'm slightly balding...
Why the fuck do americans do this? they're so silly xD
What's the country equivalent of each state?
Why do brits have tiny cars and tiny roads and tiny homes and tiny penises?
Zika Babies born in USA
Be white
The 2016 muslim population in Britain is 3 million, and in the US it's even more...
What is your country's version of WE WUZ?
Your country
How do you feel about colonizing other planets?
Tfw no qt azn gf
Why England produce the hottest and also the ugliest women on earth?
This is my ideal husbando
Can you spot the differences?
Usa vs britain
Is this really going to ruin brexit? I'm fucking shaking
Question for Sup Forums
Is being shy ok where you live
Is there any alliance that comes close to the French-American alliance?
Meme cities full of faggot leftists
Post attractive men from your country
Let's see em
Choose 1 to live in the rest of your life
/luso/ - Edição MMA
Coffee in a bowl
ITT We discuss Sup Forumsernational issues while waiting for >>60888888
Who here has /unquenchable ambition/
Wtf i love palestine now
/anglo/ (and frogs)
Does anyone know what White/Hispanic babies look like? My sister is marrying a Mexican
Japan and Germany Heart to Heart
Europeans, what are some American habits you just don't understand?
If this woman was killed by a right-wing extremist in Turkey or Russia everyone would say how horrible it is...
/luso/ - Edição Burgers e Brasil
Why is norway so LONG?
Sverige Tråden
ITT: South America GOAT qt's
Is it useless to learn italian nowadays?
/nachtschicht/ ehem. /deutsch/
What is the best European Country to move to?
Why don't you have a Muslim girlfriend?
His ancestors were too lazy and too scared to cross the ocean into the new world and start over a free man
What do Italians think of their American diaspora?
In European history there were many concentrated efforts to stop France, Germany or Russia from becoming too powerful...
Why are you so quiet, user?
/cum/ Canada US Mexico
Want to thank German team and all supporters from both teams - the game was great...
There was an armed cop working as security at the club in orlando
Be me
Why does Britain still tolerate royal family? They inbreed...
Could i pass as local in you're country?
One chance in life
Biji Berxwedana YPG
Are all slavs this cute ?
What went wrong?
What'd you have for breakfast? Mango kefir with some chia/hemp/almond granola and some fresh blueberries...
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
1. your cunt
Muslims killed this
Is this accurate?
Aussie internet is slow
/ita/ - il filo
This is now a country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Food that has a slightly offensive name in your language
/v4/ + /b3/ = ?
I hope Germany gets BTFO by the UK this week. Germany should be ashamed of itself for whats it's done to Europe
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
ITT: Shit tier or subhuman languages
What goes on here?
Europeans are awake. Post freeways
British """"""humor""""""
Post your pets, Sup Forums!
Your country
What's the first thing you think of when you see this
/cum/ Canada US Mexico
Why gays are so disgusting?
Honest opinion on Chile?
Foolproof way to learn any language:
Sverigetråden - tåhåupplagan
Why is customer service in Europe so terrible? This really stood out to me when I visited Europe as an American...
So I'm thinking about learning Portuguese...
Anybody have some good jokes in your country? I have some good Soviet jokes my father used to tell at parties
ITT: Ask a Hungarian anything
Post bydlos from your country
I just want to say I love Germany and I forgive them everything
Porn stars from your own country that you regularly fap to. I'll start
Country run by Muslim extremists
/fr/ fil de la francophonie
ITT: post 3rd world inventions
I like Colombia. Do you like Colombia?
/flag/tism - Aid our brother from the plains edition
ITT: Sup Forums in 1971
1. cunt
Faces of Sup Forums
1. your cunt
/med/ - Mediterranean general
/ita/ - il filo
Would you, int?
Which country's women are the most busty?
Post the most Slavic image you have Sup Forums
ITT: Things that are unlikely to happen in the country of poster above you
What caused the Baltic states to do so much better than the rest of the USSR after the fall of the union /his/?
Rare bebe thread
Read Sup Forums say Slavs aren't white
28 years old
Why is the southeast corner of Mexico better off compared to the rest of lower Mexico? What goes on here?
Why are European ex-colonies so retarded?
Starting to see full burqas and niqabs on the streets now
Quick, Sup Forums
/esp/ hilo español
Why do they hate Europe?
/hell/ /gr/
Is there a toilet paper shortage in America?
What will your country be like 50 years later?
Let us share nice art
Ask anything from a 19-yo finn
Brexit is ACTUALLY HAPPENING in 10 days
You can only post itt when every single neighbour-country of yours is shittier than your own
Sverigetråden - För svenskar samt brödrafolk
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Does it sound gay (the language) to you?
Swedish women at the refugee center demand sex from the refugees or threaten with deportation
Wake up
Welcome: everyone
What's your favorite dog breed Sup Forums ?
What makes asian women better than white women?
/ita/ - il filo
When the US destabilizes the middle east, kills millions of people and funds terror organization for some cheap oil
/med/ - mediterranean general
Mfw black
"I wish I wasn't a cripple so I could find me a nice bf."
Post the saddest image in your folder
I need friends
FUCK this place!!!!!!
You fall asleep
Old names for your cunt
/fr/ - Fil de /fr/ance
Holy shit Venezuela is collapsing lads
Some cunt deleted my thread. Fuck you cunt!
What kind of weeb are you
Israel is
Is it true?
Post attractive women from your country
When last have you fuckers had a good haircut?
Sweden yes
Should I learn German?
Post ITT if you have no friends
How do people relieve stress in your country/int/?
Do you love Japan?
Are these people white? They're from Calabria, one the darkest regions of Italy which was also conquered by moors
Left: french football players
/norge tråden/
Foreigner, please do not come to Finland
Please post in our threads:
Anyone of you dated a muslim girl? that had a towel on the head?
Third Rome
There. I fixed the world
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Muslim does a mass shooting = its his religion
Sverigetråden - Lunchupplagan
Do you still hate Japan?
As you know we (flag) eat every kinds of fish
/esp/ Español el Fary vive pero no en la uni
/deutsch/ tauscht seinen Wohlstand gegen Ehre!
ITT say something that the flag above your post would never say
Moving to France
He was homosexual who killed all those people out of hate towards himself. It had nothing to islam. And even if it did...
Kurva anyátok
/ita/ - il filo
/ita/ - il filo
Turkey fails to meet criteria for visa-free EU travel
/Middle East & North Africa/ - /MeNa/
If you were horn as korean man
All these summerfags ruining Sup Forums
I love Japan now!
What's your favourite country, discounting your own?
What race has the cutest girls?
I got a cool tattoo!
Any libertarians on Sup Forums? How is the political panorama of your cunt looking?
How does it feel to know our country will be the last hope for the white race?
Favorite porn star is a fat, busted mess
/cum/ Canada US Mexico
Non-Americans on American States
This simplistic, infuriating, 2d game is Russia's greatest invention
Realize I'm the one always messaging my friends first
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Australia has 0 nukes
We are full
You are a cunt
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
They should've went Disneyland, it's better anyway
Tfw you realize that whenever your thinking about you're waifu you're actually thinking about the escapist fantasies of...
Give ONE advice to a country
Americans will defend this
I love america culture!
Believe it or not, this picture was taken in PARIS
Where has the laughter gone, Sup Forums?
Is Flama cancerous?
/cum/ Canada, United States, Mexico
Why american police is excessively cruel?
You may only post ITT if your native language has separate words for turtle and tortoise
Daily reminder that Canada doesn't negotiate with terrorists
Japanese Donald Trump Commercial
Today I learned that a popular slang in French for having your period is "Les Anglais ont debarqué", or...
Remember that my Argie gf never replied
Why are black people so beautiful?
ITT: We say nice things about Sweden
I'm so sorry about the Canadian posters. We're not all bad
1. Your country
Martin Luther and Karl Marx were both German
My grandfather fought in world war II
I'm so tired of all the racist shitflinging on here
A long time ago I used to draw lazy doodles of anthropomorphised Spain and South American countries...
Is this true? do you guys not like eachother?
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
Which unrecognized countries do you support?
Anglo dad had to marry a fucking Slovenian
Why is the west bending over for islam
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/ita/ - il filo
/nachtschicht/ - tagsüber wieder /deutsch/
Americans will defend this
What happens here? Is is true that they salaries are like 20$ a month? How tha fuck do they survive...
Holy shit Sup Forums, i will soon live in Finland for 5 month
I love my country, yet i hate my country
Tell me about life in this country
Tell me about this region
Easiest language
Who wins?
French "people"
A fucking dragon
Is it just me or is cheerleading a really fucked up part of American culture? Think about it...
Sverigetråden - Mysiga Nattupplagan
What ever happened to the renaming of that region in southern france, was it renamed occitanie-pays catalans...
Faces of Sup Forums
France, can you explain why this region is so unpopulated? It makes no sense
Questions for Americans and Canadians, other countries allowed too
I lók at word and see spaijn and it is to my
Convince me on why I should learn Spanish
Is there anything that the white man hasn't actually stolen? I mean shit, they even stole europe frim the neanderthals...
ITT: Interesting maps and graphics
/hell/ /gr/
Is there a race of europeans more vile than the italians?
Why doesn't anyone live in Greece?
Black people in America should all convert to Judaism
Light intensity correlates to:
I can't focus on my life/studies because I'm so focused on my country going to shit. Do you know that feel?
/cum/ Canada US Mexico
Why do the Scandinavians drink so much coffee??
Tfw no gf
Why do Americans do this
I'm ready for my country to just balkanize already. are you?
/ita/ - il filo
/fr/ - Fil de /fr/ance
1. your country
How can Americans beat a fully equipped modern army from any nation if their best couldn't even beat chink peasants in...
Why do foreigners hate us ?
Be American
Gay Countries
Tfw of your 3 former favourite boards (/r9k/ Sup Forums Sup Forums) one has been completely colonised by reddit (/r9k/)...
Islam and violence
So my dad has been going to Japan for the past 15 years for business trips
Sverigetråden - Protestupplagan
Hofer lost
Come on to learn about new cultures and languages
You wake up
Do you agree that Portugal should be considered the "sadboy" of southern europe?
/flag/tism - Amusement Park edition
ITT: post Video Game Companies from your countries
Why you do this?
Terrible statues and Monuments:
Why do only Western Europeans get to have multiculturalism?
You wake up and realize that you are in Hungary
What are some good German youtube channels?
/ita/ - il filo
Where did the "France surrenders" meme originate from?
This is a Brazilian portrayed in street fighter
/mena/ = Middle east + North Africa
Which country has the best looking women? My vote goes to Ukraine (pic related)
Southern Europeans eat smaller breakfasts than Northern Europeans
You have ten seconds to be as Spanish as possible
Russian anthem'
Is japan based or just shit at treating people like human beans?
250 milion people
/éire/ /eire/
What happens here?
The fall of the Ottoman Empire was a mistake
Every one welcom edition
Who does Sup Forums support?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why is the Western media so biased against China in Africa?
What country was he from ?
Why did Bolan vote for this idiot? Didn't they know edgy bullshit should not enter daily lyfe?
Ok Sup Forumsfags, let's play a game. You get to have make YOUR country do a certain action. One request per person...
What kind of image would you come to your mind when you hear "true American"?
Daily reminder that Leafland is the comfiest Western country to live in. No conflict, no happenings...
/fr/ - Le fil /fr/
Did you know there is an archipelago shared between Chile and Argentina called Tierra del Fuego that in Spanish means...
/esp/- Hilo balcánico
American enters a thread
I'm at school right now. What is your language's word for this object, and does it translate to backpack or book bag?
Why are artists leftists ?
Grow up thinking family is full German
Tfw europe will be destroyed
Are there Turks here?
/ita/ - il filo
Tell me about Albania
Post the favourite building from your own city
The things you've contributed to this world
Question for Germans
Prove me wrong
How is his name spelled in your language?
He doesn't wanna have a qt and virgin muslim wife
1. Your cunt
Crusade to retake Minnesota from the Yanks when?
You wake up
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Anzu is sexually harassed in the school bus by this guy on the right...
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
Racism is wrong
Can any Chinese people give there opinion on politics in the west?
/hell/ - /gr/ - /αυτισμός/
Why are Eurasian girls the cutest in the world?
Germans will defend this
Tips on getting a Filipina gf
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Sverigetråden - för svenskar samt brödrafolk
Call her a whore and cum dumpster slut while you fuck her
My dad bought me Mercedes Benz GLC 2016, but I am still virgin
Who's getting excited for Germany vs Germany?
Neapolitan Japan has invented is popular with Italians
I fixed turkey
What is the most American thing you've done today?
1. Your country
Would I pass as a local in your country?
Wtf is wrong with slavic women?
Imagine living in a third world city
Be me
Who was the greatest black man that ever lived ?
Hurr durr no one cares about baltics nato is useless they'll surrender them to immediately to putin if putin invades
Why was he so perfect?
Sup Forums こんばんは、
1. You'r country
Do you speak English in your daily life?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why is Christian population in Nigeria growing rapidly despite Boko Haram and shit?
I fixed Asia
I hear that Canadians say "about" more as in "aboot"
How is this not European?
Be american
If black people are inferior how come they have the strongest genes?
Kurva anyátok
Be Persian
Yfw he is a manlet
Does your country believe in coincidences?
Why are people in some nations so lazy?
Best region in all of Europe, from ancient history to modern age
/ita/ - il filo
Why is int so islamophobic? Seriously, westerners here treat Muslims the same way they treated Jews in 30s...
How can these people be turks ? This can't be ?
Are these considered athletes in your country?
How does it fucking feel to have French written on everything?
Be American
Country's name is "__land" or "__stan"
Rainbow ribbons
What's your opinion on north africans invading france ?
Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you stopped spending so much time on Sup Forums or videogames and...
How is your cunt handling the homeless?
Holy fuck how tall are women in western europe? This bitch almost as big as that oil derrick
What is wrong with white people?
Should I join the navy
What language do you recommend learning?
Poltard here often complain about "Marxists" in the west. Are they retarded...
How are Argentinians not White? Why does Sup Forums say they have black skin...
Why are Koreans so superior?
Be aware of bears if you come to Japan
Will they ever be a world super power again??
Does anyone else get sad when they think about how many people in the world have so little...
ITT: What is your cunt's general opinion of this man, Bernie Sanders?
Look at the last two digits of this post number and congratulate me
/cum/ Gringo Edition
Be Alabamian
What's the difference between Brazilians and Argentinians?
Is this permissible in your country?
This baffles and infuriates the European
Chad from America transfers to your school/work per an exchange program
Turkish People
Be American
Post your town city flag
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Europeans unironically think the only cheeses Americans eat are Kraft singles
Do you have a fascination with geography?
So when's your next haircut?
Hilo Latino /lat/
Is this how the average Turkish girl looks like?
You aren't attracted to black girls? Haha you don't say!
How can men even compete
Why the fuck do Americans always have to post in generals they don't belong in?
Americans, where is the most "Canadian" state ?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
If the name of your country begins with 'T' they you are living in a shit hole
Could i pass as local in you're country??
Why do English women get more drunk than English men?
Other than gun control, what is a method of preventing these mass shootings Americans have put forth...
Have you ever been to disneyland Sup Forums...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What the fuck am I?
Watching this movie
Where do people get drunk and party in your cunt?
I need a russian to recommend me a typical russian song
China's gonna get you
We are all friends here r-right?
Why do some South Americans get so butthurt at Mexico? Is because we are whiter than them...
You will never know this feel
If whites are superior
Learn irish
Is Mexico really that bad?
Reminder that the arab city of Cordoba had miles of public lighting when London was just a poor...
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...