Apple <

>MFW people actually buy this shit

I can't believe MacFags infest Sup Forums


Shame on you for being such a burden to your parents.
>dubious claims of employment
Don't bother.

I'm only just finished my sophomore in college so I don't need to find my own place yet ^_^

Are you a homosexual?

I cross dress often but I only have sex with girls :3c

>ywn be this pathetic

sorry redneck but my life is epic :3c

I don't have a problem with faggots but why the fuck do you own a MacBook and browse Sup Forums the supposed-to-be most red pilled tech board?

I work in the IT dept. at my university and have a tripleboot macOS 10.13 developer preview 1, redhat and arch :3c

Ah I think you have the wrong item for the job, see you have a fashion accessory not a real computer meant for getting stuff done. Using Linux is a start but you'd get more performance out of a machine meant for being a computer

The fuck do you ever boot into Mac then?
Doesn't even make sense
I would understand if you were a dumb normie who doesn't know what an OS is let alone install another one, but you have better OS's already installed but actively choose to use the worst one. Why?

sorry fedora but I need long battery life for my classes and work schedule! Sup Forums is 18+, not for underage dorks!

i program exclusively in arch, work software in redhat (university networks run on redhat and 1/2 of our software only works on redhat) and macos for the superior battery life and integration with my iPhone and iPad Pro

They do buy it. How do you think Apple is worth billions of dollars?

Also, what's the matter? Jelly that they're getting a nice laptop? Or are you just sperging because every laptop in the world has to be exactly like a used Thinkpad T420 to meet your standards?

>uses a fruity toddler toy
>pretends to be 18+


>Cross dresser
>Uses Mac
>Probably a cuck
>Calls me underage
>Watches American Dad on his Mac

I'm 20 on July 4th :3c

american dad is epic

>Ah I think you have the wrong item for the job
What you think doesn't square with adult experience, which you'll glimpse whenever you get into high school.

Just because I don't use shit doesn't mean I don't know how badly it performs, benchmarks exist faggot get out of Sup Forums

>benchmarks = real world performance

do you even leave your bedroom, virgin

>adobe premiere
>not real world


Do you ever stop taking dick in the ass, I'm guessing you think real world performance does not equal real world performance either. Like using Facebook and overheating


works on my computer :3c

nice 9gag meme underage go back to your video games

sorry but reposted meme threads are auto hidden

>mactoddler cant handle facts
>finger go in ears and begins autistic ahrieking


This is why no one takes technology illiterate mactoddlers seriously.

the only people who think youtube videos posted on g are facts are literal retards, go back to playing overwatch virgin


You may not be underage but you are still a faggot

u mad virgin :3c

>mactoddler mad his fruity toddler toy got BTFO by real computers

LMAO u mad mactoddler?

I use my computer in the real world so ^_^ have fun with your literal video game toy machine, winbaby :3c

>fruity toddler toy

You need to be 18+ to browse Sup Forums mactoddler.

More just feeling sorry for such a failure

>uses a Mac
>has wireless earbuds
>owns an anime keychain

I don't know who's the real virgin here

>video game toy

you need to be 18+ to browse Sup Forums, gamer

go back to your video game hugbox winbaby! gamers are the true failures :3c

I haven't been a virgin since 2014 :3c my girlfriend and I have gone to the same anime convention for the past 2 years and she bought my umarus for me since she knows I love her :3c

Both Mac and Windows are shite
You are on Sup Forums, we use real operating systems here, not money making spyware.

>i'm a cuck, not a virgin!
like that's somehow better lmao

But I don't play videogames... You're the one that uses a Mac and cross dresses while also watching American Dad

>Go to your videogames!!1!1!
>We went to the same anime convention :3c
t.Underage weeb fag iToddler tranny
I have a feeling you're just baiting now

underage dork with 0 reading comprehension missed my tripleboot post. sad! ubuntu is still spyware, virgin ^_^!

Ubuntu is spyware, yes.
That's why I only use free GNU/Linux distros

I didn't miss that, but you can be quadrabooting and it still wouldn't matter since you are using OSX anyways

>0 reading comprehension
>No one said anything about ubuntu
Lol fag and it's funny how you're calling us virgins just because of Sup Forums like having sex and being in a relationship is a feat that you should be proud of

>But I don't play videogames... You're the one that uses a Mac and cross dresses while also watching American Dad

Again, american dad is epic

>t.Underage weeb fag iToddler tranny

I'm 20 in July ^_^

It's called macOS, not OS X, shut in!

>you're calling us virgins just because of Sup Forums

virgin alert

So you're mentally underaged


Virgin alert

>MFW people actually buy this shit

We're on Sup Forums, aren't we all?

>64gb ram
>1tb ssd

Muh dick

That's just as bad as Apple, maybe slightly more bearable

You're probably right, especially in the summer with all these MacFags

> tfw want a new laptop
> tfw cannot save for shit

why am i so bad with money bros

>maybe slightly more bearable
Why? Because muh gaymes?

Okay without starting another wave of hatred:
I've used my Samsung and my MacBook pretty intensively in the past. Both are 4 years old now and I must say that the MacBook performs WAY better. Heck it's not even slowing down or something.
Of course it is not the most powerful machine and I'm not that used to Mac OS and probably will never be, but from build quality to software optimization that thing is a beast.

Now my question is:
>what is the most recommended laptop if my main priorities are just a fluid system that won't perform like shit once a new windows version is out or whatever

I mean I know they're pricy and shit but it is a accessory to show off after all too. I'm not saying I agree with it but it's not a bad machine in general

Because it isn't as badly built and doesn't throttle. It's designed properly for what it does using appropriate size and specs unlike any Mac that tries to have high end specs but also tries to make it look a e s t h e t i c which is worse than useless and impedes on the potential of the hardware

>Tfw my company bought it for me
Feels nice