Ive never owned any apple product


Other urls found in this thread:


I did. They suck.

try to keep it that way, you won't regret it

You are a real man.

my teacher gift me an iphone 4
but battery drained like shit


Standby times are fucking amazing though. Pic related my iP4's current standby.

I would get the Macbook Air, I find their multi-touch touchpad to be invaluable. I can barely use any Windows laptops because of how much of a pleasure it is to use

Kept you from RSI.


>calling me a shill
>not being a shill yourself
I used the Thinkpad trackpoint and it hurts my finger over time, I was a huge proponent of that back in the day as well, but this was before Apple came out with their trackpad

Yes, you can argue we can use shortcut keys but switching between windows on a mac and swipe gesture for desktop is very comfy indeed


Lmao this is what passes as pride for a macfag. Meanwhile my Redmi 4 Prime lasts 3 days without being turned off easily.

You're not going to believe this, but there are a fuckton of laptop pointing devices besides the Mac trackpad and the thinkpad trackpoint.

Got an i7, 16GB Macbook Pro a month ago, most disappointing experience ever.

are not you one of this user who constantly insult mactodlers?


>n-no one could ever dislike my toys, surely it must be a lie!

That's because you're heterosexual

>i dont like something s..soo it's surely bad, also if you like it you are shill

I'm 24 yrs old and I literally never had one Applel device either. Not even an iPod or anything.

>but about a week ago today I randomly caved I went out to Best Buy and bought me a 13" MacBook Pro with the Touchbar.
I ended up paying $2000 altogether with the extended warranty and other shit.

I gotta say, I'm really impressed with just how well built this machine is. You can tell Apple really pays more attention to all the little details than anyone else.
>this is also my first time ever using mac OS
It took me a day or two for ithe whole thing not to feel foreign, but man,, after getting a little more used it... I've come to realize that Mac OS & it's whole software experience really just makes more sense and find it more intuitive. It's really simplistic, functional, and aesthetic. You also feel more closer to Linux and have many of options at the command line when it comes to "power" or advanced features.

I think what really pushed me into doing this is the fact that I've grown out of gaming entirely and just don't feel the need to play PC games anymore.

>pic related, this is my newbie rice and my current home

The only thing wrong with the macbook is that it's expensive. When I bought my macbook air, it was $1200 reg price. But with my brother's discount from working there, I got it for roughly $700 after tax, which was worth it. i5 and 6gb ram with a decent sized SSD. The laptop itself is much more sturdy then anyone gives it credit for. I dropped an entire cup of water on the keyboard 2 years ago and there still isn't any issue with it. My dog also dropped it off my table several times and it's still aight.

I can't compare it to anything else, other than my HP laptop that shit the bed in 4 years without me fucking it up in anyway.

>trackpad impossible to click near upper edge
>extremely loose near bottom edge
>overall flimsy diving board piece of shit
>even applel admitted it's shit and went back to solid non-click touchpads
>still has no real buttons
>relies on pressure sensitive gimmick bullshit
>if you press too lightly or too hard it does something completely different than what you intended
>shit tier 1mm travel chiclet kb
>OSX is a steaming pile of shit with horrendous battery management
>applel's solution is to cram in a massive heavy 95WHr battery to make up for it
>even XXXTREME GAMER cancer like razer blade with 4X the CPU/GPU power and 70WHr battery matches it in battery life in same tasks
>gets BTFO by 55WHr Yoga 2 in battery life in same tasks
>the battery takes up the space where a cooling system would've been in a laptop not designed by the world's thinnest and lightest gay hipsters
>overheats constantly from abysmal crippled cooling system
>throttles to 800mhz due to chronic overheating problems
>retina meme for "pros" have have gloss mirror coating impossible to use with overhead lighting
>blurry as shit retina meme scaling
>shitbook air even worse with glossy 1366x768 TN eye cancer
>systemic battery explosion problems for over a decade

>can't use any existing TB3 devices
>can't use USB and wifi at the same time
>ultra shit tier zero travel kb
>keyboard louder than WWII cricket
>memetouch emojibar
>no USB-A
>no escape
>soldered ram
>soldered SSD
>tamper tape on battery screws
>applel falls for their own thin meme and uses 54WH battery
>2 hour battery life

>it's 2017 and moving folders around in finder will STILL cause massive data loss

>macshit is good
Can we finally put an end to this meme?

Fucking faggot, go back to whatever shithole you come from you cuck and never come back. Nobody here makes blog posts like that.

I gave my macbook air away when I realized freedom was more important than funtionality.

But I never said it was bad. Someone said they sucked and you couldn't believe it. Let people have their own opinions.

He's being paid 2 rupees to make that post.

>that damn pasta in every damn apple thread
lol. I don't know who wrote it, but they obviously didn't do their research properly. I literally have zero of these issues.

I've used a Macbook air for many years and I have never had a problem with any of that, lmao. I really like the keyboard and the trackpad and how the trackpad can be used with the OS.

And the battery life is ~12 hours for me with general use (watching vids, shitposting, typing up papers). Which is more than enough.

And like I said, the build has been as sturdy as I needed it to. I dropped a shit ton of water on it, and dropped it on the floor numerous times and it's still perfectly good.

2 rupees have been deposited in your designated shitting street Pajeet.

nah, I'm just fucked up on adderall and felt like typing

>I dropped a shit ton of water on it
Maybe you should drop your English teacher Ranjeet. He's worth less than the shit at your designated shitting street.

So your mac doesn't have soldered RAM?

I was given an iPod nano by my next door neighbour. It was alright, but itunes sucked ass and was really annoying.

he got one right, I guess

that actually looks good for an Appshit

saying something sucks just like that is not a personal opinion if he could says ''i disliked it'' i i'd be absolutely okey with that

>literally zero!
>ok, maybe one...
So the 2016 MBP doesn't have a soldered SSD? I can also confirm the primitive merge behaviour just like the article describes.

yeah, the RAM is soldered. \

after reading the first block of memeposts I kinda lost interest in reading this rest given how obviously wrong and overly emotional it is lol. that kinda fanboyism is childish.

What? This is from my iPhone Having used both Android (Nexus devices) and iPhones, I know how inferior iOS is to Android.

Yes, I'm a femanon. No need for all caps though.

We have daily threads about how apple is better than everything else. We still have the "ok find me a computer with similar specs" once a week and today we had a "why are all these CS people using macs?". Did you happen to stop by mention how they were fanboys as well?

how exactly it is inferior?
inb4 ricing and jailbreaking

>how is it inferior?
>inb4 things where it's inferior
No wifi hotspot, shit battery life.

i dont have any problem with battery life which iphone you have?

Redmi 4 Prime.
I don't care about your anedoctal experience, the battery life is objectively inferior by about half.

fanboyism is retarded no matter who's doing it. I usually don't participate in these type of discussions or pay much attention to the flamewars. the only reason why I posted in this thread is because I'm excited about my new purchase and wanted it to share my experience with someone who might be thinking about buying one too.

I could care less what brand someone else prefers... the money's gonna line some Jew's pocket either way

Cool, dude, enjoy your computer.

Well, you can't install from outside store, it's also dependent on iTunes, you can't even copy a photo or a music file without iTunes. You can't send files via bluetooth, Safari can't download files, can't download a torrent file, mutitasking is rubbish, most applications just remain in a freeze state, the very last update cripples the phone and you can't downgrade it after that. Also you can't install applications from iTunes if yoiu decide to stick with an older iOS version for your device. And thee's a lot more.

>inb4 things where it's inferior
i dont fucking need any of these bullshitt ''features' also iphone can be jailbreaked that is why it is not inferiority for me.

thanks man. it's nice to see some anons can be reasonable

This comment was so forced it's embarassing.

>I don't care, thus it doesn't matter
Tell me, have you jailbroken an iPhone?

Why didn't you break it in the jail when it was on an earlier OS version

>2012 mbp
>Removable memory
>Removable storage
>Strong as fuck
>Literally no hardware problems ever
>Spilled shit all over it and still works perfectly
>Best touchpad I've used
>Installed linux
>Replaced battery once when I got it because it was used
>Grand total 1/3rd retail price

Maybe you just buy the wrong ones

>>Literally no hardware problems ever


>he pays a premium to jailbrake a phone to lose his warrenty

I thought apple was all powerful?

whats wrong? dont trust their software??

lol apple cucks are getting worse

Oukitel k6000 pro

Holy shit not even her, but is it really something you'd blame on the user? I have my phone rooted, I don't have to worry about the next update breaking it for me.

The real difference between rooting and jailbreaking is that rooting is a feature and jailbreaking is exploiting a bug until it's patched. You even lose your warranty, for fuck's sake.

>it's good if you use this unsupported 5 year-old second-hand version
OR - hear me out - I could buy something new and run Linux on it.

>not the k10000
Spotted the mAhlet.

I chuckled

Nice copypasta

don't worry. keep posting this and maybe Apple will go out of business soon

>no argument

Ecosystem and customer service is top-tier. Really nice.
Otherwise, eh.

me too

I wasn't trying to provide an argument, I was just commenting on how that copypasta's been reposted for the millionth time.

Good one.

No one is posing an argument because this fucking shit copypasta has been posted to death and back. Everyone's argued with it and everyone's tired of arguing with someone who's just going to keep posting it regardless of what kind of argument is offered.
It doesn't matter if anyone completely debunks every line in that post because some dipshits are just going to keep plastering it everywhere, anyway. So why even bother?

>no argument

>copypasta has been reposted
user, do you know what copypasta is? Your post might the one here today.

>when your server utilizes 0.8GHz CPUs

Yeah, that's kind of what copypasta means, m8.

>when you lose uptime if you close the lid
Not kidding, that's the reason they have to fit them like that. MacOS suspends when the lid gets closed and you can't disable it.

You're not missing out on anything, fa.m

No shit, my point is that it's stale as fuck.

Not an argument.

No, what you really mean is that it upsets you.

You're right, it's a statement.

>mactoddler mad he can't refute a single fact

No, what I really mean is that it's annoying as fuck. I couldn't give less of a shit about what some dumbass foxes think of these delicious grapes. It's just annoying to see them whine about it.

>post this
>whenever anyone replies, just reply with ">no argument"
>if anyone does supply an argument, call them a newfag and attach an image of a smug anime face
is it really that easy to get replies?

>no argument

I bought it in 2013 though, have not yet needed to replace it.
Tell me a reason why I should buy something new.
How big is your folder of those images?

>mactoddler claiming someone else is in denial

Enjoy your 800mhz hotplate.

Nice uh... Counterpoint?

>lol your 7 year old phone isn't as good as my new one!

Same. Had a MacBook. Switched to a Win 7 Thinkpad. Much better. Then installed Ubuntu. Even better.

>he fell for the Flux meme

>he fell for the it's a meme meme

>be me

>on the outsode
>haha I've never had an apple product fuck them haha

>on the inside
>grow up poor(ish)
>used money i saved up for in middle school to buy an ipod video
>show it off to everyone at school first day after i get it
>come home
>mother scolds me for wasting money on a stupid toy
>go back to the apple store with her to return it
>stuck with same mindset for past 12 years
>can't enjoy buying new products without knowing they are a waste of money
>can't enjoy anything
>will continue working hard saving money and making smart choices until I''m middle aged
>will have wasted my youth and will only have money when im old and worthless


I wish Sup Forums had IDs.

Same, had an iPhone 7, gave it to my sister and bought an s8+

The best and last notebook I ever owned was one of the old Intel duo plastic MacBooks .
Lasted at least 4 years of brutal abuse and I sold it in absolutely shit condition perfectly working for 130 . Haven't had a fruit tome since


Ive had a macbook and two iphones (4s and 5s)

I like non apple shit alot better. But the 4s and 5s were actually decent phones. Still prefer android though.

I have owned several ipods all where not that great i learned my lesson eventually

>telling story from my heart
>called a jew

You missed out on the PowerMacs. They were kino as fuck m80. Other than that and the Classic Mac OS machines, you aren't missing much