Please decrypt your computer or els

Please decrypt your computer or els.

What have you got to hide have you been stashing away pictures of the kiddos? You know that that's sick and only for illegal people, right?

What are you doin buying some drugs on the derp web? Haven't you heard the wacky tobacky is bad for you it's a level 1 narcotic as defined by the government who is always correct.

Not everyone lives in a police state, user. Though now the fucking burgers went full retard with the laws, not many will want to visit you for tourism either.

canada's no better neither.

>hurr durr you can't bring up anything to do with "islamaphobia"
literally have no freedom of speach or expression in canada anymore.

Or the UK
T. Sad Britbong looking at moving to English speaking countries to get away from the Police state, surveillance and generally niggerishness

>decrypt me?
>heh good look pal
>behind AES 1024

invest in eastern poland

HAHAHAHA! I use Microsoft® Bitlocker® for Windows®. You will never get my files

Pretty much every of them is under five eyes.

Enjoy lifelong detention.

Anonymous Key Escrow.
Your move.

>tfw AES 1G
I can't wait for 4 TB RAM laptops so I can upgrade to AES 1T.

Lol: Trump is smashing the fbi.

I dont know if nobody on Sup Forums knows or if it is a secret, but guys, do you know that for this exact reason you have
>hidden volume
and fake volume with weaker password for police. If you feel like madman, you fill the fake one with the most degenerate (but still legal) porn like 4K scat, vore amd furry.

So when pressured, you just show them your collection they want to see.

sure that'll stop officer joe blow who doesn't know what the fuck he's doing of an old geezer judge but if the "real" pros are after you, I mean like if you are doing seriously bad shit, they will see through that.

Give one example of the government requiring someone to unencrypt their drive without a real reason.

I'll wait.

they took all of kim dotcoms shit for example

He is still wanted in the usa and they are trying to extradite him and send him to prison without a trial

I said without a reason.

Jokes on you!
I do not even know how to lecrypt stuff
All i got is also on open cloud with no password protection

I got nutheng to hid u degenerator

But the point is that there is no proof there are more than 1 volume. They would have to bruteforce and it can take longer than your life.

Even the judges in police states like uk and usa cant jail you for providing password which actually is right.

>inb4 guantanamo
If your enemy is of this caliber, once you allow them to catch you, your life is basically over. I rather choose pic related than to be tortured for rest of my life by various funny methods. Like i am not even sure what do they do with people when first year of torture dont bring any results. Do they at least kill them fast in the end, or do they have to live there until old age?

Sad thing is that even if you tell them everything right away, they wont believe you and cant put you to the trial because no evidence.

Goverment has monopoly on violence. I simply dont like that. Where is the warranty that they wont go crazy?

>not protecting your waifu by strong encryption
You are into cuck, arent you?

You are cuck,my waifu is so pure that she does not even need protection.

you cannot kill that which is already dead

very few people actually reach guantanamo level and I am not talking about those people in this thread. The people who are really fuckin bad people deserve to be caught

I am merely pointing out the shittyness that if there was a computer user like Julian Assange who is actually arguably doing good in the world that they could pull this shit on him

Or for example I bet people have tried to hack stallman or linus before

>Where is the warranty that they wont go crazy?

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

>very few people actually reach guantanamo level
They actually put all kinds of people in guantanamo, from real alqaeda operatives to the town carpenter that had links to someone close to alqaeda.
CIA operators got paid bonuses back in the day for each alqaeda suspect they managed to arrest and fly back to black sites so they just kidnapped anyone with the most vague relation to alqaeda, put them on a private jet straight to their black sites in Czech Rep or Romania before shipping them to guantanamo and collected the bonus.
If you are an actual high level target they are more likely to send you to one of those floating prisons they got in places like Diego Garcia.

two government agents and a cyclops?

i googled that phrase and holy shit man, what the fuck. so instead of CIA reading my posts, it's some aussie?

Don't worry. It's some aussie, and some bong, and some hobbit. If it's interesting enough they'll ask a burger to have a look too.

USA government actually has the right to put you in prison without any justification if they feel you are a threat.

>real reason
They decide what's the real reason you cuck.

>tfw NSA can probably use phresh 0days to plant CP on your PC at any time and have you indefinitely detained

feels horrible man

>USA government actually has the right to put you in prison without any justification if they feel you are a threat.


all they have to do is say "lel u are a terrordist. jail now."

In theory every government can do that, problem is that in USA's case it's supported by the law. They can do whatever they want to you and your belongings without any justification or trial if they claim ''you are a treat to national security'', and it wouldn't even be a violation of federal law.

Thanks Obama.