Zsh vs bash vs other shells

zsh vs bash vs other shells

convince me to use zsh over bash

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Bidirectional globbing.


Works in bash


ohmyzsh is good

But why you want to be convinced?

Because I see a lot of people advocating it and using it here. Mostly in screenfetch breads though

You can't even do "!!" to run the previous command on zsh, I wouldn't bother

zsh is bloated, stay on bash

That's not what I meant.

Try writing part of your filename from the back and pressing enter. It doesn't autocomplete leftwards, only rightwards.

Works on my machineā„¢

its crap, really fucking annoying how it constantly updates and changes how it works. same goes for zpresto. learn how to configure your shell yourself. man bash, man zsh

rc for bigger scripts
sh for smaller and portable scripts
mksh/oksh as interactive shell

learn how to use bash or ksh first, if it doesn't do what you need then maybe look at zsh. Everytime you add more stuff to your unix that you don't understand, you end up with more bloat that slows your system down and gets in your way. Before you know it your waiting for tab completion that tries querying your network and all sorts of ungodly things you probably don't need. Take it from me, I've been down all these paths and now perhaps regret all that time spent ricing and playing with stupid command prompt features that I don't need. But you're probably young and will ignore me anyway so I'm not sure why I'm bothering perhaps it's senility.

Here is a command prompt setting for you. Use it wisely

export PS1='\$ '

>Before you know it your waiting for tab completion that tries querying your network
In what scenario would that ever happen?

It's truly inspirational that you're able to use a computer despite being mentally retarded.


I have zsh with zlug and it is pretty nice. I used oh-my-zsh and antigen before that and those are shit compared to zplug. Here's the plugins I use:

zplug "jamesob/desk", as:command, use:"desk"
zplug "raylee/tldr", as:command, use:"tldr"
zplug "rimraf/k"
zplug "djui/alias-tips"
zplug "b4b4r07/enhancd", use:init.sh
zplug "zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting"
zplug "zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search

tab auto completion, this single feature is enough to make anyone want to go beyond default bash

The powershell is still the king. It's fully cross platform and really works!
All those pseudo bash shells should die!

For bigger scripts you might as well use Lua, Python or Go

If you don't need anything else then keep using bash, if you want to get some more features go for zsh ffs just Google the differences

i used ZSH with ohmyzsh. bloat.
now i use fish. you should give it a shot.

>Not using Powershell
Then again, you use Linux so you basically know nothing about computers.

fish isn't POSIX compliant tho


zsh+ohmyzsh is easier to rice

> excessive bloat on your system is bad
> so use a prompt so bare-bones it's useless
There are more than two possibilities, you know.


>being this in denial about Windows being a botnet
Powershell is nothing like bash. It's bascially all of bash's best elements removed and added shitty ones.

No it fucking isn't. It's bloated piece of shit. Use ZIM.


>export PS1='\$ '
lmao no

How do we know if we're in control? That we're not just making the best of what comes at us, and that's it? Trying to constantly pick between two shitty options? Like your two paintings in the waiting room. Or... Arch and Gentoo? Bash or Zsh? Sup Forums or reddit? Hmm. It's all part of the same blur, right? Just out of focus enough. It's the illusion of choice. Half of us can't even pick our own... our cable, gas, electric. The water we drink, our health insurance. Even if we did, would it matter? You know, if our only option is C++ or Java, what the fuck is the difference? In fact, aren't they... aren't they the same? No, man... our choices are prepaid for us, long time ago.

You are describing textbook depression.

Nah, man.

Use prezto

Nah, man.

How do I create a bash script that uses "rsync" command for backups and restores?