What does Sup Forums recommend for a computer chair?
What does Sup Forums recommend for a computer chair?
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Ikea Markus
Enjoy your damaged back.
I'd probably kill myself if I had to welcome a guest in my house and let them see this gaymur shit.
has worked for centuries
>kyphosis: the chair
you need to stretch your legs user
this chair forces you to do it
I can already tell that you're a weak personality that needs the acceptances of others. If anyone would say anything against my gamer shit (hasn't even happened yet), I would simply tell them to fuck off.
>welcome a guest in my house
things than never happen
But you're sitting at a disadvantageous position. You're absolutely not doing your back a favour by sitting straight. You need to stand if you want to keep your back straight.
t. Physiotherapist
by stretch legs i meant getting your fat ass off the chair and going for a walk
if I were rich - Vertagear Triigger
Ergo human
I bought one yesterday, still need to put it together. It cost 169€, it better be good. 10 year warranty though
Ikea Renberget.
>paying more than 100$ for a fucking chair.
Don't give me the "MUH POSTURE" nonsense.We all know that the average poster is sitting slouched over their chair, with their back barely touching the back of the chair.
I had this, it's really shit
Well yes but you know that most of these fat shits on this site won't do so. They want to sit 8 hours+ in front of their computer and not move one bit.
>Ikea Markus
They're pretty good.
My ass is parked on one right now.
Not this exact model, I don't think they make them anymore.
It had a slightly taller back, and the proper office chair back cushioning, but the shape was similar.
6 wheels instead of 5.
>no height adjustable arm rest
steelcase criterion
If you need height adjustable armrests on a mother fucking la-z-boy you failed at life and everything you will ever attempt to accomplish.
Split keyboard at each hand.
i had to use a chair like this for a month while living with my aunt. what a hell that was!
I had this one for years now.
A few months ago, my brother bought a new chair for 40$, this one:
I tested it too, and it was extremely comfortable.
I guess that tells how good my chair is.
Obviously I dont recommend it, in fact I guess you have convinced me to buy this Ikea markus chair.
Well I just put together my Ikea Markus chair and it's hands down the most comfortable chair I've ever had. Swivel, down-up, sits great, all okay. Worth its price. I upgraded from an Ikea Renberget, please don't buy it, it's shit for your back
Ok thanks for the honest advice!
I basically sit in this shit chair the whole fucking day for months, pathetic I know. And im not even sitting, im lying in it.
So its definitely time to upgrade.
one guy long time ago celebrated this chair very much
I remember it cuz it suppose to carry 200kg weight, which in not needed for me at 90kg, but its really the sign that you can do anything to it...
it was not available here in europe to my dissmay and shipping was 3x times the price of the chair
name one flaw
It looks good, but I live in europe too.
>not embracing the social nature of homo sapiens
If not for others, at least respect yourself enough not to buy that extra gay shit. Get some real furniture.
I had to sit on a wooden chair for a month. After a few weeks I sometimes suddenly felt as if I was peeing myself. My legs got warm and I had no control over their feel anymore. I guess some vital connections were squished.
Really weird experience.
>the red and the edgy letters make it faster
Aeron. The common one. It lasts for decades and there are parts available to repair it. Mine is 15 years old and I replaced the seat, the lumbar support, and switched the casters out for hardwood floors.
bought a '''gaming chair''' to see if they were worth. They are not. Stick to a comfy office chair + dedicated ass pillow and blanket combinations.
>dedicated ass pillow
Is this an american thing?
Im like 120lbs but after years of using an office chair the leather wears down, to still have a cushion I just use an ass pillow, sometimes use it on my lower back too. pretty sure it's a comfort thing.
Kinnarps synchron 5000
Stop advising shit chairs
It's harder to cut a hole in the seat for the shit jug.
I sit in a wooden dining room chair with a wicker weave seat. I don't sit on a cushion, but I do have a spare bed pillow that lies horizontally to support the small of my back. Been doing this for years and it's quite comfy. Not even a money thing.
Just get a used drivers seat from a car. Has worked really well for me.
>gaymen chair with led