
So.. Chromebook... what is it good for other than an 'internet browser'?

I've fixed a couple of them up, and trying to find a reason to maybe consider keeping one, or just say fuck it and sell it to someone for a kid, or a senior citizen who wants to use 'the facebook'

install gentoo on it.

unironically this

Install Arch on it.

Unless you can actually put in something bigger than whatever shit 16GB flash drive it comes with it's useless.

what could possibly need more than 16gb storage for?

Having more things than 16GB can hold.

such as???

With some you can

the average person only need 640kb

Depends on the type of Chromebook.

If it's a high end one with an X86 or a fast ARM and at least 4GB RAM keep it. If it is a cheap trash chromebook give it away.

System images / backups, videos, home movies... AAA title games (obviously not something you'd play on a chomebook of course)

It's actually... decent for a chromebook. Toshiba Chromebook 2.. Normally I hate modern toshiba, but as almost all chromebooks are kind of garbage quality, I don't mind this one as much.. It does have a backlit keyboard which to me is a major plus

That was the best one when it launched. It's been surpassed now, but when it was new that was the top dog because of the keyboard, screen size and resolution. The processor is kind of a joke, but for a shit posting machine it's not bad.

Put linux on it ASAP.

Originally I thought a chomebook would be a nice laptop to have and carry around... Doesn't have shit on my regular battlestation or my aging Dell L702X which is a kickass laptop but she is kind of a bitch to carry around, needs an almost 8 amp cord to power, and battery has never been good

But then I got to thinking...

>No Ethernet port (probably can use USB ethernet)
>16gb, can't store shit locally unless I have an SD card, flash drive or Ext HDD.
> muh games (FTL, Half life series, TF2, CS-GO, Worms, Civ to name a few lighter ones)
>Can't run any diagnostic / utility software if needed (Drfone, seatools, shitty itunes for restoring / reloading iphones, etc.)

Essentially after breaking it down, unless I'm someone who just needs to have a laptop for internet, notes / papers, and.. that's about it... my phone can do all of that. And when I compare my Note 5 to a chromebook, I see a laptop with less functionality, but.. laptop (larger screen, full integrated keyboard)

I think selling it is going to be better. I dont know why I want to hang onto it, but I really need a Windows laptop (or something with Windows VM). Probably a Latitude with an i5, backlit keyboard, battery ultrabay module... and im good.. I guess because I got the computer for free, and fixed it with parts I had laying around, and some old fart, or little kid can have a 'kickass' chromebook for cheap.

I have one, it's not bad. It's better with the Play Store, especially for some games and assorted apps. A lot of devs will only release iOS and Android apps, and it's nice to be able to use them on a computer somewhat without a shitty emulator.

I was going to grab a Samsung Chromebook Plus but its Samsung and the processor is fucking Rockchip.

is it worth getting a non x86 chromebook? I really like the form factor of the asus c101pa but I'm worried I won't be able to do much. Want to do python dev and junk

No, get something in the ~$400-500 range. Windows 10 isn't quite there yet unfortunately.

>what is it good for other than what it is designed for
I just use mine to stream Crunchyroll in my bed since my only other computer is a desktop.


It's really not that bad if all you're doing is web browsing sites that aren't extremely demanding, streaming video, and Android apps. Obviously the Pro is going to be more responsive, but I like my Plus.

Depends on the processor. You can probably snag an acer Chromebook with a Tegra K1 for less than 200 bucks on ebay. But it's cheap, plastic, and feels like an ultra budget laptop.

>get decent chromebook for christmas
>acer 13 inch, aluminum body, 4gb ram
>battery lasts forever
>go to school and it can't run any fucking program I need for my major, the OS is useless
>look into installing GalliumOS on it
>can't, ARM processor doesn't work with it

fuck my life man

It's a phone that doesn't fit in your pocket, unless you install a proper distro.

I got an Acer Chromebook 14 and installed GalliumOS on it. Incredibly performance for $300. Stutters if I run heavy things in it, but I mostly use Emacs, Pidgin, and a shell, plus a browser when necessary.

I'm sole IT support for a company who runs on these.
They're very good because people can't really fuck them up.
The downside is that if you need to do more than "muh google docs", you're fucked.

>what could possibly need more than 16gb storage for?
What year is it?

>So.. Chromebook... what is it good for other than an 'internet browser'?
It is just that. A browser. It can do less than a decent android mobile phone.

Having coreboot preinstalled is pretty cool I guess