What'd you have for breakfast? Mango kefir with some chia/hemp/almond granola and some fresh blueberries...

What'd you have for breakfast? Mango kefir with some chia/hemp/almond granola and some fresh blueberries, feels good before a joint

I woke up at 2pm

Damn.. Looks delicious and healthy af... And here I thought Americans ate 12 burgers for breakfast everyday.... You learn something new everyday...
What exactly is kefir? They started selling it where I work but I never understood what it is?

wheres the meat lmao?

We lead the world in hipster Health Foods and edgy diets.

How do you not know what kefir is, most of the yogurt in my grocery store says "product of denmark" lol.

As for the difference, it's just a smoother, drinkable yogurt with more bacteria for ya guts.
"Both kefir and yogurt are cultured milk products. but they contain different types of beneficial bacteria. Yogurt contains transient beneficial bacteria that keep the digestive system clean and provide food for the friendly bacteria that reside there. But kefir can actually colonize the intestinal tract, a feat that yogurt cannot match.
Kefir contains several major strains of friendly bacteria not commonly found in yogurt, Lactobacillus Caucasus, Leuconostoc, Acetobacter species, and Streptococcus species."

It's waiting for dinner ya goof
How is this edgy


Greek yogurt and vodka pasta

Keif means good feeling in Turkish does it not? Are you some sort of lactose intolerant scum?

Nice I'll try that. Must be some hipster Copenhagen yogurt lol

Send me $10 on paypal and I'll send you some granola

Keyif;joy yes and no I'm not but it tastes like crap

This is mango flavored not your gross ass plain shit.

>eating that gay shit
>smoking weed

kill yourself faggot

Why you so salty, fatty?

You're right tho it might be good with mango

This is my first time having it and I love it. They had mango, strawberry, orange, blueberry, and plain at the store. Embrace your culture and drink this rotten cow stomach slop

Nice, try Boza next time.

Is it sweet?

bread and mango juice

What kind of bread? I make Pulla sometimes

A simple stuff, coffee with a panque.

Looks tasty lad.

this kind

Oatmeal with quark and greek yoghurt

Quark is just cottage cheese

Incidentally I had oats with cottage cheese

Some gayass protein bar and a glass of water

I like cliff bars

Eggs desu

Eggs eggs eggs erry day eggs

Egg is love egg is life


Ya, it's part of my mexican heritage. WE WUZ WARRIORS AND SHIT

>he doesn't smoke cannabis
How do you survive your tiny, sad, pathetic country