What went wrong?

Not Welcome:That one pole in sweden

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>Map now showing vassals
And retarded parliamentary System is what that went wrong as well as to many Russian friendly Orthodox Subjects.

Ukrainians bring bad luck to whoever owns them

climate change killed all vineyards causing the majority of small-time noblemen to seek profits elsewhere

suddenly this nice russian guy approaches you and says he will pay you a wad of cash for shouting VETO on the next week's sejm

Religious intolerance imo.

>ukies sipported by ruskies
>samoigitian traitorish scums
>those three "empires" that led to ww1



>What went wrong?




It's once thing proclaiming tolerance on paper, but how then do you explain the success of Hmelnicki if not by the unequal treatment of Orthodox people by the vojvods?

commonwealth was the only country in europe without en masse stake burning
also jews were respected and left alone to prosper
commowealth was multi-culti dream come true, too bad it didn't last

>Orthodox people
There was no orthodox people before partitions when ruskie converted and russified them. Before that almost all of the Commonwealth was catholic (roman or greek).

pic rel unici = greek catholics

Just because you treated them better than others that don't mean you treated them with what we today would call plural tolerance.

yeah, then compare other countires standards now against back then, and it looks even more bleak
or, maybe to completely invalidate your point, compare treatment of jews in nazi germany to their treatment back in the times of commonwealth

Was more thinking about him/you calling it a multicultural dream come through, as if it also applied to our modern vision of such a thing.
Sorry if I got it wrong.

No, I meant it as back-then. The nobles that lived through the golden age of prosperity (1500-1600) really, or as far as the sources tell, thought they live in an utopian state

To bad you had to have the vetoing system in place.
That must have fucked up a lot for you.


>Weak integration of Ruthenia
>no allies
>influential ruthenian/lithuanian oligarchs who wanted to serve Moscow and stopped reforms

All in all the decline of this country happened in the same century in which countries of a latin culture declined. PLC had strong ties with Italy and France. At this time in France there was a revolution, in the same century Spain lost its power and Europe began to be more and more dominated by "teutonic" countries like Prussia or Britain

Retarded nobility, eternal austriak and ruskies, because who fucking else.
Come home, Żmudzin, make Commonwealth great again ;_;