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Technology #610
I need a burner phone to give to my married GF. Her SO has a habit of rummaging through her phone when she's asleep...
Why is Visual Studio so shit?
"user, I hope you know how to apply thermal paste."
Android BTFO
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
In terms of games when or how should I use const and constexpr properly?
Which linux distro do AMD users use?
Show me an OS written for the 21st century
Why doesn't your family use linux?
Windows XP
How does Sup Forums discover new music? Any radio apps/sites to recommend?
Can any linux fags help me out?
VW will beat him in the electric car game
Daily reminder that:
Discord Bots
Honest thoughts on dumbphones?
I miss her
Spinners are technology after all. Here's my new titanium alloy, spinner, i call it the spinmasterX300...
Nets 50 billion a year
/pcbg/ PC Building General
Pc setup guess
Linux is as much as a real OS as pic related being a real girl
What's the appeal?
IRC thread
Cute tech
Why Macs?
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
Ps4 pro fps
I need a small device with real keyboard
Name 8(eight) iOS malware
Sup Forums humor thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I finally got a new phone after ages and it has the retarded new round emojis...
Hello Sup Forums
How well did he code Linux?
IP address info trace?
Django appreciation thread
What did he say, Sup Forumsentoomen?
Why does Sup Forums hate KDE Plasma?
/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacements General - Ultimate Thread Edition
/csg/ Chink Shit General
How well did he code facebook?
The problem with the internet right now is twofold: its de-balkanization...
Literally all you fucking people do is argue like little girls fighting over whose turn it is to be the princess
Endurance Test of Samsung 850 Pro Comes To an End after 9100TB of writes
Why does flux suck ass so much?
Alright boys, I took the meme plunge into Arch. Does Sup Forums have an essential package/setup list lying around?
Okay Sup Forums...
You should be able to solve this
Do you even realize we're currently in the golden age of Linux?
Well, well, well
H-hey guys! A reference to Kirby! How about a... CHRONO TRIGGER reference?...
Hey Sup Forums I tried Debian with Gnome but it lacks a lot of features: a button to minimize the window...
/wt/ watch thread
Rage Stories
ITT: software that Sup Forumstards shill for but are actually a POS
How well did he code this site?
Is there a chance that PS5/Xtwo will beat a Ryzen 7 1700 16GB of Ram and a GTX 1080 if the consoles will cost $399 and...
Can Sup Forums build a PC equivalent for $499?
Why the fuck is everyone using GNOME?
Whats your opinion of women leading technology companies?
/pcbg/ PC Building General Anonymou
Reddit is now the 4th most popular website in the US
Linux GPU drivers
How much of Sup Forums users are windows, mac or linux users?
New chinkpad
What are your least favorite file formats?
Android apps
New iPhone will have bezelless OLED, wireless charging, filesystem access
Name a better website
AMD Raven Ridge
Be me
/w4v/ - Daily Wait for Vega Thread - Frontier is Near Edition
Time travel
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Google alternatives
What OS is the best and why is it debian?
Company is going to buy a bunch of new PCs for office use
Really makes you think
Tfw fell for the 16gb of RAM meme
Post the output of your screenfetch
Why pay for internet when you can go to a library and just use it for free?
What did they mean by this?
Tfw people the same age as you are achieving much more
Any non-android smartphones (also non-apple and non-microsoft) that are available today?
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
/ptg/ - Designated Ripping General
Hey Sup Forums, redpill me on the new iPad Pro®
/spg/ - Smartphone General - Still Waiting for Nokia Edition
How does one best host and display images on a website?
/wdg/ Web Development General
Will my SSD lose data if my computer isn't powered on for 3months?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread - NO POLITICS EDITION
For day-to-day (non freetard) use, should I use Debian or Arch?
What's a good way to store passwords?
Are there any python libraries that can detect blacks in photos or at least separate by ethnicity?
Windows 10 Creator Update
IOS has a godly CPU
Looking for mouse recommendations. Owned my Logitech G5 for a decade now and love it to bits...
My iPhone died today out of nowhere after 2 years. I'm not very satisfied with Apple, and am looking to switch away...
Went from an i7 5820k at 4.7GHz
Intel critical flaw identified in hyperthreading: 6 & 7th gen CPUs
Story thread
What are the risks of using tails at home?
5K iMac vs. DIY PC
Does Sup Forums recommend any cheap good e-ink readers?
Tech dumpster divers
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Moto G5 Plus
What does your font rendering look like, Sup Forums?
I want to like python, I really do, but this shit fucking pisses me off:
So since mining is booming I'm curious if my gigabyte windforce 980ti is worth anything good to sell...
Git push
Damn, ThinkPad look like THAT?
/mpv/ - mpv video player general
Congratulations guys
Homescreen thread, haven't seen one in decades
So what's this qt doing now? I miss her
/pcbg/ PC Building General
This is actually being fixed in the next Firefox Nightly
My PC freezes every 2 hours and I have to do a manual hard reboot every time it does that. I'm on Windows 10...
Use ublock origin
This triggers Linux users
Technology wise, how far away are we from cybernetically enhancing ourselves?
Is it at all possible to circumvent cellular data limits on an Android device?
Handwrite hello world in your favorite language!
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Google Chrome has suddenly stopped working for me on Windows 10. I have a 64-bit Intel Laptop. Can you Anons help?
Encrypted .rar file with backups
Use only 2.5" drives in my desktop
Mobile phone security
Trinity Desktop
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
B-but windows NT is goo
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Just got a T60 and T400 for libreboot and Parabola...
Android phones are obsolete the moment you buy them
Are laptop cooling pads a meme?
/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacements General - Let's save Animu Edition
How was browsing the internet like in 2003?
See this shit user?
What do you do with your old smart phones Sup Forums?
Windows holdouts?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Foobar2000 / General Music Player Thread
Please decrypt your computer or els
Does your filepicker have icon view?
TempleOS General - Fuck Register Variables Edition
How do I do it Sup Forums?
So, I just installed that "light" windows7 from that random Sup Forums guy, looks fine so far...
If ryzen is so good why is it still selling less than intel?
Ubuntu thread
What cracked software are you using, Sup Forums?
How do we fix racist machine learning algorithms?
Windows is shit for developing. GNU/Linux is obviously the next choice, and superior for development...
Need a new case Sup Forums is the corsair 750d any good...
Buy new phone
Need to get password
Windows 10 Source Code Leaked
What OS do I install on this Sup Forums?
Warning advisory for broken hyper-threading on Intel Skylake/Kabylake CPUs
You fags will argue about anything
Is this bad, Sup Forums?
Image Viewer
Finally make the laptop everyone's been asking for
IRC thread (BBS and Usenet also welcome)
Can someone help me?
Why aren't you using Windows 10 and Edge Sup Forums?
Funny how the AMD fanboys think their cards are better than Nvidia, you know there's a GTX 1080 and a GTX 1080 Ti...
/pcbg/ PC Building General
/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser
Are there any operating systems that are user intuitive, pretty, AND fully capable?
Hello Sup Forums technology how do I install Linux
Investing in queer youth events
Cheap sustitution for Sansa Clip+?
SpaceX Falcon 9 Iridium Next
Why do people spend more than they should on a phone? you buy a phone for calling people, not for fucking games
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
I just realized the reason they make iPhone more expensive is so niggers...
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Library for detecting anime images?
Amazon wants to build delivery drone beehives in every city
Never buying another AMD product again
T440s the most underrated ThinkPad
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
BSD general
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Tag Based File Management
So i want a PC in a stick to be portable and slowly let go of my old desktop
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/spg/ - Smartphone General
WARNING Intel Skylake/Kaby Lake processors: broken hyper-threading
Sister bought a fidget spinner
Browsing some lewds
CS grad thread
Care to explain why you don't own one of these? Other than for financial reasons
I live in student apartment so electricity is part of my rent...
Name a single reason, besides autism, why would anyone use Linux
Why is it that so many technology-inclined people like Japanese cartoons and other similar images?
Java or C#
Ryzen 1700x
Doesn't even have a proper label system
What's the best resolution?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What are some good alternatives to ((popular)) websites?
You IT/tech related job
Someone is hacker?
Fuck this trash called an adapter.Do any of you know a better one that works on Xbox one controllers too...
Why are you not using Darwin, Sup Forums?
Please, help me make a decision on a 1070 card!
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
Why are gpu prices all going up?
Macfags still keep up with this mac vs pc shit when apple has been selling standard pc hardware for massively inflated...
Noctua invented their own polymer plastic so that over time it doesn't bend and hit the corners of the inside
Anti-Adblock Killer is dead
This is your 6 core Intel Coffee Lake scheduled coming out
"If you can't beat 'em, join 'em"
Laugh at me all you want Sup Forums but i'm building a pc and forced to have a budget of about 550 - 600 dollars...
/pcbg/ PC building General: Never Obsolete Edition
Mozilla Firefox Nightly
ScreenFetch Thread
Hey guys what do you recommend?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Who even needs this fucking thing anyway???
Why does this old shit still sell for this much?!
What's the best mITX case that has great airflow with room for a full size gpu...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/mkg/ - mechanical keyboard general
The programming language of Sup Forums is ________
Own an OPO
What does Sup Forums think of this build?
Are seedboxes in 2017 a good meme or a bad meme
What is the best way to learn python?
Using VPS as a secure VPN
Could you help identify this graphics card?
Wage or salary slaves?
What were they thinking?
Hey guys, so this brand new asus laptop just got its screen fucked...
Need a cheap smart phone, is this a mistake?
16:10 will never come back
Where can I get one of those laptops they give to kids in Africa
Fitness band thread
Gender neutral code
Any serious devs here? How long are your unit tests?
Sup Forums doesn't use a jet engine to cool his components
Say something nice about him
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Upgrade to an ssd user, it's a lot faster!
Arch or Debian?
Does Sup Forums recommend a used tablet for under $150? I'm thinking of a Nexus 7 or Lenovo Tab 2
Okay, I miss MS-DOS. There I said it. While I consider Linux better than Windows, I hate it and anything Unix(like)...
/lbgt/ - Laptop Buying General Thread
Can someone recommend me a printer?
Got Stallman's comment on the Windows 10 Source Code Leak
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Why does Noctua make the best case fans?
Lately Youtube ads have been appearing despite running ABP
I am selling my 480 8gb with a power supply for $350...
What if Sup Forums had OS flags?
If you order a bride from Russia is she a girl (mail)?
What exactly did i do wrong here?
Homeserver thread?
Browse Sup Forums for a few days
Unix developers
Qt girl lent me her hard drive to get some tv shows and movies
Well, Sup Forums?
Wipe off thermal paste from cpu
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
I'm using a 2015 macbook pro and compared to my 2011 macbook pro Sup Forums threads and catalogs load super fast
Your turn, memedroid
Gigabit ethernet has been standard on consumer electronics for a decade...
Last thread >>61036325
Excel Experts I need your help
Why do you use linux other than it's free and muh windows botnet?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Post your desktop Sup Forums
RIP Desktop Applications
Which side are YOU on?
Single Board Computers
"Please disregard this message, I figured out the issue."
Would you let your daughter be a programmer?
How do you beat new MacBook Pro?
Rust hate thread
Can I get some help here?
Where's the cheapest place to buy a MacBook Pro as a student right now?
What are some voice changers that will make sound like a girl?
Making an arm computer
Tech youtubers
Is Computer Science doomed to be male dominant?
How does Sup Forums protect itself from carpal tunnel?
First Ekansovi dump going up on Wikileaks in around 8 hours
Why is there so much hate on mac recently?
Is anyone still doubting that ethereum is the government response to bitcoin?
Computer is fucked up
How do I learn fortran?
Elsevier Complaint Shuts Down Libgen and Sci-Hub Domain Name
/cyb/ + /sec/ general: cyberpunk and cybersecurity: /edc/ edition
Internet in the Forrest
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
BackBlaze loses 17 TB of data
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General thread
/pcbg/ PC Building General
/bst/ - BattleStations. Poverty Edition
Should build a new machine with one of these? currently using a 2500k at 4.6 ghz
What direction should I apply stickers to? This way or rotated 180 degrees / 200 Gon
ITT: The worst of modern internet
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Firefox doesnt have 4k option
Is utorrent 2.2.1/2.0.4 ever going to be bested on windows?
/wt/ Watch Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Python Thread
/Pth/ - Private torrent geberal
What does Sup Forums recommend for a computer chair?
Good day sir. This is a routine inspection. Your GPG private key and social media passwords please
Should I use debian as a first Linux distro?
Summer Cooling advice
Why exactly do people sing praises about this?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Can't find any SPECCY thread
Glad I bought mine before the craze started, how dose Sup Forums feel about this
Are 32 Epyc cores at 2.7GHZ really going to use around the same power as a 2 core i3-7350k at 5GHz?
So how long this pic related will be actually used for anything more than shit-tier rushed patches in games...
/dpt/ - Daily Python Thread
Is Quora worse than reddit or just as bad?
ITT: Keyboard keys you have never pressed
Does Sup Forums have a consensus about Windows 10?
Why is KDE such bloated trash?
My internet addiction is getting stronk (8-9 hours daily) and i dont have self-control
Why use debian for desktop? Isn't it just a more difficult ubunutu?
Not using ubuntu with i3wm
/maga/ - macOs General Appreciation
What does Sup Forums think about HBO's Silicon Valley?
/cosg/ - CloverOS
He needs to use a mouse to rename files
Is there any device more comfy than the electronic organizer was?
IFags will never, ever have 100 hour battery life
Who else main computing platform a smartphone these days ?
RIP clover
Meanwhile in bizarro Sup Forums
Muh best browser
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Windows Vista support until 2020
Sup Forums recommends this
You know it's true
I have procrastinated learning programming for over 4 years...
AMD Vega
OLED smartphones and tablets have been out for years
So today I bought a phone from craigslist and get fucked over because its carrier locked by sprint...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/mdg/ -Mobile Development General
W-windows is bloated
Are Emacs and Vim are just a meme?
11 yrs old:
What application does Sup Forums use for music?
When the fuck is the Ethereum mining meme going to end so that GPUs can actually be affordable?
Screenfetch/neofetch thread
How the days have passed
What the fuck is wrong with android?
Why is storage technology advancing so slowly?
/pcbg/ PC Building General
Home screen thread
Let's build a Sup Forums approved phone
We live in times where its actually better to buy an AMD CPU if you wan't to go mid-high tier
What is her end game?
Should I learn c or html?
New GloFlo Plans
Robots will take all our jobs
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Go back to other boards
Why isn't linux more popular?
IT woes
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Right Wing Organization (RWO) is a newly formed coalition of right wing aligned individuals...
Should i install alpine linux or freebsd?
Finding a reasonable graphics card
Are you jealous, Sup Forums?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
32TB of Windows 10 internal builds, core source code leak online
Welcome to the botnet
Do you like the X1 Carbon?
$130 USD
Existential Crisis: Intel i7-7740X Review
Not going to have internet for 6 months how do i survive this Sup Forums?
Newfag here
VPN General
Hey Sup Forums
Is he right Sup Forums?
Load up anime onto 1 tb hard rive from my mac side
How does this make you feel?
Thoughts on this?
WTF I hate Elon Musk now
He doesn't have a dynamic ip address
What happened to her?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Mfw I look at a 60Hz screen after having seen a 144Hz screen
What do you think of tempered glass cases, Sup Forums?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
He uses an os without famous games like overwatch and lol
The Tables Have Turned
I need pictures of old Operating Systems and their UIs. Late 80s to early 2000s. The more obscure, the better...
Using SJWfox
What's the relationship between anime and tech?
W10 is going open source!
/wdg/ Web Development General
That one retard that bought this unironically
What variation of ubuntu should I use?
I asked for this
The iPhone is the new welfare queen Cadillac
W10 source code leaked
Debian Unstable vs. Testing
Current state of Linux
What the LITERAL FUCK is functional programming and why should I bother rewriting my clean code to some new trendy...
Why do all torrenting programs look like cr*p?
Pick me a DE fam
Opus 1.2
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Hello guys
Jordan's a Lenovo guy
What computer should i get my daughter?
Memecoin miners
/hdg/ Harddrive Domino General - Seagate 3GB edition
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
There's a lot of windows 10 mods to make it run on ancient PCs...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Go to
In all honesty, why do you actually use Linux?
Would technology today be in a better state if this country didn't exist?
This is the new iPhone this September
Tfw fell for the computer science meme
Old laptop
Tfw Your Jewgle just evolved into Botnet
Placebo Block
Websites stuck in the 90s
Firefox death hype
Do you cover up your laptop webcam?
Electric Vehicle
After three years of lurking, from now on, I can legally browse this website. Say something nice
What is the safest way to torrent? I'm actually very curious about this
What steps have you taken to optimize your actions for maximum efficiency?
What's the best Linux distro for videogames?
China SSD
AMD Ryzen 1700 vs. Intel Kaby Lakei7 7700k
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Why is everyone concerned about ekansovi possibly collecting userdata if reCAPTCHA has likely been doing it already...
/pcbg/ PC Building General
Post your fetch
Only ever used £30 headphones all my life
Good programmer skills/habits
Oh well. It was nice to be free while it lasted
Speccy thread
UBlock btfo
This triggers the macfags
Is this fixable?
I still use galaxy s3
If your brain stops working and you lose a password and want it back, what do you do to remember it?
Is Xubuntu the truly patrician DE + distribution combo?
Watching old school tech dying out
Go to sleep
/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser - NTR edition
G-Sync will be an extra $400 Goy
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
/mkg/ - mechanical keyboard general
Am I training software to shoot down vehicles?
Tfw pursuing a degree in CS
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Is golang good to learn? is it easy?
Is there a way to post in Sup Forums from tor?
What memes did you fall for Sup Forums?
Post your Vindows 10™ Data Usage
How do I explain the importance of version control to people who can't even use a command line...
Found a Power Mac G5 on the side of the road around an hour ago, boxed up and in great condition. Boots up fine...
/spg/ - Smartphone General - Too Much News Edition
I want to build a PC specifically designed to handle digital art creation
Last build from f-froid
Not storing your passwords in plaintext
/csg/ Chink Shit General
It's true?
Programming advice
/wt/ - Watch Thread
You wouldn't pirate a gf
Tfw I'm being monitored by a US counter-terrorism taskforce
Steam... Wheres the network security at?
Should i buy another one of these monitors ? I already have one and i love it. Convince me not to add another one
Mice & Other Hardware
Is this browser even good?
What is it about macbooks specifically that attracts toddlers so strongly?
What went [spoiler] horribly wrong? [/spoiler]
Any AR early adopters here?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
This is the worst piece of software ever created
They told me 8gb was fine for gaming =(
IYO what is the best current smartphone and why?
What went so horribly wrong?
Hacker master race report in
Temple os general
Walmart tells Tech Partners not to use AWS
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/pcbg/ - PC Building General - Intel housefire edition
Any iOS app developers lurking on here?
Air Flow
What music do you listen to while programming Sup Forums?
I'm so fucking tired of hiding. I'm sick of being paranoid. I hate the way that the internet is set up...
ITT: We post laptops that are superior to ThinkPads
/mpv/ - mpv video plater general:
So I have a Lenovo IdeaPad y700. I know it's not a powerhouse, but it was a 1000 dollar "gaming laptop"
Net Neutrality, what are we going to do about it?
Tfw iPhones are the best phone on the market because 99% of Android phones are garbage and all but one model basically...
What are some technology that arent planned obsolence
The police use ThinkPads, not macbooks
/cyb/ + /sec/ general: cyberpunk and cybersecurity: cyberdeck edition
Ren'py Contest
You only need 8GB of ram
Sup Forums meta thread, Hiro allows one per board
What's the best mobile browser?
My phone dies at 16% battery. Is there a way to fix this?
Who's ready for the steam summer sale?
I just moved everything to BTRFS. /boot partition is ext3, and everything else is BTRFS. AMA
Install chrome
Why are you not using a Pentium III?
The year is 2032, Intel has purchased Viacom, Nvidia, and AMD. There are no longer gpu's...
Microcontroller thread
How can Intel even compete?
For those who work in the field of computer science,IT, etc, do you enjoy your job?
PDF reader
VLC stream settings or VLC Stream alternatives
Who's 775 around here?
The wiki doesn't include any recommended printers...
Why aren't you running your I2P/Freenet/Tor node?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Dude that program you made is awesome! can I have the source code?
Is there any reason why BSDs still exist when there's Linux?
Surface is shit
This happened to me yesterday
For anyone who has a job programming
Star Trek physics question
Our project has room for another cryptodev with experience in setup and maintenance of blockchains...
Why are people who work with technology so sour?
$1000 for a surface book
Recommend me a laptop for playing League of Legends for under £400 please
Do you really want to go back?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General thread
Don't mind me, I'm just stea-... Using adblock
When will these kikes learn?
Macfags BTFO
Ive never owned any apple product
/Christ/chan - Christian Pro/g/rammers General
Surface Cuck Pro
This is the future you chose
What is it with this place and the ThinkPad? What's the hype all about? Is it really that good...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Trump Suggests Solar Wall on Southern Border
How can I unlock LUKS encrypted laptop?
MSI: RX Vega (gaming) needs a lot of power
Why I would build a PC that barely can do 1080p if with the same ammount of cash I can buy a console that can do 4K
I know that C is used everywhere, populated by GNU/Linux community...
Is regex even useful?
What search engine does Sup Forums recommend ?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
GOING TO BUY THIS! Can I get some final opinions?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Are we actually ever going to see IPC improvements ever, or is this it now?
Who /mischief/ here?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Just spent literally 5 minutes selecting cars and signs just so I could make a post
This laptop is better than a macbook pro and a thousand dollars cheaper
Resolution sorcery
20C difference between cores on a Devils Canyon CPU with """improved""" TIM for overclocking payments
If you were honest
Coding used to be a valuable skill that gave autists a chance at becoming millionares because it was complex technology...
Find a flaw
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Da pins
I'm thinking about learning swift on linux. However only if it can be compiled and installed on x86. If this works out...
If i wanted power efficiency id have a celeron and gt 750
Pens General!
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Daily reminder that Ad-blocking is theft!
So i see you're running gnome, Sup Forums
Tech support story
Why do we hate audiophiles again?
Only digital citizens may post here
Is Kaby Lake-X Intel's worst product of all time? It makes no sense whatsoever
Lul wut?
Thinking about getting a MS Surface Pro 4
Is intel, dare I say it, finished and bankrupt?
Prize code validation
Hey guys, remember me?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
WAN/LAN speeds
Zsh vs bash vs other shells
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Why every KDE Plasma theme looks like complete inconsistent, ugly pile of dogshit?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
ITT: Useless Technology in Existence
RELEASE: CIA 'Brutal Kangaroo' thumb drive air gap jumping virus attack suite
Why are all the reviews on the Play store written by morons. You guys told me Android was for smart people
Realistically speaking if i get a 1070 and plan on only playing in 1080p or even lower ( I play mostly on my TV which...
Alright Sup Forums be honest
Sup Forums I'm trying to make this image as small file size as possible
Whats the point in 4k in gayming when you can just use DSR and scale down the resolution getting a better image quality...
Windows 10 hate thread
What's up with 2nd/3rd world countries and iPhone? Don't they know what being gullible is? ("saving up for an iPhone")
Does Sup Forums know basic arithmetic?
Why do ifags praise thier shitty iPhones? This shit looks ancient next to an s8
Does the library of babel really have every possible permutation of 3200 characters?
What's the best video player on windows?
Rusfags, where is the best place to buy computer components...
Now that Techpowerup is being paid to spread false news, are there ANY reliable tech sites left?
What linux feature makes you do this?
The internet has allowed all kinds of shit to be free. But why do I have to pay a telecom for internet service...
Are you getting a one plus 5, user? aren't you part of the revolution?
/wt/ watch thread
/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacements General - Ded Thread Edition
What kind of cell phones do jap girls use?
Hey Sup Forums, i have a question for you. i live in a studio apartment and want some nice home audio...
/mkg/ - mechanical keyboard general
What is this thing google gave me?
Hey bros, I'm looking to build a 8 Core system based on x99
How dumb would it be to apply an epoxy to a headphone jack to prevent it from flexing?
This is professor Winston at MIT teaching a course in machine learning
It's just Linux
Anyone have access to a supercomputer so you can get me a tripcode that spells "Anonymous"?
Take an open source phone with you
Multi-core doesn't matter!
How do you guys burn CDs?
The iPad was made because Steve Jobs hated a guy at Microshaft
Nigger nigger nigger niggers Nigger nigger nigger niggers Nigger nigger nigger niggers Nigger nigger nigger niggers...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
I need a product key for this, I don't want to spend $120
The new "textalyzer" technology is modeled after the Breathalyzer...
Official Guts thread
What's the point of a relay?
What is Ekansovi?
Is it a meme?
Perfect phones don't exi
If iPhones are so insecure and "botnet"...
What's the fastest linux distro?
Uber now implenets a tipping option
The one program chaining you to Windows
So Sup Forums I'm upgrading OS SSD and I need to install a new windows OS on it. Should I go with windows 7 or 10?
Macbook Pro and CS people
Name my Code Camp band
Sis needs help with her ThinkPad
Why is python so shit?
Yeezys, adidas confirmed app and bluestacks
Found this on the street, how do I bypass the lock screen?
/fag/ Friendly Apple General
Temple OS
Haha it doesn't have an Infinity™ display that everybody totally loves and isn't forced at all
Stupidity is contagious in the tech industry
I installed Gentoo
The '*' is not a part of the type declaration (suprisingly), so
Trying Vim for the first time
/wdg/ Web Development General
/pcbg/ - PC Building General - non-shit edition
South Korean Company Nayana to Pay $1 million in Bitcoin After Ransomware Attack
/shg/ Self Hosting General
/pcbg/ PC Building General
Computer for school
/vape/ general
ITT: Obsolete devices with amazing industrial design you wish you could get with modern specs/internals
Sold my Sapphire 480 for $425. What do I do now? Buy a 580 on 3 week back order or a 1070? What is the best 580 or 1070?
What was your last upgrade?
Install linux mint
I'm using my overclocked Raspberry PI 2 as a desktop replacement. AMA
Can anyone tell me why AMD still exists
Fuck Sublime
/spg/ - Smartphone General - OP5 Is A doozle Edition
I am tired of the large phone meme
Why do you hate me, Sup Forums?
Car tech
What's the best open source video editor...
Battlestation thread /bst/
How to bypass
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
How to bypass iphone lock screen?
Thanks to Infinity Fabric and to high yelds, AMD is using 99,9% of Ryzen Die
300 dollar mainboard
What would compel a person to buy a $2000 laptop if they're only going to use it to browse the Internet and make...
*nix for a Pentium !!!
She claims to be a streamer, yet can't even build her own PC. Mfw
What's the first OS you ever used? Mine is pic related
Delay in graphic cards
Does Sup Forums actually like this or is this just a stupid reddit show?
Uptime thread:
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
Why is facebook attacking minorities like this?
Not using AdNauseam
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General thread
Hypothetically speaking...
Name firefox addons you can't do without
Open website on phone
Intel getting btfo by GN
So what happened with this? By the time I went to bed everyone was shitting themselves...
/pcbg/ PC Building General - Non-shill edition
Be me
PC keeps randomly shutting down and this comes up. This happens a few times a week. What do?
I have a like new Note 7 pre-recall shipment and eBay wont let me sell it. Where can I sell it Sup Forums?
VS Code vs Sublime 3
Hey, how about instead of making ads less obstructive...
What's your excuse for not reading SICP? Just the first three chapters and you won't regret it
Simple Mobile Phones
Retro ThinkPad is almost here!
If thoughts were data, how big would the file size of an average thought be?
What GNU/Linux distro should I start with?
Linus be mad
What was web browsing like in 2000?
AMD releases intel killer CPU! Specs out!
I have a game engine that I made from scratch for fun. I would like to port it to "linux"...
/ptg/ - Pizza Tracker General
Intel Corporation: (-1.83%)
Is it legit Sup Forums?
How many of you guys have the new Galaxy S8? Is it really worth the money and have you had any problems with it?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
What was that website everyone was going nuts about years ago where you could put a design on a mousepad and get it for...
Perfect DE don't exi
Is kbps sufficient to tell the quality of an audio file (music)? I usually download music from YouTube...
Don't mind me just blocking your ads!
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Do you even Alcantara(tm)?
Ublock Origin deleted from Chrome
Autism Spectrum
Is the Phenom II X6 series the most underrated series of CPU ever?
Graduate with a MSc in Computer Science
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
I desperately need your help, Sup Forums
Bigass fucking phone, Y or N
Does anyone here use KDE Connect? I'm going to be installing Arch soon and it looks pretty cool to play around with
Should i go R5 1600 or R6 1700...
Yes, it's this thread again
Sexiest Linux Environment?
Ultra kek
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...