Name my Code Camp band.
Name my Code Camp band
High Suicide Rate
import pajeet
somebody pls radical larry meme this pic
Average Ruby Programmers
How long would it take to learn how to code at home to a level i could freelance and make some monies? Im not black btw
So many splinters
Probably like 3 months of dedicated study before you could be a "full stack" freelancer, fullstack meaning you do the frontend (html/css/js) as well as the backend in a language like ruby or python or whatever.
Why are you asking that in this thread btw.
I'm not black btw.
ugly white girls and a gay nigger
Tumblr dev team
2017 webdev startup
AMD gamers club.
7 dumb cunts and one gay coon.
Rig the sig, pop the Glock and shoot for the moon.
My isp is banned for reasons unknown. I cant create threads but i can post in them. Do you have any knowledge on free training websites like code Academy? Are they worth my time? Im drawn to lrn2code but dont know where to start
Im getting slightly blacker btw.
Tyrone and the coal burners.
Troll Slayiers
GitHub Board Meeting
The hated 8
CIStematic supremacy
The degenerates