All right faggots, after 5 years its time I upgraded.
Lets have a general discussion of why it was a better choice to go with the i7 for gaming rather than the ryzen.
All right faggots, after 5 years its time I upgraded.
Lets have a general discussion of why it was a better choice to go with the i7 for gaming rather than the ryzen.
Other urls found in this thread:
No one cares that you spent $2k+ on hardware that you will never be able to push more than 5% of usage on fully optimized software so you spend your time/money on indie games made with unity/unreal engine that are so unoptimized your 1080ti will not be able to hold 60 fps constantly without lags.
It's literally down to whether you own a high refresh rate monitor, if you're on 60Hz, it's imperceptible.
The 7700K is better for more FPS. This is why I went with an Intel build. I wish AMD all the best.
If you only upgrade every 5 years, then it's better to go for moar cores tbqh.
Not him but nice normie meme
back to twitter
buying z270 when 370 is just around the corner.
cmon user, did you even try?
also the x52 is a better aio
>more cores
>future proof
>fell for that shit 4 years ago
Here's my future proof chip
>why it was a better choice to go with the i7 for gaming rather than the ryzen
Because you are shortsighted. The difference between an R7 and i7 is imperceptible in nearly all single core games and you neutered yourself in new games that take advantage of multiple cores.
>inb4 graphs proving me right.
You're going to start overclocking to try and compensate judging by how you overspent on liquid cooling. If you were really pleased with your processor this would not have been necessary. Taking it a step further, coming from someone who had a fucking Phenom II for almost 7 years you will never EVER be processor bound unless you're playing Supreme Commander / SupComFA or one of those Autismcraft packs with 200-300 mods installed.
wrong board
Thank god I didn't fall for the cores meme
My 4790k I got for $250 at microcenter soon after its launch. I'm sticking with it probably until 2020 when ddr5 RAM hits
If he has a high refresh rate monitor he'll definitely get his money's worth.
>h100i v2
>corsair spec alpha case
lmao good luck fitting that in OP, had to mod the case even though the product page said it supported the cooler.
lol moar cores retard detected
Are you a nigga?
Kill yourself, tripfag.
>implying Ryzen is FX
Looks like we found the real autist.
I just upgraded too.
Can you believe we're both going to be playing the same games on the same settings and getting 60fps at 1080p?
Ryzen isn't 144hz ready.
>it's from a launch day review
>posting the garbage openGL results
Do you just endlessly love shitting all over yourself or what?
>playing on an ASUS 401UX 8GB NVIDIA950m, i76500u
>handles everything I throw on it with very satisfactory and decent graphics.
>paid 750$.
>this cuck paid over 2K for all that just to have slightly better graphics
Ryzen can do high refresh rate gaming, just not as well as the 7700K, and only some titles have an advantage (if they're not GPU bottlenecked). It's really the only niche the 7700K has left besides CEmu BOTW and ARMA 3.
what else do you expect from Sup Forumstards
Why would you pay $750 for a device that can't comfortably run games at your laptops native res? Why would you pay so much for a device that won't even be able to run new games in roughly a years time? Good job.
>Steam Summer Sale
Oh boy, I can't wait to waste money on game licenses I'll never use!
Why? The 7700K has better single core performance.
>can't comfortably run games are your laptop's native res
>67 frames Doom 1080p.
>buying a powerhouse for the sake of ""GAMING XDD"".
>67 frames
That's all you get before it crashes?
What detail settings?
>being this bitter over someone getting the same deal as you for a fraction of the price.
>Sup Forumstard falls for the "HIGHEST POWER FOR EVERYTHINGq!!!!!11!!!" meme.
Been using it for two years, and will keep using it for 3 more years.
It was a joke you turboautist.
Presets for graphics?
isnt fx like 7 years old now? and youre comparing that to cpus that are like 4months old, are you retarded user
>hardware that you will never be able to push more than 5% of usage on fully optimized software so you spend your time/money on indie games made with unity/unreal engine that are so unoptimized your 1080ti will not be able to hold 60 fps constantly without lags.
I know this feel all too well
>why do people compare Rryzen to the FX series?
>FX is shit
Le die
You don't belong here
I'm still trying to find out what the fuck does that mean. Must be some advanced normie meme.
>You're going to start overclocking to try and compensate judging by how you overspent on liquid cooling.
He forgot the delid kit though.
>buying intel
DDR5 already exists, its used as VRAM for Graphics Cards. How have you not noticed this?
I play emulators, they are incredibly CPU intensive, GPU barely goes beyond 10% even if I'm using high-res shaders. Higher clock speeds and better optimization matter more to me then some bloated core count, which is why the GPU I use is a second hand 1050 I got for dirt cheap. Spent the money I saved on a 7700k, 5GHz is miles away from 3.2Ghz.
That's a pretty ignorant assumption, check your facts before shitspamming
I just got a secondhand reference 980Ti, slapped an aftermarket cooling on her. Now I'm ready for muh gaymen.
My friend gifted me Prey bought on the sale and I'll finally make use of Dishonored 2 and Doom that I share from my friend on steam.
"Family" sharing feature is trully convenient.