Daily reminder that:

Daily reminder that:
>Sup Forums is the poorest part of 4chin.
>Sup Forums cannot afford superior computer products like the ones from Apple because they are poor.


You seem angry. And poor.

>muh apple cause i hav maneyyy
ugh... even if i had to choose, i would choose some librebooted thinkpad rather than this wallet-hurting niggerlicious botnet so...


>apple users unironically eat premium shit

Haha nigga yous a virgin


Stay mad, and poor.

Yep, i am, and even if i will have a chance, i will rather fap since real girls are for normies and aren't cute

i wouldnt brag about owning a FCA vehicle user

Post what you drive, friend.

>using your computer as a status symbol
if you unironically give a shit about something as useless and superficial as social status, kys immediately.
you should use your computer because you like it, not because 'lol my laptop is gold look how much munies i habe, poorfigs are mad XD XD XD'


Stay poor fag

I use a Mac because it's handy to have a complete unix installation behind a ui that doesn't suck nuts and actually runs a lot of commercial software.

Do you think Baron has fucked his mom?

This is a legitimate reason to use a Mac.

You know he did.

>ui that doesn't suck nuts

Pick one.

can't you just click the window or do a long-click on the safari icon and select the tab you want m9

You're a fucking idiot. macOS has amazing productive shortcuts.

Just CMD+Tab, then hit CMD+` to switch between windows in that app.

Hit CMD+Q to quit that application.


This image is joking, right? I don't even have a mac and I know that if you swipe down with three fingers on the trackpad all the windows open on the system will be visible.

>all these shitty """"""solutions""""""

Meanwhile on Linux/Windows/any sane OS, you can switch to any window in 1 click.

Mactoddlers literally have Stockholm syndrome, lmao.

it would take literally 1 click to switch to that window though

>moves goalposts
>claims to have won argument

top fucking kek

I'm laughing way to hard at this

Typical faggot reply.

macOS is a single OS.

Lelnex has like 1,000,000 faggot distrubtions.

And don't even mention Winshaft here you degenerate.

macOS is clearly the best mainstream OS in the world, based on Unix.

>original claim is that fagOS has utter shit window management
>offer shitty "solutions" for window switching
>claim the goal is different


I thought a bit for a while moving over to a Mac Pro (using a Macbook Pro right now). But I just couldn't justify it to myself. I mean those things are half a decade old at the youngest by now. Plus, the outdated-and-limited 2013 models still cost around three grand.

I'm more attached to Mac OS itself than the hardware nowadays. I would love a Hackintosh running a Ryzen.

>Typical neckbeard with no life whatsoever.

>life imitates art

I never cared about using Sup Forums that much
Why are mac thread not auto banned?
These thread are made by people that would be proud of streaming

How exactly does something being "a single OS" make it better, especially when it's proprietary?

Who are you quoting?

Breh you can build a 12 core Mac Pro for like a grand now. (with a 2010 Mac Pro and upgrade CPUs yourself)

Mind you, single core performance won't be as good as more modern CPUs, it's still a beast.

I had one and sold it to a good friend (it was in perfect condition).

I built a 6700k Hackintosh cuz I needed to do VR development, but macOS is still my main OS day to day and works perfectly fine.

iMacs were just updated, and next year Mac Pros will be updated with a new design. iMac Pro will be out by end of 2017 (albeit pricey).

>Who are you quoting?

You, faggot.

You obviously never used macOS or able to afford a real Mac because you are poor and fat.

Why only stick with one side? Be both a chad and a l33t hax0r, what's stopping you from being both?

start working out and going out, the longer the better.

> Steve Jobs - en biografi
> en biografi

Swecuck detected. Shouldn't you and your boyfriend be off sucking immigrant dick to keep them from murder-raping all the females in your country?

>You f*ggot.
I never said that though.

>being this pathetic at shilling

That's Danish.

>What is scroll for all windows on icon in toolbar
It takes 2 seconds to solve this
>No driver required

If window management is the argument then
>Multi desktop
>Full screen aps
>Split screen multitasking

>look at all the shit i bought with welfare
go look for a job jamal

>>Sup Forums cannot afford superior computer products like the ones from Apple because they are poor.
Post your bank account balance, now.

Whats superior about having no ventalation?
Or no ability to copy and paste?
Or no real USB?
Or every product having a 12 month shelf life if you're lucky?
Get rekt mac fag

>no ability to copy paste


op pic, I start to feel sorry for those mac fags. never ever I will make a joke about them again. never...

>being so poor you cant afford anything besides a desk and a mac

iPhone trash can't copy and paste.
>Also no SD Card slot LOL its what 2000 + 17?
>Also no ability to transfer individual files to a computer, you have to sync first. Which can take forever on a 20-30gb device using crapple fake USB.

>wtf this is the 21st century, $30 phones can do these things wtf Apple?!?!!

Lesson learned: Fuck Apple.

You truly are an imbecile if you think an iPhone can't copy/paste.

My old one couldn't.

Also have fun getting your trash reballed every 6 months LMFAO

You truly are an imbecile.

Holy shit, you dumb nigger. iPhone has been able to copy paste since v3.

Here you go.

>Whats superior about having no ventalation?
>Or no ability to copy and paste?
>Or no real USB?
>Or every product having a 12 month shelf life if you're lucky?

The fuck are you even talking about?

I'm not even going to reply to your bait.

Version 1 from 2007 couldnt you fucking idiot. That was 10 years ago when gaydroid didn't even exist and we had shitty phones like BlackBerry and Motorola q8

Go away old man.

Should have been able too since v1 you stupid kike. Apple is crap, their service is crap, and your life is crap too.

>your life is crap too.
You will die a virgin.

I too can edit html.

Are you 10 years old too?

Cool story rabbi

ITT: Fanboys shilling for a $600 product that cant do things a $30 product can. How many of you are posting on your iTrash from your local gay bars?

>it's another shitposting thread
Is Sup Forums the worst hobby board?

Apple is conspicuous consumption, pure and simple


>Jobs' book for extra meme points.
I'll decrease your points, user.

>that chair
>not poor
ILMAO, I'm farting on an Aeron right now poorfag

>carl the cuck tier wtf u talkin about i'm not going to respond.

Dumb mac faggot you just did. Prove me wrong.

Pro-tip: You Cant.

But my rig cost more than macs

hahaha a fucking dodge, get some class and buy something European you fucking faggot

Ctrl + F4 = alt tab in macOS
you can also use mission control which is Ctrl + up key to see all open windows, you can also use Ctrl + down to see open windows from the same application.
Ctrl + Q closes a window Ctrl + H hides it.

>he owns a fucking dodge
If you had money you would buy a real car.

>superior products

>american car

Do you want a timestamp with my dick, my laptop and my screen at the same time? Faggot.

>not a real car

Lotsa mad fags in here tonight. Enjoy public transport I guess.

Apple is a fucking meme! Shit for gaming, coding, the majority of general activities. Any other Unix/Linux distro is better than that crap.

Even thou you have dubs... pics with time stamp or gtfo cunt.

>every time I consider getting a macbook pro I read threads like this and empty my cart.

The elitist attitude of the platform keeps killing my desire to join it, even if the OS is overwhelmingly superior.

Who was elitist in this thread except dodge guy? But a Hellcat is pretty bad ass tbqhfamalamadingdong.

>taking pic of laptop after inspect element is now trustworthy
Timestamped tits and a link to a reliable source with a clear pic of you or GTFO

Also, you can change system shortcuts anytime by going into settings.

Mac is shit at the hardware level, but their software is awesome. The ability to restore your computer with a simple keyboard command for instance. Now that I've given credit where credit is due, their trash tier products still suck and I'd rather use windoze or loonix.

>blatantly ignoring the OP....


Everything you said can be refuted.

Are you that dense? How bad are you at baiting?

2 Gays

How's the hardware shit?

The 2017 MacBook Pros literally run the same parts as any other PeeSee.

The only ones that are outdated are 2013 Mac Pros and even they admitted it—which they never do.

Tits or GTFO, honey.

I've already illustrated why. Read the thread summerfag macfag. Have fun coming to me for reball :)

>it's another shitposting thread
Just like the rest of Sup Forums then

>Just like the rest of Sup Forums then
>Is Sup Forums the worst hobby board?

reeeeeeee who is she? i am so sexual frustrated!


Can't wait for the iPhone 8 to be OLED and 120HZ. Android seriously has nothing that will come close. Not to mention the fact I'll just login with my iCloud account and everything comes down automatically. Google hasn't even fully done this yet and from the rumors the Pixel 2 is going to be a huge disappointment just like the OnePlus5 was. 6GB of ram and still gets blown out by the iPhone 7. Meanwhile the new iPad Pro is on the heels of the Macbook Pro.

It doesn't matter if you've got fifty distros if they all suck. If you put all of the good things from most of the distros together and got rid of most of the crap, you'd have a good os. OSX isn't perfect, but it has the most to offer for the least pain in my ass.