What is the best way to learn python?

What is the best way to learn python?

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by finding a problem to fix and fixing it with python

This. Or just reinventing something (like an imageboard software, everyone's first project)

The best way to learn python is to already know python apparently

I want to build a trading bot for crypto. Though difficult and belabored, so if learning technical analysis in general. In the least I'll be taking a valuable programming skill with me.

I just installed 2.7.13, now what? :)

If you actually wanna Learn, you will figure out a way without our help or you will fail guaranteed

1. read some books
2. practice, practice, practice
3. ???
4. profit

dude go for python3, ive never used 2 before but in "automating the boring stuff with python", the first approach that i have to python said that its was better to use the 3 version


Trade server.

Roll for your program.

I will roll and probably never even attempt the challenge

by shitposting, faggot
that's the way

>go to codecademy.com
>learn basic syntax
>read automate things with python
>read more beginner books if you feel like repeating stuff and maybe pick up on new useful beginner things
>do small file I/O or web projects with help of pythondocs and stackoverflow
>continue for a year
>back to your old code to see how shit it is and realize how much you've improved
pretty much me


The absolute best way is to spend weeks or even months not actually learning python but fretting over which way is optimal because the vast swathes of information and ratings you have easy access to on the internet have left your mind anxious about doing anything any way other than what the hivemind tells you is the 'best way'.

True python masters can go years without ever learning a single aspect of python syntax. Honestly mate you're best to just keep downloading dozens upon dozens of beginner python guides, never reading them, never starting them, and continually posting on Sup Forums and reddit to find out which is the best way because you DO NOT under any circumstances want to spend even 10 minutes doing anything in a way which is anything less than the best way. Better to spend months doing nothing instead.


rolling again lol




already did this, reroll

Here we go: nopaste.me/view/08c063fc

Let's go.


me me big python


also codewars.com is a great way to grind

>get a free 3 month trial at pluralsight and go down their Python path
>grind at codewars or hackerrank, I prefer HR but it's debatable
>sign up to tons of newsletters so you get Python tips in your mailbox every day
>books, books, books! Go to gen.lib.rus.ec, search "Python", sort by year and go with anything that catches your interest
>buy a real, physical book (second hand for just a few $$) and have it next to your computer. Everytime you have a question, look it up in the book first instead of going to stackoverflow or wherever it is that you go to. Reading a book will 80% of the time be way more informative.


text formatting and unicode!!

Ravioli ravioli give me my programoli

This hit me way too hard





1. Learn Ruby
2. Shoot yourself in the head a couple of times
3. ???
4. Profit

Now for real though:
Depending if you are a programming beginner or not->
1. read 'Automating the boring stuff with Python'
2. read the docs and be done


>tfw this has literally been me for the past few years but for languages all over, downloading/buying books, getting a few hours into learning via some method (online course, youtube series, book pdf, physical book) and then quitting after a day or two because i'm not learning anything i don't already know and i'm worried i'm learning the "wrong things" or "wrong ways"

FUCK me I wish I had a fuckton of money so I could give it to some knowledgeable senior programmer and get personally tutored by him

To learn Python you have to first know Python.


>mfw I have an entire folder filled meme rec lists/charts from other boards and spend my time planning the best path to get started

>haven't done anything

Maybe you're just retarded?

Going to one of many "hacker academies," user.

It will be $25,000 plus tip for an 8 week "bootcamp" course, user.


Do you know how to write pseudocode? You know Python.


I'd like to do a challenge, but many of the "challenges" on there are requests for full blown applications. I have half an hour to spare, not an entire weekend. I mean, come one, fizzbuzz has gotten old sure, but this list is absurd. You can't even post the result, because either to big or thread's dead.

In other words: is there a simpler list of challenges?

Rollin on a river

There is no point in doing less time consuming things, since you wouldn't learn anything useful.

have a window open with the stdlib methods and maybe have a printout of the grammars

that's pretty much all you need unless you're a braindead moron.

Tfw I'm about halfway through reading a Python book, but I still haven't typed out a single line of code.

here we go

never gonna make it


though as a baby programmer i won't even be ab

And now nobody will make anything at all. Sounds like the lesser option to me.


Writing code, not wasting money on shit tier "educourses".
If you want to look at a book there are lots of free ones all over the net like composingprograms and whatnot but the only way to git gud is to practice


Just get on a python course at udemy. Theres a sale on at the moment.


post it faggot

>63 posts
>not a single useful post





what is the problem, you want to solve?

This is now a roll thread.
Apologies user-kun


read the doc?


>What is the best way to learn python?

>import python


you are in Sup Forums, it's full of neets


I learned python by frogposting. It meme language i dislike it because meme indents und weak typing.
But fuggin job requires from me being bydon ninja also.
Fuck jobs.

>What is the best way to learn python?
Best way to learn Python is by installing Gentoo.

It's just a scripting language. If you can't figure out how to hack something by just googling a few stack overflow pages then maybe programming isn't for you.