Why is customer service in Europe so terrible? This really stood out to me when I visited Europe as an American...

Why is customer service in Europe so terrible? This really stood out to me when I visited Europe as an American. The following video is very much true:


because you are american,


Explain yourself, Pierre.

I went to a few fairly nice restaurants, and I swear you get more attentive service from a teenager at a random McDonald's in the USA.

I've heard American servers can be quite pushy, trying to get you to leave as soon as possible. Sounds annoying to me, if true.

How much service do you need at McDonald's by the way, I can't imagine a restaurant doing less that taking your order and giving you the food. It happens that they forget to give the bill and you wait forever and have to go ask for it, but it's not the standard.

No tipping culture. The waiter gets paid the same if you're served or not, so why should he care?

We're not into facade die-hard optimism and fake kindness is that's what you mean.

People generally don't need to be bribed to do their job. I think I saw some research showing tipping causes worse service, but don't take my word for it.


>unlike Europe, literally no tipping at all
>best customer service in the world

>fake kindness
I have some information that you might find surprising...

That's Japan, though. They have honor. You don't.

Japanese very well mannered, unlike western pig dog

American friendliness in service jobs is so obviously fake it makes most Europeans uncomfortable. Europeans prefer their servers act like humans and not programmable machines.

I'm sure you are right and that plastered grin they are forced to have through hell and high tide is sincere.

That being said i live in france and service is overall pretty nice, so no idea what OP is on about.

From what i can tell amerifats just love to complain about anything. They think the customer service should be everyone sucking your dick just the way you like it with smiles, kind words and consideration for it to be 'good'.
You don't go to a restaurant for kindness or for the waiter to make you feel special, you go to fucking eat. I wouldn't mind it even if a robot with zero emotion was the one serving me. Amerifats just can't live without people making them feel like speshul snowflakes.

that flag talking about honor

>plastered grin they are forced to have through hell and high tide is sincere
Obviously tourist traps like NYC don't count. Midwestern friendliness is sincere, but you fuckers mock us for being flyover states with nothing to see or do.
Okay, that last part is accurate. Still, we're glad to see you assholes. Accept it.

I don't want to be greeted with some creepy smile that doesn't extend to their eyes, and fake enthusiasm only serving to make me feel guilty if I leave their store with nothing.

I just want to get my stuff, just like the guy in the sketch, which is pretty funny by the way.

Europe could do with the waiter calling buttons you have in Japanese restaurants though. Here you have to wait far too long for your waiter to go to your table by himself, while in Japan you just press the button, and if there's no button you scream "SUMIMASEN" at them.

Must be terrible to work as a waiter in Japan though.

I didn't say we had any, just that the nips still do.

American service is awful if you're not used to it. I dunno about them trying to get rid of you, but they will constantly hover "just to check everything is OK" -- that's the main difference I find between restaurant service in Europe and the US, here the waiter is to attentively bring you food/drinks but basically like a servant "not to be heard" whereas over there your "server" is like part of the dining experience.. And the friendliness seems insincere when you consider they are fishing for tips.

I fucking hate American customer service. It makes me feel slightly nauseous.

Mocking flyover states is a typical north-american thing to do. Nobody in france will shit on a nice landscape.
And to be honest smiling to customers is really bog fucking standard everywhere if you except shitty places but maybe it is less of a rule her than in the US.