Will SEA countries have their own bullet trains in the future? edition
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No, swinging from trees is faster and more practical there.
Pertamax cuma buat gue
It's obvious time pass by .................
>bullet train
buy japanese one, pls
don't betray us like indons
Don't ask us ask, the president....
Using all Chinese character is also too much work desu.
Well, I'll try to get post-graduate engineering major.
thank you based china
Relax I heard we have another Fast train project with you, Nihon-kun.
Indon is a communist country now..
>Don't ask us ask, der Führer...
what's up with the floor?
is that wood or carpet?
Does Du30 hate Japan? I know he worships China.
Craving for some perkedel 2bh
China train is best train
>He worships China
No m8, dutdut knows that china is very stronger than us.
it's polished concrete family
communist republic is the future mang
>China train is best train
I wonder how toxic it is. If they sell tainted baby formula and plastic rice to their own citizens, I can't Imagine they'd give a huge shit about selling poison to others.
sorry m8, right now i am lurking one thread on Sup Forums board.
I hate you
Be careful with sudden derailment and explosion
Stop posting that fatass. She looks disgusting.
looks spoopy 2bh
>sudden derailment and explosion
Currently habbenings on LRT and MRT.
>No m8
>literally says he'll throw all our existing alliances out of the window for Chinese trains and Mindanao money
This . Your house looks gloomy & spooky, m9.
>Error you're banned
of course it does, it's just an empty house with nothing in it, I haven't unpacked yet senpaitchi
all I did is move furniture and boxes then unpack things for dinner and my PC
Maybe I'll do another houseblog in few weeks when I've finished unpacking and moving everything around
Then again, maybe I won't cause /asean/ isn't for blogposting
>literally says he'll throw all our existing alliances out of the window for Chinese trains and Mindanao money
Why ?
That Blogger is confirmed robot
>tfw our leader still thinking we can beat them up
How should we cope with that big shit
see:It's very gloomy right now, I'll be glad once I unpack all my stuff and it feels like a home
>/asean/ isn't for blogposting
better than erping
we already have those
they dont seem to have bad news regarding trains unlike buildings, food, elevators etc.
t. /asean/ blogposter and ERP hater
idk...... i ran out
Demn, even us are communist now......... when the rebellion starts ?
>when the rebellion starts ?
The fire rises brother
Step it up nigra
well almost everything is made in china now
there is nothing wrong with it as long as it has sttict quality control
you mean when will you assigned to the gulag
>messy sala
Your computer parts are made in China.
this picture is very philippines
>derailment happened in China
>passengers buried with cars
>no bad news
i never let him do that if it happens
>well almost everything is made in china now
>there is nothing wrong with it as long as it has sttict quality control
When someone else designs it agreed but their cars can't meet American EPA standards and their military planes are a joke of stolen designs from other countries. You're probably right though. Its kind of hard to fuck up something that is such an old technology.
step what up?
it's just an empty house senpai, all my stuff in boxes
>implying taiwan, malaysia, and china are different
b-but taiwan was part in china before.
For fucksake, clean your room Eduardo Pagsguyen.
your tv looks like a fcking aquarium
Make your home /pinoy/ and shieet.
wew i thought it was just a meme
Taiwan is republic of China. It's same shit.
I like the dining room but you should put santo niño
at the top
i didn't know your implying .......sorry for that
what is the most chinkless cunt in SEA?
Kek this could be made into a meme based on the Facebook Indian autist, "Friendship with America is over..."
china is best ally 2bh. we should stop completely rely on US since all they do is sanctioning countries. maybe phillipines and indonesia should do the same
t. Wang Li
>China is a Taiwanese province gripped by a communist rebellion. It's same shit.
t. ashraf lee
I wonder how much K-Pop idols and Samsung TVs our gubmint is being paid, save us Japan.
t. Ma Ling
t. Zheng He
>make my house horribly overcluttered with ugly tacky religious knick-knacks and cheap imitation plastic shit and none of it matches
>tainted baby formula
Wow one case in 2008 is representative of trains in 2016.
>plastic rice
>maybe phillipines
Stay away from our little friend.
NO ! they can took the binondo but not the whole
>Be me
>Intern in PT INKA (Indonesian Train Manufacturer)
>Choose 'Train' as my final project
Well, Japan is still Indonesia's role model for Train Manufacturing process after all.
They even use the same software to build the train car.
>Pic related
The blue print of Malaysian KTMB that INKA have designed.
fake rice
chink makes fake rice made of plastic and they also make fake egg
chink is evil genius bastard
don't call me friend if you can't spell my cunt pal.
Samsung is shit. LG is worth to buy.
Do you guys have problem with them in the first place?
China has a lower rail failure rate than most of Western Europe (and especially America).
and you have an alliance with then, what the hell is wrong in yer country???
>literally says he'll throw all our existing alliances out of the window for Chinese trains and Mindanao money
It is unsourced shitposts like this that make Sup Forums the shithole it is.
t. John Duterte
Hehehe, nice one.
I don't think that garbage was ever exported though.
joke a wee is a cuck
That wasn't me Philippines I quoted the other poster. BTW is pinky acceptable? Or is it more slang that outsiders shouldn't use?
t. Shitposter
Into the trash it goes
*Pinoy not pinky
>chink makes fake rice made of plastic and they also make fake egg
a year ago it was a big news in indon because we found some imported rice from china on the market turned to be fake after that we also found the fake egg