Is being shy ok where you live

is being shy ok where you live

Only if you're a girl.


>Latin America
Fuck no. This place is hell.




it's not something that will get you actively shunned or anything

it's more just that people don't have the patience or understanding to hold a shy cunt's hand and walk them through shit

fair enough too, really

if you're lucky some promiscuous half-caste grill from the sticks will have a thing for weedy shy dudes and come on to you aggressively

feels ok man

sort of

>if you're lucky some promiscuous half-caste grill from the sticks will have a thing for weedy shy dudes and come on to you aggressively

Almost everybody is atleast little bit shy in here.

its ok, i get along with most people. most people like me, but i dont form very close relationships.

It happens dude. My first serious girlfriend held me down and made me say, "I'm you're boyfriend".
Shit was so hot.

It's how I got laid.

what is the most normalfag place in Finland, apart from big cities like Helsinki or Turku ?
where the most grumpy rural people who avoid any interactions at

is it common to mock people on hillbilly look/behaviour in cities or towns

Hell no
If you don't talk to people they start making up rumors about you, and suddenly they think you are the next school shooter.

Nope you are expected to be extrovert here.

Being shy isn't ok anywhere, not even in japan or scandinavia

People from Helsinki/Espoo make fun of the "hillbilly rednecks" and other way around.

Country side people think that people from Helsinki are faggots that can't even change car tires/oils.

Western/southern Finland is "civilized" and think that they are better than eastern/northern Finland.


NOPE. You have to deal with it if you want to have fun outside.