/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

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I don't understand that at all, I come to these threads because my questions are genuinely stupid and I'm not savvy in internet/connection shit or hardware.
How can I use that information to get my answer?

The internet is a seires of tubes.It depends on what tubes you are taking to get to the testing server.
You could be going through tubes that go to the opposite side of the country.But if you used tubes that were in your state it would route faster.
It all depends on where the test servers are located at

What's the best way to add a deadline to your calendar in thunderbird?

Find what servers they are using (web inspector should show them) and run a traceroute to them. There are lots of servers/routers/cables between you and those servers. Some might be slow or further away. Routing algorithms are not perfect and sometimes take diversions for stupid reasons like economics.

Or the tests might just be shit.

alright so I got frex from f-droid repo on my old phone and now on my new phone I can't find it
can I someone just move the installed app or without root extract the apk

There was an explosion outside and now my internet is down
I hope that was nothing I did

>your speed will be faster if the test server is closer
Is all you had to say to make it simpler to understand.

That said I still get huge differences even if both tests use the same city for the test.

and this is a different matter altogether, but is it normal for an ISP's advertised speed to only match your speed when testing like, in your own city?
Messing with different test locations I noticed my speed drops drastically the further I get from where I live.

>Or the tests might just be shit.
Mind sharing how you check your connection, in case it is just the sites I use?
My original image was of Ookla's speed test, testmy.net, and the new built-in speed test Google provides when you search for "internet speed test".

I don't know of any others.

I just know I hate my ISP and want to find out if they're fucking me over or not.

There is an app call ApkShare on the play store, probably more too.

How do I youtube-dl as mp3 instead of a video format??? Also how do I download like 100 mp3's in one command?

>your speed will be faster if the test server is closer
>Is all you had to say to make it simpler to understand.
But that's not what he said though. The test site could be 3 blocks from your house, and if the routing detours to the other side of the country for some weird reason, the connection will still experience the effects.

First, you read the fucking manual. Then you take note of the arguments -x, --extract-audio "Convert video files to audio-only files" and --audio-format FORMAT "Specify audio format: "best", "aac", "vorbis", "mp3"..."

it's from android to b10

I use Mediahuman Youtube to mp3. It works pretty well, just be careful when installing. I can't remember but I'm sure it at least tries to get you to install some adware. Everything does.

The good one is dslreports.com/speedtest

It will track your scores until your IP changes.

Then why did he close with "it all depends on where the test servers are located at"?

I appreciate people that try to help in these threads but keep in mind they're literally meant for stupid question from people who might not understand what most of that post meant. The only part I caught was the last part, and it seemed simple enough for me.

I see, thanks. I've asked about speed tests in the past but never got straight answers, so I kept using the same old shit.

This site seems to agree with my Ookla results, so I guess testmy.net and that Google test are the ones that aren't getting shit right.

That's good to know but my connection still gets wonky sometimes. I guess I should try replacing my modem or router.

I use well seeded torrents to check my network speed.

So I'm replacing my motherboard with the exact same type of motherboard cause one of the heatsinks broke
It's literally the exact same motherboard and CPU, do I still have to re-install windows?

Yes,your auth key is stored on the motherboard its self.

Two part stupid question.
1: Which Yuri do you think has the sweetest tasting cunny?
2: why is it Akarin?

No. May have to reactivate, painless if it's legal.

How do i do this on windows>

please do not sexualize the yurus

Akarin is for loving, cherishing, cuddling, hugging, head pats, and sometimes, on special occasions, holding hands with.

Then I just re-enter the authorization key? I mean windows 10 has evolved since 8 where if you changed you're motherboard you had to reformat shit
Yeah it's a legal copy

What part of "your auth key is stored on the motherboard its self." did you not understand?

>ERROR: ffprobe or avprobe not found. Please install one.
Pretty tough problem user. But my years of expertise in computers have led me to the solution: you should look up and install either ffprobe or avprobe.
hope this helps

They also have forums that help answer a lot of questions, and provide advice specific to your ISP. You probably want to call up your ISP. There could be damage to your line causing intermittent problems (there's usually ways to see on the modem's admin page how many errors your getting), or your ISP could be getting peaks of traffic from other users in your area. Occasionally a better modem can pull a little better results, but I'd look into other areas first.

Windows is nagware these days. The only downside to not buying a license is that there is a persistent watermark on the bottom right saying "plz register or you will make clippy sad ;(" and you can't change the desktop background. Still get updates and all that shite.

Thank you!!!!!

MS should change the wallpaper to Inori Aizawa crying, saying about how you don't love her because you're not registered. Most of Sup Forums wouldn't be able to hold back having feels and buy a license within days.

It does depend on where they're at, but it's not quite as simple as "closer=better". The easiest way to think of the internet is probably like fedex. You can track the packages and see the different stops each one takes. Sometimes they take weird paths or stay in one location for a weirdly long time. Each chunk of data has to find its own way, and sometimes they take pretty inefficient ones that add a lot of time/instability or drop your overall speed to a given destination. Your ISP has a pretty big impact on the first couple of stops the data makes. If you're curious, you can see the path for yourself by doing something called a tracerout. It's kind of like looking up your tracking info on fedex.com, but for your internet packets.

>Watching a stream
>Display goes dead and my fan starts revving at high speeds
>Computer won't turn on anymore

Just going to take a wild guess but my power supply just died, didn't it?

You will have to reactivate. Windows recognizes a specific number on your mobo, if that changes out, windows automatically deactivates. You can pair your windows license to your microsoft account before the swap if your old mobo still boots, and that helps the process a little. Otherwise you'll probably have to use the automated phone system. It's no big.

don't see what the power supply would have to do with the fan
maybe some other component overheated and damaged itself.
i'd try taking the graphics card out first things first

This. But if everything is working you shouldn't even need to re-enter your key. But yeah, if you have a Microsoft account just go that route.

Doesn't matter since they're not into men, let alone skinny, greasy virgins like you

>Stored on the motherboard itself

What is this cuckery? Can't we just make a fake authorization key injector and inject a key into the mobo and continue to pirate Windows that way?

I'm over 6 foot, 210lbs and lost my virginity(it was to a hooker in Bangkok but it still counts). So try again, nerd.

I didn't realize the mystery machine was that big on the inside

I'm trying to get dwm to properly display bitmap fonts. Since the switch to XFT I can't get it to render terminus correctly.
static const char *fonts[] = {

doesn't work since it renders Terminus as a vector font, complete with antialiasing, hinting, etc etc.
using xfontsel doesn't work either, it ONLY uses xft
any way to make xft render a bitmap font properly?

update: the problem wasn't xft or terminus, it's that sometime within the past months "Terminus" was renamed to "xos4 Terminus"

What brand of ADSL routers to buy?

I've been browsing Sup Forums for years and I don't ever remember ADSL routers being discussed.

All I managed to find out is routers with Broadcom chipsets are the best for shitty lines from aussies at whirlpool forum

Any other recommendation would be appreciated

you really want a separate modem and router if at all possible. Most routers are pretty shit, and the combo ones are the bottom of the barrel.

i'm sure there are much easier ways if you just want to pirate windows rather than register it legitimately

It's more that each motherboard has it's own, unchangeable serial number burned into the circuitry at the factory, and windows records that. Number doesn't match up, red flag.

is there a pitfall to running full disk encryption on your non-ecc hardware root drive?

I am thinking of bit rot and other corruptions, and whether they could render the entire thing fucked up beyond repair.

Anyone know how to disable this in MPC-HC?

Install MPV and that problem will clear right up

Doubt it. A lot of things can corrupt/destroy data and using non-ECC RAM is pretty low on that list.

If it really concerns you, just backup your important data.

that is the responsibility of the DE/Window manager, is it not?

I have fairly regular backups, I just have no idea if my backups have flipped bits too (and if they do, it will probably propagate to new backups).

where's a good place to learn squirrel? i wanna into custom CS:GO maps, and entities alone don't have enough documentation for me to learn to set up a control point system

How do I change the graph to where the graph starts at the beginning of the lines?

Have you tried changing the setting for "vertical axis crosses" from automatic to axis value 1960?

That's why you run comparisons when making your backups

comparisons against what? a second backup?
that sounds a bit complicated to set up.

almost makes me want to just put my video,image, and music directories into git and check for changes there.

You were a bit complicated to set up but your parents still gave it a good go, right?

I was going to buy a new monitor of amazon but it comes from US and I live in Australia. Will there be issues because of that or can I simply use standard Australian power cord instead of the one that would come in the box.

Switching out power cords should be fine. Regulating from 240-12V and 120-12V isn't appreciably different that they use different circuits.

Watch out for shipping costs though ;).

Check if it accepts 100-250v, 50/60 Hz. That's what universal power supplies are rated for.

thank you both.
when i look at the monitors voltage it says 100-240v, 50/60. Is that still ok?

Yep, 240V is what comes out of your wall socket.

ok now i understand, thanks. i guess it can be anything within 100-250v

am i using it wrong?
its not autohiding anything it seems like, if i use Sup Forums instead of g it doesn't work any better

sorry if i blocked your favorite thread

wow, sorry for the shit english
*it doesn't seem like its autohiding anything*

where does one code C++ on mac? like what program do i need to download thx

Heh, the GNU C++ compiler (g++) compiles c++ code from text files to binary code. If you wan't something fancy to write it in you can search for a c++ IDE that works on mac. Or just use vim or emacs like a cool guy.

best program for testing SSD speeds?

Your favorite file manager.

Air conditioning is technology. Would it be more efficient for every neighborhood to have just one centralized air conditioner that's connected to a bunch of homes via underground air ducts? IDK it just seems a bit wasteful for every house to have it's own air conditioner.

Will never catch on because it sounds too much like communism, despite how much more efficient it might be

sounds a bit dangerous security-wise though, despite water already being an attack vector like that.

>Would it be more efficient for every neighborhood to have just one centralized air conditioner that's connected to a bunch of homes via underground air ducts?
Depends on insulation and shit.

I need a free email service with smtp that won't block the account on suspicious activity for a few auto-generated status emails from a raspberry pi.

I think individual units these days are probably more efficient than using one central system. A lot of cities used to provide steam for heating that was generated centrally, but individual units became efficient and affordable and made central generation undesirable. Not to mention energy lost when people set their thermostats differently.

>use a heat pump if you want high efficiency heating and cooling.

My GPU won't recognize my second monitor for extension.
They work separately. My HDMI is 1080p and the VGA one is 900p.
If I have both plugged in, only the HDMI one works, and the VGA is left on standby. When I unhook the HDMI, the VGA turns on, but keeps the 1080p resolution (can just fix it, though)

It's not detecting any 2nd monitor even with both hooked up. I also tried using my TV, no dice. It just lets me have 1 monitor at a time, no matter the combination.
It used to work before, and I'm using a DVI-D to VGA adapter.

Sounds like a driver issue. Uninstall and upgrade.

Is this too hot? I was just watching a Youtube vid here with nothing else open

I need a tv. What does Sup Forums use to find and compare TVs?

This desu

Duh, that's why it's in red. You could boil water on that thing. Clean your vents and put some non-shit thermal paste on that.

What about the GPU? It uses a thermal pad but it's still hot.
And also the fan isn't even spinning up 100%.

Put paste on that too. Use something with silver in it. Clean your vents too. Just crack it open and blast it with compressed air. If that doesn't help then replace the fan. I've had a fan go bad on me like that, it runs and you think it works but then you go into thermal shutdown. Also make sure that you use it on a solid flat surface.

But then the GPU won't touch the heatsink directly. It will only make contact through the thermal paste. Is that alright?

That's the point. The paste gets in all those microscopic holes that the apparantly sheer metal surfaces don't actually touch.

whatever website you're buying them from.
get an LG/Samsung/Sony. the rest are kinda shit. aim for 4K if your budget allows, but it's a must if you want one bigger than 43"
also, try to get a 2017 model, so you have a newer OS and more software support

I am looking to build a home server using the C236 WSI motherboard. I want to use a Kabylake Xeon since it has a higher clock frequency and has native H.265 support on the iGPU.

There is a update that ASRock released to support the new Kabylake series but I am not sure whether my motherboard will come with the updated BIOS or the old version. Do I need to buy a Skylake processor just to update the BIOS to the newer version or can I do it with the Kabylake xeon installed?

Thanks in advance

>You could boil water on that thing.
At 5000 meters

yes, you need a cpu to update flash the mobo
also, what xeon are you thinking of getting? (also have a home server and want to do a cpu upgrade)

An E3 1275 v6
I need it since it has a iGPU. My build is going to be a home server + htpc

Yes but what about picture quality, input lag, response time, and content upscaling?

What are some decent speakers that I can get for less than $50. I have logitech z130s and wondering if the Z200 would be better or something else would be better? Also I'm not a fan of boomy bass.

What's the best laptop I can get for £1000 or less?
No thinkpads please

Surely you must be able to get a macbook for that. Or are pounds worth fuck all now that they haven't got germany propping them up?

hello Sup Forums
I don't come here often nor do I know much about hardware
Please don't make fun of me for my devices
One is my desktop and the other is my laptop. they're both very slow
with the desktop always using all its memory
and the laptop using all its CPU (what the task manager tells me anyway)

what can i replace in these devices to breathe new life into them? what is the highest priority replacements?

look for a new 2015 macbook pro on ebay-like sites

Read reviews. Don't go on numbers alone. They always lie.

don't samsung(tm) micro usb chargers work for other things too?

it only has samsung(tm) devices listed as compatible but is that just marketing?

It's the opposite. The pound now trades higher than euros (last time I looked.)

Wouldn't the relevant comparison be vs USD when talking about apple products? GBP is at like 1.2 USD now vs 1.4 right after brexit.