Are you jealous, Sup Forums?
Are you jealous, Sup Forums?
Put it all back Jamal
why would I be jealous of a poor person
What makes you think I'm poor?
Atleast there isn't an AIO cooler or Wifi card so good job on that
Yes I'm jealous, give me that shit.
why is that gtx box so fucking big?
Because it's a 1080
>not a 1080ti
Poor fag pls
am jelly of that motherboard mine is shite
Don't need a ti. You know what makes richfags rich? They don't blow their money on shit they don't need.
It's a pretty sexy MOBA
You do if you don't want a shitty framerate. Then again, you would've got a 1700x if you cared for performance
For one boasting about PC parts as if it were a yacht
>shitty framerate
This card will push just about anything on ultra at 1080 to nearly 150 fps+
Not worried. A 1060 will get you 100+ no problem. GPU is more important than CPU in pretty much every game save a few
what's wrong with a wi-fi card?
It's a pretty nice build my friend.
1080s are like 12 inches long. Giver another 4 on each side for padding in the box.
No, I have a 1080 (Zotac Amp), a better PSU (HX850i) and a better heatsink (NH-D14). Though my CPU (3570k) is dated.
What monitor did you buy?
Not really, I have a 1700X with 3200MHz RAM, and I'm going to pick up Vega.
The fact that your using Wifi on a desktop is the problem. Wifi is shit no matter how much you pay for it and why the hell would you use it on something that isn't going to be moved much?
yeah if you're poor
I use my desktop as a WiFi hotspot, so that the devices in my room have a really good signal.
Not at all.
I don't need a "le xd gaymer powerhouse" setup.
Spending over 1K on a computer in order to play games is a brainlets' way of expressing that they're "smart with tech xdd".
My ASUS401UX can run every game I've thrown on it on at LEAST medium settings, and can easily handle anything work-related.
pic unrelated.
Been thinking of maybe getting a 1080 ti, how long you guys think it would last me?
Just get a regular 1080
>can max anything
Stop projecting so much. You'll be able to buy a PC someday buddy
nothing wrong with that, its the people that spend $200 for a Wifi card that annoy the fuck out of me, when a $20 cable and there inbuilt ethernet socket will be better in every way
>on medium
I spend $25 on an Intel 8265 and 2x antenna cables for my CH6.
That's just as good as 90% of high WiFi PCIe cards.
You can also get the same thing on a PCIe card from Gigabyte for $40.
>he fell for the ULTRA-HD XDDDD meme.
kill thyself.
>Maxing games
Stay cucked
>comparing 4K resolution to graphics settings
You're an idiot.
Yes, I need a desk like that one you have.
>AMD® Brazos APU Processor
Yeah, nah...
>ryzen 5
Why would I be? Instead of spending my money on the harddrives I have alone, I could have spent it on upgrading my current build, which isn't even outdated one bit (very lucky silicon lottery with a 4790k + 1080)
Hey buddy, you said ">medium".
You said NOTHING about resolutions.
>this damage control he's doing.
Don't say one thing and then carry it over to something completely different, fuckface.
What a disgusting creature.
If it was a 1600X that could hit 4.3GHz with 3733MHz memory, then I'd be jealous.
You're retarded
You literally said ultra HD meme. That is 4K, it's a resolution not graphical settings aka medium high ultra.
You're the one damage controlling you dipshit. Stop talking you're just embarrassing yourself further
why the h8 m8
I have a gtx 1080, i7-6700k, and 16gb ram , how will games run?
You have that, you tell us.
>ryzen 5
>850 evo
>shitty cooler and TIM
Extremely poor
Your post means absolutely nothing. No one is talking about a nigger resolution
damn sasha grey has gotten old
all you did was just save money for a while and then click a bunch of buttons on amazon or whatever
Ayy lmao poor fans can't even buy a PC you dumb fuck
Well the guy posted that he was using his laptop to play games, and that laptop has a resolution of 1366x768, so he is playing games on medium, and with his APU, it runs most things at a good framerate.
I haven't built it yet since I dont have a monitor
Kek, having to resort to sorting through terminology and it's proper usage when he knew perfectly well what I meant.
>when you're losing the argument but the only counter attack you have is pointing out incorrect usage of terms.
>graphics settings
>you think they are the same
They aren't.
> I dont have a monitor
What the fuck are you doing?
Resolution IS a graphics setting.
How is resolution NOT a graphics setting?
Just wait until the 1180ti is released and get an 1180. It'll only be like a year, maybe 18 months.
Or a regular 1080 if you catch it on sale for around $400 right now.
Your argument relied on falling for the 4K meme. Which is a resolution.
>i don't want better looking games
You're an idiot.
Jesus Christ.
You're braindead. Resolution (usually) directly impact performance, whether that performance is good or bad. It may not be a direct low/medium/high setting for something like texture quality, but saying it isn't related to graphical settings is just silly.
I've had the parts for almost two months sitting in my apartment, I'm just scared to fuck up and get a bad monitor
maybe on the GPU a little bit cause i got an old 760 but otherwise no my 1800x does just fine
Dear god it's hopeless. It's like explaining to a consolefag that the scorpio is doing upscaled 1080p at lowest settings.
cool thnx for the advice
The resolution is how many pixels fit on a particular screen. Graphics settings is the amount of detail a game has, or lacks.
They are completely different things.
If you unironically gayme religiously, you need to die.
>other people don't care about the quality their games are in because it's all overpriced trash not worth it in the end.
>amount of detail
But resolution is defined as the amount of detail you can see...
sasha grey is a nasty, diseased, uncouth, harlot
No, I can run games at lower resolutions to make the framerate better..
It's not a graphic setting. You're the brain dead one. I never said playing on a higher or lower resolution doesn't have any effect on performance. Get a fucking grip dipshit
>It's not a graphic setting
So why is it the graphics settings of literally every games?
And graphics is the amount of detail that is actually being fucking shown.
>amount of detail that is actually being shown
But that's the resolution..
You have no reading comprehension, do you? I later compared it to something like texture quality, and saying it isn't similar is silly. 4K can make things better looking, such as helping directly with (anti-)aliasing.
I wish Sup Forums would leave.
Step up nigger
So that people who have monitors that are higher than the default resolution can make the game actually fit on the screen properly without looking fucking stupid.
1080p is the resolution, then you can put the settings to ultra, high, medium, low etc
Horrible cooler; the worst possible choice. I hope your RMAs go well, user.
Nope. Play a game on 1080 at low medium high and ultra. It all looks different. Yet all the same resolution.
No. You power bill will suck balls.
>Don't need a ti. You know what makes richfags rich? They don't blow their money on shit they don't need.
Then why the fuck did you buy a meme gaming mobo? You are paying $130 for a B350 motherboard when there are cheaper ones with the X370 chipset, and even $80 ones with B350 chipset and decent VRM and heatsinks (ASRock Pro4)
EVGA NEX series is inferior to G series
Ryzen 5 1600 doesn't need an extra cooler for OC, even if you get a better one Ryzen doesn't go that high and even less with a non X370 motherboard, stock cooler is more than enough, you just wasted more money (also it's not even a good cooler)
lol @ those speakers
You were still wrong you dumb nigger. Deal with it.
>he feel for the ultra HD meme kill thyself
That was your original argument. Now you are saying that 4K actually does look better.
Make up your mind stupid fuck
>tiny trash PC speakers
You sure stepped up.
Here is a non meme build unlike OPs
Enjoy your extra 16 frames for over a thousand extra dollars.
Just an FYI that power supply is garbage.
There's a reason it's so much cheaper than all the other 650w modular 80+gold PSU's. It's utter garbage.
Takes 140 a year to run it 8 hours a day
What a dumb fuck
It's actually like you're trying to be as stupid as possible, user. My original argument was in protest of you saying resolution wasn't a graphical settings.
I said it doesn't have a direct low/medium/high settings, not that it doesn't do anything.
Also, 4K is only a meme if you (only) play video games.
Because it has more features. Also it's a 1600x I need to buy an after market cooler. The power supply is more than adequate and I got a good deal on it. >muh superior psu
No one gives a shit about a power supply. You never ever see it.
what features
You are a retard, good for you, you spent $30 extra for the CPU and then even more money for a shitty cooler, the 1600 is the best value for the money, you are a nigger.
You really are incredibly stupid aren't you.
>i can run most games on medium
You didn't say a resolution. Resolution is native to your screen size. Playing on medium settings has NOTHING to do with your resolution.
I'm done with you. You were wrong. You had to correct yourself. You actually did. Good job. Now fuck off.
Wasn't me posting, but you're fuckheaded regardless.
4K does look better, but it's not fucking worth it for a 1000$+ pricetag on top of what you have.
I'm not sacrificing that money to get maymay graphics.
>paying top $ for speakers
>rather use that $ for good headset
>being this homosexual
wew lad.
Depends on which MOBA you compare it to.
The 1600x is capable of far greater performance and can be OC'd. That's a fact. Like you said, ryzen doesn't get that hot. I don't need a crazy good cooler. It's will be more than enough. Lmaoing @ ur life
>flaunts wealth
>can't spent too much money, now can I?
>durrr more cores
>ruzen is better
ill take AMD Fuck shit for 500 alex