Sup Forums doesn't use a jet engine to cool his components

>Sup Forums doesn't use a jet engine to cool his components

Other urls found in this thread:,4595.html

>using two stick of ram in seperate channels
wtf, single data rate sucks

a jet engine is extremely hot and would not cool anything down

a jet engine is literally a rocket that uses compressed air as the oxidizer

I miss the days when PC shit had cool designs, looks loud as hell but who gives a fuck when it looks neat

where the fuck is the guts thread? oh well close enough

this here nigga is a pentium 4 2.2 GIGA HERTZES with 1GB RDRAM

I don't have ayymd

oh boi, ima bring the old celery d


coolbeans but that does not justify using a trip to send the point across. Filtered

In the future, please refrain from using gender specific pronouns, it doesn't promote an inclusive environment and can make girls(male) feel unwelcome

in the future, pls stop oppressing me with your opinions and refrain from posting in this board.

>he doesn't have a phase change cooler beneath his psu in his full tower PC.


try to keep up, poorfags

My brother had that cooler, it was badass. Loved the blinky light on top.

*passively cooled Xeon blocks your path*

I have evolved beyond the need for fans,4595.html

He used a super computer to get it, you shouldn't be dissin this guy

>Sup Forums doesn't use water cooling for their body

this must be how intel tested the cooling solution of the x series

>implying he didn't run tripcode explorer for seven months straight on mommy's prebuilt
also filtered

>Not using an electric turbocharger to cool your CPU

>not using fidget spinner to cool cpu

Did someone say jet engine?

Those are in dual mode

Then you need it even more user.
