Say something nice about him

Say something nice about him.

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How did he build a laptop?


She's a brocon. Normally sisters would label him a turbo autist destined to roam Sup Forums bragging about how they riced their 77th billionth loonix district for weeks.

Yet here she is praising him, risking social suicide for him.

Putting a pi in one of those laptop housings and then putting loonix on it is shows far more know how then 5 year old chad who just gets handed an iPad, so I for one praise Tyrone.

>says idtech pi-top in the picture
cant wait for summer to be over

It's a Pitop

He's smart enough to want to make his own laptop and smart enough to install linux so I think he might learn programming or something more advanced later.

Decolonize your mind

I agree. If more mothers in the black community were like this, they'd get somewhere. As a nigger, my family acts like intelligence and knowledge is a white people thing that you should be ashamed of

I'm more impressed that someone in that family knew that such a kit existed.

>risking social suicide
no dude, supporting young kids + pity party for autistic brother is the MOST EFFICIENT way to rack up normie cred, this girl has social media figured out

>did you just congratulate me for reading

Yeah, I mean, I don't see what isn't at least mildly praiseworthy about that given his age. It's not anything super advanced, but it is showing interest in the right things.

>white dad btw

intelligence ≠ turbo autism

Perhaps but she's walking a very tight rope here where her own peers could cannibalize her at any moment if she fucks the crocodile tears for the mini-autist up.

Personally I'd never do something like this since it carries so much risk.


>fighter aircraft drawing in the background
This kid knows what's up

Seems pretty smart. gj kiddo

>literally babbys first linux laptop built kit

Real fucking special tyrone try installing gentoo now you fucking IDIOT

Well at least he's smarter than half of Sup Forums with them being all dumb phoneposters. Someone post that mobile traffic increase before the election pic.

Tyrone your pi-top on the right in first pic isn't fully pushed together

Good for him, and I'm glad the mother is praising him for engaging in technology. It pushes children in the right direction by at least giving them an understanding of the devices in front of them.

I lived in rural bimblefuck Georgia as a kid growing up before I moved to New York and my parents who were Super Christian blue collar burned out dopeheads hated technology. I built my first computer out of spare parts when I was 8 by salvaging shit from neighbors. They literally beat me and then destroyed the computer saying it was devils magic and wouldn't provide for the family (I was forced to mow lawns and do yard work for people and give them "rent" since I was 5 up until 16 when I finally drove away and never came back). They brought me to a psychologist to get an autism diagnosis as well and put me on a cocktail of antipsychotics until I was just a zombified husk.

It's touching to see parents supportive of intelligent young children doing something involving technology outside of selfies and social media. I really hope the children we raise we can actually teach important aspects of technology to.

>supporting young kids + pity party for autistic brother is the MOST EFFICIENT way to rack up normie cred
Among whities maybe

you sound like the type of parent that would dunk their kid's head in the toilet after using the potty for the first time... "REAL FUCKING SPECIAL now go clean your face off you fucking IDIOT"

>they're praising their younger siblings for something they accomplished
>they must want to fuck them
This is how you sound.

>computers are devil magic
>psychologist's autism diagnosis + anti-psychotics are cool

your parents aren't very consistent

I believe your story user and I feel very sorry for you.

That's not what a brocon is, she's just very clingy to him. How they fuck did you go from a clingy sister to one who wants to rape her younger brother?

He finally got a piece of the pi?


this is actually a lesser achievement than that lil nigger building a desktop

Yeah heroin does that. Also a neighbor told them that it was easier being a parent when you have your kids on drugs, so they decided that was the best option. I've gotten a second opinion now that I'm living on my own and they say I may have PTSD from my childhood but I'm not autistic.

lol'd my sides. Am black. I know that ref..

Cool computer DaQuantrius. Want to bring it to the white house?

>plus in usb "laptop" into USB hub on pi
>#blackboy magic
This is one of those cases where that black kid in the UK who built his PC is more praiseworthy

shiiid wish my parents got me shit like this hwen i was younger. all i got was shity game cxonsoles

/r9k/, Sup Forums and Sup Forums humor doesn't work everywhere man

He's a kid. Not everyone needs to be put down like you.

They misspelled 'stole'

I hope that motivates the lil negroid to learn more about computers so in the future he joins university to get a tech degree and becomes an useful member of society instead of a hoodrat that lives off wellfare.

>5 year old
hes 9 tho

I built my first dual CPU PIII from scrap when I was 9, running Mandrake Linux

Fucking moralfag nobody cares
grow a pair and stop giving kids pats on the head for easy shit

that would actually be me if i ever had a kid. I'll make sure he knows he's not a special faggot

Beautiful young man, he is the future is America.

I'd fuck his sister. Is that good enough?

at least he's not in the news for killing someone., anyway, hope he grows up as a productive member of his society.


i haven't heard moralfag in a while

He's smarter than me and I'm white

Stop bashing the little niglet, he did good.
It's 10 times more tech-savvy to build a pitop than discussing GPUs on Sup Forums for 2 years.

>id tech
why do they have the same name as a game engine

WTF I love blacks now

I just looked it up, 300 dollars! for a kit!
They need to be middle class at least.

it's fine because they're black. shaming people for being "nerds" is a white american meme.

Are you for real? Black kids always get nerd shamed.
If you give a shit about grades you get ostracized.
You are talking out your ass

very nice indeed, how is the battery life in that thing ? any links ?

He could have gone to the class that iD offers and gotten it with that.
Not sure if that costs more or less though.

Its made for rich parents to buy their Jimmy Neatron wanna be teachers pet i am very smart type kids fucking 300 dollary doos

they're advertising 10+ hours

Cool, now he just need to figure out how to build a flying pyramid

This is nothing I build a CPU out of raw sand at the age of 11

Black magic

I don't get it

PyramidOS ?

The kid clearly knows what he's doing, no one ends up getting that by accident. He could have been like every other kid with a boring iThing.

t. Ben Carson, the OG learned nigger

Fuck off man, we're talking about kids, theyre just learning ABCs, math and other basic shit. It's a huge accomplishment to them, given their thought process and comprehension. Not everybody got spat out of a vagina with a PhD like you.

The kid's like 9
he plugged a USB into a USB port

My nephew can do that shit and he's 4

The more you praise monotonous bullshit the less meaningful actual accomplishments are

Firstly, this tweet is the PARENT praising their child, and they're biased. Secondly, the kid knows more about computers than the parent, and probably would not describe what he did as 'building a computer'. "I just plugged something in, mom"

Not everything is a big conspiracy.