B-but windows NT is goo

>B-but windows NT is goo...

Other urls found in this thread:


Windows was built by code monkeys.
Code monkeys produce shit.

Is this the Windows 2000 source code leak


More bugs, wew
//BUGBUG move this to a common location, it's currently in shdocvw\menubar.h

HMENU GetStaticStartMenu();

//So much for trying to keep it self contained....
extern "C" HMENU Menu_FindSubMenuByFirstID(HMENU hmenu, UINT id); //plucked out of tray.c

// *** IUnknown methods ***
STDMETHODIMP CStartMenuHost::QueryInterface (REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj)
if(IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown) ||
IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IOleWindow) ||
IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IDeskBarClient) ||
IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IMenuPopup))
*ppvObj = SAFECAST(this, IMenuPopup*);
else if(IsEqualIID(riid,IID_ITrayPriv))
*ppvObj = SAFECAST(this,ITrayPriv*);
else if(IsEqualIID(riid,IID_IShellService))
*ppvObj = SAFECAST(this,IShellService*);
else if(IsEqualIID(riid,IID_IServiceProvider))
*ppvObj = SAFECAST(this,IServiceProvider*);
else if(IsEqualIID(riid,IID_IOleCommandTarget))
*ppvObj = SAFECAST(this,IOleCommandTarget*);
else if(IsEqualIID(riid,IID_IWinEventHandler))
*ppvObj = SAFECAST(this,IWinEventHandler*);
*ppvObj = NULL;

return NOERROR;

It's so stupid how a lot of the OpenNT repos were taken down yesterday.

>It's probably some legacy hack bullshit
>Yup, it's a legacy hack
Windows is built on insanely ancient code that nobody understand anymore because of its enormous size.
this is nothing new.

This is probably a big part of why the "classic" shell died off.


Where can we take a look at the source?

Is HACKHACK and BUGBUG a sort of way to identify these comments? Wonder if they have some sort of tooling to list these.

I just searched win2k on qBitTorrent search engine

Probably not
* Create the desktop window
* HACK HACK HACK!!! (adams) In order to create the desktop window
* with the correct desktop, we set the desktop of the current thread
* to the new desktop. But in so doing we allow hooks on the current
* thread to also hook this new desktop. This is bad, because we don't
* want the desktop window to be hooked while it is created. So we
* temporarily disable hooks of the current thread and its desktop,
* and reenable them after switching back to the original desktop.

dwDisableHooks = ptiCurrent->TIF_flags & TIF_DISABLEHOOKS;
ptiCurrent->TIF_flags |= TIF_DISABLEHOOKS;

pwndDesktop = xxxCreateWindowEx(
pdesk->pDispInfo->rcScreen.right - pdesk->pDispInfo->rcScreen.left,
pdesk->pDispInfo->rcScreen.bottom - pdesk->pDispInfo->rcScreen.top,

if (pwndDesktop == NULL) {
"xxxCreateDesktop: Failed to create the desktop window for pdesk %#p",
goto Error;

* NOTE: In order for the message window to be created without
* the desktop as it's owner, it needs to be created before
* setting pdi->spwnd to the desktop window. This is a complete
* hack and should be fixed.
pwndMessage = xxxCreateWindowEx(

Imagine what the theming engine code must look like.

It was soooo buggy in Vista+ that they removed it from Windows 8. It doesn't even work with XP-era win32 programs

Jesus fuck why would you ever comment something like (LEL THIS IS A BUGGY HACK) rather than taking the time to fix it before it gets worse

fucking microshit

hi kid, because they don't know what other stuff it will break and the code is overly dependent pile of shit and it was supposed to be released 2 weeks ago?

MS devs don't get paid for fixing bugs, they get paid for new features. Remember that screenshot of the dev in the chatroom talking about what a fucked-up mess the W10 codebase is? One of the things in there was how he spent two hours fixing a priority-2 bug and his manager reprimanded him for not working on priority-1 features. Features sell shit, bugfixes don't

lets see this screenshot!

>he spent two hours fixing a priority-2 bug and his manager reprimanded him for not working on priority-1 features

absolutely cancerous corporate culture


>designated wincucks will defend this

Usually, in these large and monolithic codebases, you get called in and scolded for undoing technical debt instead of adding new features like you were supposed to.
You're supposed to do as little as possible to get it to a working state.
This is the kind of attitude that gets you fired from microsoft.

>implying any management working with monolithic codebases have ever even heard the phrase "technical debt"

Of course they wouldn't use the phrase, they'd bully you for fixing non-catastrophic issue tickets.

If Microsoft had balls, they would rebuild Windows from the ground up.
Build the entire OS in C# / .NET.
Scrap the ancient procedural WinAPI for a clean, modular, OOP API.

There is enormous cost and risk associated with this, though, since it would break every piece of Windows-centric software ever written and cost the global economy trillions of dollars in man hours to rebuild.

But one can dream.

They'd just fuck that up too, by layering new features and frameworks and shit on top of it, and maintaining the same "fixing bugs doesn't drive revenue" attitude.

When I was NEET, I thought about writing an OS based on Linux but written entirely in C#. I wanted to call it Linux.NET.
But I'm not NEET anymore, so I don't have the time.

I just think it would be incredible to have OS-level APIs that are clean, easy to understand and maintain, and can be used in very modular fashions.

>Build the entire OS in C# / .NET.
You are so retarded it hurts


Comment thread?

>Pajeet in charge of OSdev

>unsourced screencap of user making claims without proof
Got my hopes up for no reason, stop spreading this type of shit.

What could the TEXT macro possibly do? Or MakeIntResource?

This is fucking gold, someone have the thread archive or something, is too good to be true, linux at their side is a saint then, what the shit

I have that whole thread saved

share it nigga

is anyone / any security researcher investigating the recent win10 driver source leaks yet?


Here is the the win2k src code

There is at least a bug or hack for every file
* UserGetDesktopDC
* 09-Jan-1992 mikeke created
* Dec-1993 andreva changed to support desktops.

HDC UserGetDesktopDC(
ULONG type,
BOOL bAltType,
BOOL bValidate)
HDC hdc;
PTHREADINFO pti = PtiCurrentShared(); // This is called from outside the crit sec
HDEV hdev = gpDispInfo->hDev;

if (bValidate && type != DCTYPE_INFO &&

UserAssert(pti->rpdesk != NULL);

if (!ValidateHwnd(PtoH(pti->rpdesk->pDeskInfo->spwnd))) {
"UserGetDesktopDC fails desktop window validation");
return NULL;

* !!! BUGBUG
* This is a real nasty trick to get both DCs created on a desktop on
* a different device to work (for the video applet) and to be able
* to clip DCs that are actually on the same device ...
if (pti && pti->rpdesk)
hdev = pti->rpdesk->pDispInfo->hDev;

* We want to turn this call that was originally OpenDC("Display", ...)
* into GetDC null call so this DC will be clipped to the current
* desktop or else the DC can write to any desktop. Only do this
* for client apps; let the server do whatever it wants.
Thread = PsGetCurrentThread();
if ((type != DCTYPE_DIRECT) ||
(hdev != gpDispInfo->hDev) ||
(Thread->ThreadsProcess == gpepCSRSS)) {
hdc = GreCreateDisplayDC(hdev, type, bAltType);
return hdc;


Being realistic, this would guarantee a break in BC, which would be catastrophic for them. It was bad enough when Vista came out and noone's hardware drivers worked.

OpenNT Source and SDK -
It's based on NT4 code, along with bits and pieces from windows 2000 code, reactOS code, and various other contributions from several different developers that want a botnet-free NT.


Couldn't they just run compatibility in a VM?

What did MacOS do when they switched to Intel from PowerPC?

They created Rosetta, which IIRC did dynamic recompiling on the fly from PPC code to X86 code. Libraries were re-linked to x86 libs.

It was fast enough. Not a VM though. There was no protection against infecting the Rosetta environment.

B-but, I was told capitalism rewarded excellence!

It does, Windows is objectively the best OS out there for most consumers.

capitalism rewards what people pay for. Sometimes this is excellence, but other times its just the opposite.

Companies spend a lot of money on marketing to try and get people to buy shitty products. If we were all textbook Ayn-Randian perfectly-rational specimens of Homo Economicus, this wouldn't work. Unfortunately, it does, and it's often an easier route to profit than quality.

It rewards whoever is best at exploiting the market.

So capitalism doesn't work. I'm shocked.

It's like Democracy - the worst system, except for all the other ones.

>doesn't work
Same as everything else, really.

You mean Android, as proven by marketshare

>Angry Birds machines
>muh marketshare

The same could be said of Windows anything, specially everything past Windows 7

Well except Windows is actually used on productive and mission critical applications, user.

The same can be said of Android, there's plenty of full retards doing mission critical applications on the most retarded platforms, like Windows 10 and Android

You think its even possible to fix any of this shit when state is probably spread across dozens of files. There's probably other code that relies on these bugs that would break.

wtf I am now a #communism missile
>Executes all people in STEM for being potential dissidents
>Starves everyone

You don't need to become a commie just because you recognized capitalism doesn't work, user.

Walk into any office and find one actual desktop being used for office productivity purposes that's running Android then. Take a picture of it and post it in here when you find it. I'll wait.

Literally a vast amount of the phones people are carrying, desktop isn't everything and in fact most stuff is done through smartphones

That's the keyword there. Walk into any office, and you'll see people working on the Windows desktops WITH THEIR PHONES IN THEIR POCKETS OR ON STANDBY OVER THE DESK.

>most stuff is done through smartphones
Cool, name a few.

Fucking capitalist consumer sheep, why do they keep paying for products that don't serve their purpose?

This the code made by REAL coders and now the same code is handled by cheap indians.

Makes you think.

who are quoting? no one said this

If things were even remotely that fucked up at Microsoft, Windows would be several orders of magnitude shittier than it already is. Like, you'd boot up and try to double-click on a folder but it'd bluescreen or something.

>Like, you'd boot up and try to double-click on a folder but it'd bluescreen or something.
You're not exaggerating as much as you think. There is a bug all the way up to Windows 8 (and maybe later but I cannot verify this) where sometimes for unknown reasons, Paint will use all your RAM, and then bluescreen. I remember my friend on Windows 7 was telling me about it happening to him and I didn't belive him. For some reason, within two weeks of hearing about it, it happened on my fresh Windows 8 install. I think I have two instances of Paint open, which may have accelerated the issue. I had 16GB of RAM and nothing else major open at the time.

I don't use Windows anymore, but that's a story I like to share.


most of the old school bluescreens were from bad drivers, they did creates some kind of driver verification toolkit that cleaned up a lot of that which is why its a lot more stable than it used to be. still pretty shit compared to *nix but hey i'm sure systemd will give them a run for their money.

Are those snippets something new or from some old leak?

desu, if windows is shit and was created by shit devs and yet it won with linux

what does this mean?

>if windows is shit and was created by shit devs and yet it won with linux
>what does this mean?
My thoughts exactly, what the fuck does your sentence mean?

I have heard that some Windows 10 code leaked, 32 TB of it


english link

is my sentence gibberih for english native?


ok, could you point out grammar errors?

nah, it's 12GB(12*aprox 1GB driver builds), actually.

The whole sentence doesn't make sense, I don't even know what you're trying to say.

It starts with an "if", but there's never a "then why". Not to mention that the question mark is missing. And it it's not a question, what the hell is the "if" for?

And even if you wanted to say:
>if windows is shit, then why it won with linux?
What is "it won with linux" supposed to mean? What's "it" referring to? Windows? Windows won with linux? What?

Linux users don't have the cash or power over OEM's or other deciding agents

Which is more embarrassing: that the secret code was exfiltrated, or that the code is so shitty?

Isn't TEXT() just a conditional wrapper returning various types of string? I think of modern Windows it returns wide strings.

Everyone already knew it would be shitty, so that's not really that embarrassing anymore.


>unwashed lincucks will blindly believe this

Ever try actually reading the file yourself? It's commented like that because it's in the middle of the Xbox 360 settings, you fucking idiot.

I love how marketshare used to be for wincucks the ultimate proof of the superiority of their OS and now they're like
>market share? That doesn't says anything about the quality of the OS!

Sorry but now your own buddies consider that market share is not an indicator of quality

Unwash my dick

This was kinda my point. It's possible. We know it's possible, and Microsoft knew it was the way to go.
But Windows is so ingrained into society now that it isn't really feasible to do.

>It was soooo buggy in Vista+ that they removed it from Windows 8.
What they actually did is force the theme on all the time. Why, you ask? Because metro does not work without DWM anyway. So they implemented a software DirectX renderer for that.

There exist some hacks to disable the themes.

>MS devs don't get paid for fixing bugs, they get paid for new features
Wrong, that was IBM with OS/2.

>Scrap the ancient procedural WinAPI ...
Microsoft constantly (claim they will) scrap support for older APIs.
That's why Framework and other "trends" are constly "innovated".

The reason is to prevent copycat OS (ReactOS and various emulators) to make something that reliably can run all WinOS software.

That's why they make MSVC compilers link shit differently with each new version (unless you manually change it).
The bloated APIs with millions of different ways to do things, makes Windows a living hell to emulate, and that's how Microsoft keeps ahead of the competition.
It's definitely not by making tight, fast code.

Does anyone use MSVC? It's a terrible compiler.

Capitalism doesn't apply to non-free software, as with any other sort of IP, it has state protection from free market economics.

Microsoft did nothing wrong, you're free to do the same on your crappy OS. The difference is: Windows has actual softwares written for it. And THAT's why it's ahead of the competition to begin with: because it's actually good. Get people to write software for your dogshit OS and stop whining.

Without copyrights and patents, what's the incentive to innovate?

Patents are one thing, they have a much reduced duration and although the idea is good, these days a reform is necessary. Patent law 99% of the time is easy money for parasite patent trolls and patent law lawyers. And software patents in particular is a cancerous concept that has NEVER, not ONCE produced something useful.

About copyright, the fact that civil law (a noble Roman system) >>>>> common law (an anglo-barbarian shitfest), and by consequence that author right's >>> copyright, it is another issue.

As seen from our world as it is, the only way a software like Windows can succeed is by establishing monopolies through proprietary lockdown, leeching by continuous dependence and prohibiting others from working on your intentionally shitty solutions.

There's a good reason why Android dominated smartphones, tablets and now TVs too.

>Without copyrights and patents, what's the incentive to innovate?
Millions of things will get invented without patents because the most innovative people are usually young academics who gets a kick out of the glory and fame of having invented something cool.
Publishing discoveries and getting circlejerk admiration from the scientific community is pretty much what these non-jews want. They care not for patents! And patent lawyers care not for them - they only sue them.

Copyrights is a mess and 2k chars doesn't cut it to even mention that in some form it's still needed.

Gee I dunno, Humans thrived for centuries without them.

Ironic that this was their doom in the end. Much like their OS, MS was so bloated and lethargic their time to market was slow.. A real issue if something not x86 comes along under your nose that you have to support but not directly in bed with yet. It's something they could have fixed leading into Vista but thats just not Microsoft's style.