Android BTFO

Android BTFO.

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What's this ?

iOS 11 file browser.


put this on iPhone along with an OLED or at least a screen to rival s8 and I am all for going iPhone

>ios just got a FUCKIN file browser
>it's the most locked down shit ever
>ppl are praising it

>iOS finally gets a file manager
>It's locked down

android is pajetetware for poor people.. made by gays and pajeets.

>iOS finally has a piece of software Android's had in a million forms since forever

yeah, so btfo.

Wait, btfo how? I've been using a file manager on my Android phone for a while now.

>android users make fun of ios users for their lack of file manager
>ios users claim they dont need a file manager anyway
>apple adds a file manager to ios11
>ios users praise apple for introducing the file manager and then gloat over having one more thing android users enjoyed

What does it mean that I find that Asian guy in the green shorts more attractive than the two women in that pic?

Does this iOS file manager not work on iPhones?

You’re a homosexual.

>applefags while about lagdroid users acting elitist about their phone os

>proceed to be elitist when ios finally gets a locked down file browser

I mean, really?

Poor taste. I'd take bandana guy on the right.

Is that actually supposed to be impressive?
God I hate these brain dead iToddlers

We got file manager.

>left sliding bar on top of the application
>dock with other apps on top of the bar that slider from left that is on top of the app itself
Why are gays so shit in designing?

What's the problem?

It looks like a white jenga tower

>Why are gays so shit in designing?
Because all the good designers work for Apple.
That leaves all the gays for Android.

Yeah cmon it only has the fastest mobile processor and best UX on a mobile device, it doesn't even have pci-e or serial ports wtf

Apple employs more Pajeets then Google.

>can't explore system partition
>can't explore any of the actual file system
>can only see photos and documents
Oh wow, it's a worse version of what every $40 Samshit phone has had since 2010. Courage!

>Google CEO Pajeet.

It's not like Android was ever competitive for tablets in the first place. The gap is simply even larger now.

Is iOS 11 worth it on iPhone? Don't recall any relevant change, but since I want to try new shit and are wary of High Sierra fucking up office, I am thinking about giving the beta a try.

I am sure Mary Sue will be very excited to know her next Lagxus Pixel can partition the internal modem between btrfs and ext5 instead of just caring if it works or not


iOS still doesn't have torrents.
Applefags BTFO.

Does this improve my facebook-browsing-experience?™

>being poor enough to leech McWifi to torrent on your fucking phone/tablet
Like Jesus, even people in the third world don't do that. Do they?

>Apple CEO literally a coalburning fag

>Literally admitting iOS is an inferior product made for intellectually inferior people

>being too poor for unlimited cellular internet
Why wouldn't I want to torrent on the go?

It's not about being poor. It's about sticking it to the shitty system. Damn media conglomerates need to learn from a thing or two from the music industry. Overpriced movies and shows released weekly with a fuck ton of ads are outdated. I'd rather not get raped by their old wrinkly white dicks, thank you very much.


Both are capable of handling phone calls. Checkmate, rich babbies

Why would you kill your battery life only to waste time later transferring the files on your main computer either way?

Hey, I am not against torrenting. Just you know, doing it in a reasonable way. Mobile torrenting sounds desperate as fuck.

But Apple's CEO has AIDS...

The only tablets worth a shit are Surface because they actually have non-shitty aps

I mean i can play fucking DOTA 2 on Surface while on the ipad or any android tablet i am stuck with fucking Clash of Clans.

On Surface i can use the "real" Adobe programs like Premiere instead of their shitty mobile versions

I use an iPhone because I make iOS apps. I also use it because everything is more unified. Things are cohesive and make sense. I get updates for years. I don't have to buy a new phone every year. Many other people have iphones so functions like airdrop are fantastic. It doesn't feel like a toy when you hold it. These are just off the top of my head.

I don't think XDA is a good place to listen why normies use android.

>not shitty apps
>unironically mentions games
Come on, you got your own board for that shit.

>On Surface i can use the "real" Adobe programs like Premiere instead of their shitty mobile versions
Also a pretty much useless pen for anything beyond doodles and notes, while iPad Pro can replace a professional graphic tablet.

you boyfriend has aids.

You're superior because you need to take your time to get your phone to work rather than making the 6 figures Mary Sue is making while fucking a supermodel every night?

>Also a pretty much useless pen for anything beyond doodles and notes

A fucking pen is worth more than one of the best programs that are out there being avaiable on the go?

Took you bastards long enough. Now wake me up when your web browser can have root access without exploiting a security vulnerability in iOS.

It doesn't need to have any hardware ports other than one for charging, one for transferring data (can be same port as charging), and one for sticking a 3.5mm pair of headphones into. What matters is that the software is not locked down.

No, I torrent on my data connection. If I was going to use public wifi, I'd use my laptop. The purpose of having a torrent client on a phone is so that you can download torrents while you're outside, away from a wireless hotspot.

The entire left chart should be one color and say "they're poor"

He's a bottom so he's alright.

>torrenting on cellular data
>being this much of a pleb


One device offers you unique functionality within a tablet. The other tries to poorly imitate a laptop.
If PS is the priority, why not just rolling with a laptop?

Cause a tablet that can turn into a laptop when i need it to is better?

Just you can't, it's an abomination of a laptop at best. Surfacebook could be a tablet one could turn into a laptop once the tech advances far enough to make the battery life of the tablet part non shit. SP is a shitty compromise.

Go talk to almost every employee at Linus Tech Tips, almost all of them use Android phones. It's not money, it's preference and usability idiot.

>Linus tech tips

pretty good battery life if i say so myself :3c

Fact is iPhone is infinitely better for day to day use.

all phones are fucking terrible, and the operating systems are even worse

why can't we run base desktop loonix with 1 program that handles sms/phone then we can do our own fucking software of what we want

good to know weaboo

Because no one wants that. You and losers of your kind don't count. The masses do and they don't want that shit.

Same reason you don't run basic desktop loonix on your microwave or fridge. It's pretty fucking retarded and offers no benefit for 99,9999% of the population while adding tons of downsides.

My current phone is a Nexus, my previous phone was an iPhone, and you're fucking stupid. Unless your "day to say use" is literally nothing but Facebook and Twitter, iOS is pretty garbage.

there's literally no upside to shitty ass phones

Ah yes, I too love to complicate things for no reason whatever. Might as well combine atoms manually and create your phone from scratch right? What are you, stupid?

>"I can do a thing you could do for the past 10 years"

file browser
most powerful cpu
most secure
4 years if full support

cheap phones are good at least for the price but flagships are obsolete now.

pretty sure iOS had a file browser before android was even a thing.

Yes, I use my phone for like five apps. I have a PC for everything else, because I'm not fucking retarded.

You can browse interwebz on the shitter, listen to music, take pictures, write down notes and even call/text people. What the fuck else is a small ass device supposed to do?

Are these apple retards seriously deluded enough to believe their little 2ghz arm processors have the same IPC as a ~4ghz ryzen??

AMD blows at IPC while Applel is excellent there, it's not that surprising. Though obviously a lighter OS helps a lot too.

that actually makes it much more simple..

Also you have to consider that mobile cpus, specially for phones almost never have to run at max clock for long periods of time due the power/cooling limits. It's a similar story with 4.5W Core M chips, that can easy keep up with 28W parts, for few minutes.

So in your world 2.34ghz ARM arch is on par with 4ghz haswell IPC wise?

It's interesting apple don't switch to risc entirely and abandon x86. What did Gordon Moore know anyway.

It only took them 10 years to include something that phones have had for almost 2 decades.

>So in your world 2.34ghz ARM arch is on par with 4ghz haswell IPC wise?
Due a more modern architecture and running specific software on a lighter OS. For a short period of time. It's not that shocking. My 12" Macbook feels faster than my desktop with FX 6300 @ 4.7Ghz during tasks that don't require too much power like browsing or office. Geekbench isn't the most tasking benchmark either.

>If you don't use your phone, the iPhone is better

So what do you do with your phone, that can't be done much better with a laptop or a tablet?

Literally anything while on the bus, on a train, taking a shit, in bed, or other places a laptop is inconvenient. Unless you're some queer nu-male you aren't bringing a laptop tote everywhere you go. A phone fits in your pocket.

I'm not going to go full retard and say you should do word processing on your phone or whatever. But if you can't see the portability and convenience factor of being able to do tasks on your phone, you probably don't leave the basement anyways. Or maybe you're still in school where taking a backpack everywhere is normal.

>Tags: Red ... Gray
More like GAY amirite X-----DDDDDDD
Because Aplel is for fagets u know

>on the bus, on a train
So what can your phone do there beyond running the same basic apps?

>taking a shit, in bed
A laptop is way better for that, unless you just woke up. Assuming we talk about a laptop and not some ridiculous 15" brick.

Allow you to rice KDE

You can do that way more comfortably on a huge ThinkPad with cumstains from the last owner and 2h battery life.

>I make apps

this thread disgusts me

> what is ifile ?

was dragging and dropping to linux without itunes in 2009

>having to use jailbreak

>literally a toddler