ITT: Ask a Hungarian anything

ITT: Ask a Hungarian anything.

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Why is hungary better then sweden?

Is your connection to Finns widely known there?

Why did you feel the need to make this thread?

Do you believe you will get the title of "Porn capital of Europe" once again?

Do you have Puli?

anyád kurva?

I wouldn't say it's better, it's just different.
>Sweden: higher salaries, better social net, people feel better in general
>Hungary: no rapefugees

It's a part of general education, Finbro.

Just because.

I believe so. The richest man in Hungary owns LiveJasmin.

I used to own a Carpathian shepherd but he died 2 months ago.


what is the integral S (3x*e^2x)! dx

>mfw turks cannot solve some elementary school level maths

>integral of a factorial

I've made Mathematica compute the Taylor series expansion of your shitty integral:

x-e^2 gamma x^3+3/20 e^4 (6 gamma^2+pi^2) x^5-9/28 x^7 (e^6 (2 gamma^3+gamma pi^2-2 polygamma(2, 1)))+O(x^9)+constant

Polygamma is the n-th derivative of the digamma function while gamma is the Euler-Mascheroni constant.

Use integration by parts Mehmet
u=3x, u'=3
v'=exp(2x) v=2exp(2x)

Int (uv') = [uv] - int(u'v)

So I = (6x*exp(2x)) - int(6exp(2x))

I = 6x*exp(2x) - 3exp(2x)

Since exponential isn't a function with values in N, your factorial operation makes little sense

t. I have math finals in 1 week

will you fuck my shithole?

Thanks but no thanks.

Do you like your country?
In case you had to leave it, where would you go and why?

I do love it.
Well, I'd go northward, either to Scandinavia or Canada.

Do you like boipucci?

No, I'm straight.

Ugly desu

I prefer slavs myself

Why do hungarians want to genocide romanians?

Why do you have such an impression? I, for one, have nothing against you guys. Repeated assimilation attempts and harassment against the Hungarians in Transylvania is hardly the fault of the average Romanian I think.

>Repeated assimilation attempts and harassment against the Hungarians in Transylvania

top kek, in reality is the other way.Didnt you magyarise the szeklers completely? Only 526 szeklers are left today in Romania,a ccording to the census.

Can I passionately kiss you on the cheek?

Really? It's so strange. I really don't understand why people restrict themselves when it comes to sexuality. You're able to enjoy the voice of both genders, you may appreciate beauty of both forms, but it's unthinkable that you might enjoy their touch as well? I'm on the opinion that humanity is inherently bisexual with a few exceptions.


y-yes you can

kend buzi?


>Repeated assimilation attempts and harassment against the Hungarians in Transylvania is hardly the fault of the average Romanian I think.
I must've missed that one. Our governments have been trying to bend over for them since communism at least. Even asking a shekel/hungarian in here to learn romanian makes them chimp out.

Nie, ja pytałem czy Ty srasz.

when girls are alone in a swimming pool changing room - what are they doing there?

Where is the trokaji???

Will you abandon /v4/ to help the people make way for a proper Carpathia-Adriatica general of Croats, Hungarians and Slovaks?

When will the Crown have its own general?

Why did this happen? Why did it stopped happening?

Doyou drink Tokaji?



Ohohoho kurwa

Does this trigger you?

To było poważne pytanie, user. Jeżeli nie srasz, lub srasz nieregularnie, to może świadczyć o problemach zdrowotnych.

Clean up the Balaton, pls. Its a mess.

What do you think of Hungarian Turanism and events like Kurultáj?

Do you like us ?

>kend buzi?

I'm moderately bisexual

How do you lads feels about Serbia and the Serbs? I imagine that there might be some salt over the wars and Vojvodina.

We generally have good opinions of you, hopefully you do too.

Do you recognize your Magyar brothers in Egypt? Would they be welcolmed back to the homeland?

Best Hungarian dish?

Yes, with a lot of people despising the Finno-Ugric theory because our past is kind of shit and not as glorious as that of Turks for example.

Why haven't you killed yourself for being Hungarian yet?

Why do you listen to metal and industrial?

This tbqh. Who the fuck would want to be related to shitslingers like Finns? Literally the only thing we have going for us is
>muh blondest population in Europe xDxDxDDD
it's pathetic desu

>says the gypsy

I don't actually speak polish outside of knowing our shared word, sorry user

how much do you love garlic

Serbian Romanian detected.

...getting changed I guess?

In the winery.

I don't think so.

Not in the current political situation, that's for sure.


I don't like it desu senpai.

I don't give a fuck about it.

The water quality is "excellent".

I do.

I like our neighbors.

Magyars in Egypt? That's new for me, please elaborate.


Because I like them?

A lot.

Because of the good beats:

>Magyars in Egypt? That's new for me, please elaborate.

Wow, what a disgrace. Get fucking cultured, my man.

Was crushing the dreams of our football fans part of your plan?




lurk moar

I just realized I never replied to you.
I've never been there but I like the movement.

>Best Hungarian dish?
My personal favorite is "csülökpörkölt" (pork knuckle stew) with boiled potatoes and pickled paprika. Would you like the recipe?

I don't watch football. I realized there was a Eurocup like 2 days ago.

have some Hungarian metalcore with dj0nt:

I asked if you poo.
If you don't or do it irregularly, that may be a sign of a dangerous health condition, user.

this is what poland has become

Orbánra szavaztál?
Hol voltál a 2006-os tüntetések alatt?
Vannak-e kapcsolataid a Magyar Gárdával,?

do you fuck a dog while it's shitting?

Okay, here's the recipe while I'm waiting for more questions:
-75 dkg pork knuckle (deboned, with the skin on)
-10 dkg bacon
-2 large onions
-4 cloves of garlic (2 if you can buy non-Chinese bulbs)
-2 dl red wine (optional)
-salt and pepper
-a metric fuckton of ground paprika

-dice the bacon
-finely chop the onion
-crush the garlic
-dice the pork knuckle into nice cubes

-put the bacon into a pot, fry on moderate heat until it releases the fat
-add the onions and garlic, fry until opaque
-add the knuckle cubes, fry until they turn white
-remove from the heat, add salt and pepper to taste, 2 tbsp of ground paprika and the red wine
-back on heat, reduce
-add water until everything is submerged
-cook on low heat for 1.5 hrs, stir occasionally
-a little taste, add salt and pepper is necessary

>Orbánra szavaztál?
Nem szavaztam senkire. A jelenlegi "politikai elit"-re egy kutyaólat sem bíznék, nemhogy egy országot. Rajzoltam egy méretes faszt a szavazólapra, hogy ne tudjanak ügyeskedni vele.
>Hol voltál a 2006-os tüntetések alatt?
>Vannak-e kapcsolataid a Magyar Gárdával,?
Van egy gárdista ismerősöm - rendes, becsületes programozó srác - de egyébként nem.


>Nem szavaztam senkire. A jelenlegi "politikai elit"-re egy kutyaólat sem bíznék, nemhogy egy országot.
Ez egy kiváló, racionális meglátás.

>rendes, becsületes programozó srác
Haha persze. Egyikse normális.

Hungarians are Turk teir in our history

Keményen dolgozik, nős, két gyerek apja, szabadidejében polgárőr. Szerintem semmi gond nincs vele.

H-have I wronged you, user-kun?

>Szerintem semmi gond nincs vele.
Aki paramilitáris, önbíráskodó szervezeteket támogat az bizony nem egy észkombájn. Pláne a Szarabbik gondozásában.

Can I visit your country? I promise to be good.
I like your silly language.

Based Hungary

First 500 years as an independent state have been constant attemps of Hungary subjecating Serbia, either it or the Byznatine's

What did he mean by this?

"There are vile people. There are madmen of ill-will. There are disgusting stinkers. There are loathsome faggots. And there is Gyurcsány."


>Aki paramilitáris, önbíráskodó szervezeteket támogat az bizony nem egy észkombájn.
Jól gondolom, hogy Budán, vagy a Nyugat-Dunántúlon nőttél fel?
Én egy Miskolc melletti kis faluból származom. Bizony-bizony ha a 70+ éves néninek ellopják a cigányok a tyúkjait meg a paradicsomot a kertjéből, a rendőrség semmit sem csinál, ezt nekem hidd el.
A Gárda nem ok, hanem tünet. Lehet azzal jönni, hogy nem minden cigány tolvaj, de a környéken én még egy olyan lopásról sem hallottam a harminc-egynéhány évem alatt, amit nem cigányok követtek el. Ha az erőszakszervezetek tennék azt, amiért a fizetésüket kapják, akkor a Polgárőrség, a Mezőőrség és a Gárda létezése is okafogyottá válna.


>like he's any better


Do you approve of this?

>Jól gondolom, hogy Budán, vagy a Nyugat-Dunántúlon nőttél fel?
Nem, Hajdú-Bihar :D
Amúgy igen, ismerem a cigányokat, túlságosan is, azt is hogy csak a baj van velük, de a Gárda nem megoldás rá. Rendes oktatást kéne nekik, szigorúan fogni őket, nem hagyni elkanászodni, stb. Egy nap alatt úgyse lehet megoldani a bajt, kell hozzá 2-3 generáció. A kölykeiknél kéne kezdeni az egészet. Nálunk a városba pl a fogyatékosok sulijába jár az összes cigány, az is aki értelmes. Na az ott egy nagy baj. Hogy várjuk el kiemelkedjenek a szarból ha folyton beledöngöljük őket, még azt is aki tudná a többit vezetni kifelé, esetleg némi példát mutathatna?
>én még egy olyan lopásról sem hallottam a harminc-egynéhány évem alatt, amit nem cigányok követtek el
Nem a cigányokat védem de akkor nem jársz ki sokat a házból. Van ott jó pár Magyar akinek szintén enyves a keze.
>A Gárda nem ok, hanem tünet
Valóban. Csak az a baj hogy egy valós problémát akarnak tuskó kopaszokkal orvosolni. És máris nem a rendtartás a cél hanem csak szivatni a romákat, vonulgatni, stb. Jó, a cigányokat se kell félteni, de ebből nincs semmi.
Rendet akarunk? Nagyonjó. Lehet menni tüntetni, parlament elé sátorozni, paintballal festeni az országházat mint a macedónok, borítani két traktor trágyát a margit híd közepére vagy a hősök terére míg ki nem csikarunk vmi eredményt - törvényt, több rendőri jelenlétet, esetleg elzavarni a fideszes geciket a rákba. Azthiszed viccelek de nem. Ezek szarnak rád amíg rájuk nem gyújtod a házat. Ha annyi embert megtudott mozgatni a gárda, meg szervezni, akkor ezt is megtudná. Hívnák a tanárokat, nővéreket, máris másképp állna az egész.
Ja hogy azt ők nem. Köszöntemszépen.

i will rape you

>Paintballal lőni a parlamentet
A 7,62x39 erősebbet basz vissza, és a jelenlegi rendszerben mondhatják utánad, hogy fegyvernek látszó tárgy, és hogy terrorista.

Genetically they have nothing to do with you.

linguistically too.

Finn language != ugric language

Wtf is this? Sorry, I don't speak Lovari.

Mindkét szülőm pedagógusként dolgozott nyugdíjig. Az utolsó 10-15 évben cigányokat is próbáltak tanítani.
Nem lehet. Hidd el: egészen egyszerűen nem lehet. Még ha nem volna bennük az az engesztelhetetlen gyűlölet és lenézés a fehérek iránt... de akkor is olyan buták és műveletlenek, hogy konvencionális módszerekkel lehetetlen őket tanítani.
>a fogyatékosok sulijába jár az összes cigány
Mert a felmérések alapján oda valók. Az intelligenciaszintjük messze elmarad a miénktől.

Ez nem előítélet vagy rasszizmus, hanem kőkemény élettapasztalat. Húzd ki a fejedet a seggedből. Ha nem hiszel nekem, költözz Borsodba, Nógrádba, vagy Szabolcsba egy-két hónapra. Meg fogsz lepődni.

do it faggot

Hagyd csak, ő valamiféle álomvilágban él.
[spoiler]jó neki[/spoiler]
2006-ban egy markernél kevesebbért is sittre vágtak volna, szóval val'szeg igazad van.

Aki más országban van az kussoljon. Sztem.

Van itt is cigó, attól nefélj, nem kell azért máshova mennem.

Amúgy meg nem egyedül szoktak tüntetni hanem több ezren. Mint ahogy a Franciáknál se a farok csóválja a kutyát, hanem a nép akarata érvényesül. Csak magyarországon a sok szarrágó fél mindentől, aztán nembaj az hogy nyakig ülünk a szarba csak ne lötyögtessék.
Ez a magyar mentalitás,ez kell. De akkor legyen kuss hogy eznincs meg aznincs. Aki nem áll ki magáért annak pofája lapos.

What do Hungarians think of Trump?

Most Hungarians don't even know who he is or what he does. Personally, I don't have enough input to have an opinion.

what do you think of broatia

Really? I thought that most people in the world follow American politics since it affects the rest of the world so much. I know that Russians are following it and really like Trump

We obviously follow it over here but that's because our media is fucking obsessed with America

bro tier/10
plus, you have amazing beaches

I shit you not. Maybe they've heard the name once or twice in the news but they can't really tell who he is.
Keep in mind that the Hungarian Telegraph Office (our primary news agency) is government-controlled.

>I shit you not. Maybe they've heard the name once or twice in the news but they can't really tell who he is.
>Keep in mind that the Hungarian Telegraph Office (our primary news agency) is government-controlled.

Fair enough.

Anyway I have a question for you, I went to Hungary in 2013 and it was awesome. I went to Budapest, only for one night, but it was an amazing city. We also went to Lake Balaton, and camped just outside of a town called Keszthely (on the western edge of the lake) for a few nights.

My question is have you been to Lake Balaton, and if so what's your favourite spot there? If not what are your favourite places in Hungary? Where do you live for instance? Near Budapest or Balaton at all?


Well, I prefer mountains over water but I'd visit Csopak if I were you.
I live in Budapest because I work here. My favorite places are in the northern mountain ranges though. Kékes, Galya, Parád + Börzsöny, Salgó, Füzér, Regéc, Kishuta. Here in Bp, District 12 and Hármashatárhegy.

Look them up, they're amazing.

aside from your language what differentiates you from your neighbors culturally?

Cool. We cycled along that north edge of the lake, but I don't think we went that far. There are so many towns along there though. We just went along until we found a place we could swim (unfortunately we had to pay, it was like some private beach thing, and it was pretty packed) then we went back after that. If I remember most of that northern coast had reeds and vegetation at the waterline so that's why we couldn't swim anywhere else. But anyway.

>My favorite places are in the northern mountain ranges though. Kékes, Galya, Parád + Börzsöny, Salgó, Füzér, Regéc, Kishuta.
Cool, just had a look at some of those, looks like good scenery. I'm not a huge mountain climbing guy though.

I think if went back to Hungary I would definitely like to spend more time in Budapest (although going back to Balaton to camp again would also be fun). We didn't have a chance to really see much of Budapest, we only went there because we had missed a connecting train on our way to Keszthely, and we needed to sleep somewhere for the night. But we stayed in this really nice hostel (the nicest one of our trip), went out in the evening (one of the best nightlifes we came across really), then had a gyros too (which was also one of the best things I ate that trip). So yeah, overall had a great time in Budapest, but we only spent that one night there.

Apologies if I've completely bored you, I just liked Hungary to be honest. Beer is cheap there too. That's always good.

Yes, cheap hostels and cheap gyros are a thing here.
>I'm not a huge mountain climbing guy though.
You don't have to climb. Keep in mind that the highest point in Hungary lies at 1014 m.

Why are you guys such assholes?

Every Hungarian I met here and abroad was a cunt in general, not even bullshitting. You guys have awesome food though.

Maybe we just don't like you specifically. Ever thought of that?

I guess, what I'm trying to say is.. It's not me. It's you.