Hey Sup Forums I tried Debian with Gnome but it lacks a lot of features: a button to minimize the window, can't see other programs without clicking on "activities", folders being mixed with files in Nautilus... and non if this is apparently tweakable.
My question is: should I install KDE / XFCE and will it fix those problems?
I want a desktop manager that provides features, not hides them.
Hey Sup Forums I tried Debian with Gnome but it lacks a lot of features: a button to minimize the window...
Other urls found in this thread:
try xfce first, it has all those things and also doesn't try to fistfuck you into the only right way of using it
you could also just use a different window manager.
Find out for yourself, it won't take long.
It's supposed to be only used on tablets. You can't expect it to be usable on non-standard hardware.
XFCE >> All.
But to be fair, all your points are easily tweakable.
Debian's Gnome is very old and even then you need the gnome-tweaktool and a buncha add-ons and themes to make it usable. Try XFCE or, if you're Indian/Brazilian, KDE is a shitty option as well.
"easily" like what?
easy to me is a checkbox
There's a checkbox "Sort folders before files" I think.
Settings > Window Manager - Probably there's some options to add buttons.
sudo apt install gnome-shell-extensions
log out
click the gear icon bellow the password field
select the gnome classic session
log in
Gnome is the worst DE and KDE is just bloatware. Install XFCE.
how is 3.22 "very old" ?
Debian won't update it because it until Debian 9 so it will get even older.
Yes, you should install Debian 9 with KDE
Just use anything that isn't Gnome.
Xfce just werks and is rock solid. KDE is also great but you should really use the lastest version of it so using it on Debian might be a bad idea.
Gnome shell is a fucking joke, you have to use 3rd party extensions to get basic features.
>uses gnome3
dude, thats ugly as fuck
>a button to minimize
enable in gnome tweak tool
>cant see programs without clicking activities
super+program name
>folder mixed with files in nautilus
enable in nautilus preferences
>XFCE > All
Pretty much this.
Lightweight, efficient. Doesn't look great out of the box, but customization is simple and straightforward.
Word to the wise, though: you're probably gonna wanna disable display composting in XFCE. The easiest way to do this is by using the Window Manager Tweaks tool. Search for it in the Whisker Menu.
Replace XFCE's composting with Compton to reduce screen tearing. Compton configuration is also fairly straight forward, but you're gonna need to get into the weeds a bit and edit a text .conf to set things up.
>Install XFCE
thats right install an os that only gets updated every 2 years and then only bug fixed. and then have to have a release to fix the bugs that the latest update introduced.
seriously if you want a good obsolete os you'd be better off using windowmaker.
>"KDE is bloatware"
>almost 2000 packages installed
what could you possibly need all that shit for
Use i3m or bspwm my man
Install Budgie. It's like GNOME but comfier.
don't act all high and mighty you only have 100 packages less
KDE no, never
xfce yes, it's the only really good DE.
Hold on, hold on.
Did Debian actually become a meme?
I don't care what anyone says, I fucking love GNOME. I've tried KDE, XFCE, Budgie and Unity and it's the best out of those for me.
>>a button to minimize
>enable in gnome tweak tool
>>cant see programs without clicking activities
>super+program name
left keyboard windows button
>>folder mixed with files in nautilus
>enable in nautilus preferences
apt-get install krusader
>Everyone circlejerking XFCE
Okay, can I put the panel on the side in xfce and have it look not shit though?
Basically I want something like Unity crossed with "Windows 10 with the taskbar dragged onto the side", but not as wanky as either of those.
Otherwise I'm just gonna go with GNOME or something.
there are many retards in this thread
gnome is the only sane DE
use gnome-tweaker + extensions to get all the shit you want
alternatively, embrace the "gnome way". Its pretty comfy once you understand how it works.
It's not bloat if it's not loaded. How many packages you have means nothing, especially if you're a software developer with a fuckton of toolchains and libraries installed.
Packages: 6237
>gnome is the only sane DE
plasma is pure garbo
xfce is decent but gnome's app base is much better and it doesn't need a separate compositor to fix tearing
various gnome derivatives are pointless, you can achieve everything they do through 1-2 extensions
how the fuck do you justify having 6000+ packages???
gnome is nice but you have to configure it. its garbage out of the box.
install gnome-tweak-tool
get Dash to Panel extension.
>plasma is pure garbo
[citation needed]
>xfce is decent
gnome can't hold a candle to xfeces
>app base is much better
you don't need a DE to run elf binaries
I actually do things on my workstation unlike 99% of Sup Forums which just sits around and rices shit pointlessly.
what extensions are those?
Beat you fags by far
I do too, and i have under 1000 packages installed
bunch of bloated cucks
try again debianfags
the sad part about that picture is that i know it's 100% serious.
the terminals were all pulled up to make it look pretty
>all these XFCE poorfags slandering KDE because their toaster is a toaster
>irc htop and gayfetch with transparent terminals
>he unironically thinks that his desktop isn't a piece of cringe
>runs arch linux
i remember when Sup Forums was pretending to be retarded, now it's actually retarded.
at least he's not on gentoo
>citation missing
XFCE is trash, don't bother.
user, debian 9 is out.
Patrician taste anons
>oh wow user... a-are you a hacker? user you are so manly... Is that you in that strange logo over there? That guy looks a lot like you! Oh s-sorry user, did that offend you? I know, I'm sorry, you must be so self-conscious about your size... But you are a hacker, right user? I'm sure you can show me so much stuff in your awesome pc!
>Dash to Panel extension
holy mother of god
why have i not heard of this til now?
how did you get that logo in neofetch?
He removed the fat man
Try Cinnamon. Based on Gnome, but not approved by Fisher-Price.
That's so wrong, OP should try GNOME Classic on login, I'm impressed so far, I have tried many DEs are here are my thoughts on all them:
Very light, looks alright, stable as fuck. but I want it to look better.
Heavy, can look alright but is unstable, the customization is very easy with vast amounts of choices with GUI.
Very windows-like, not bad at all, sort of light, worth a shot.
I liked it, good balance of looks and being lightweight, but has stability issues sometimes, you might be better off than me though
Given that it's now being used as the main DE in Ubuntu AND in Fedora, it's going to have a ton of support, might be worth sticking with it, looks very nice, is sort of heavy, my only complaint is I am having trouble customizing things, and I shouldn't be copying applications from /usr/share/applications to /home/desktop to get launcher icons on my desktop, excellent file manager too.
To each his own though, with so many options you can make your choices and stick with them.
Honestly I have much respect for a skilled Arch user, usually their knowledge on Linux is immense.
um wtf no lxde?
you're making the assumption that I have any semblance of an idea of what i'm doing
The reason why its "updated" every 2 years is because of stability, Debian Jessie is made for mission critical tasks, everything has to work and not fail, it is designed for a specific task and you are making an invalid comparison, if you want bleeding edge use Fedora.
If you read on what your commands do when you write them down or c+p then you are on the right track, I wouldn't want to use Arch as my main OS though.
Are you implying you can only use Arch with a textual environment? What is your problem?
Really nice setup mate, I like it a lot
how do I get good at ricing?
Every time I try something it ends up looking like shit
gir gud
Start with a predefined theme you like and modify little bits before trying anything large. Then try to look for some tutorial. Always make sure you like what you are seeing!
open source of course. If i wanted a closed source DE I'd use winzoz
>XFCE is trash, don't bother.
>proceeds to bash Arch and recommend GNOME all in the same post
you're a fucking idiot, GNOME is a fine DE but its not the best by fucking far without installing 4 extensions and tweaking a bit. Cinnamon is the 2nd best only beaten by Xfce.
But user, I:
- Never bashed Arch, just the poser user. In fact, one of the boxes I commented as patrician was rocking Arch if you didn't notice.
- Never recommended GNOME.
- Never said GNOME is the best.
I see you are mad about the xfce thing though.
Get that shit out of my face
that's pretty much when i'm doing. also trying to use the man pages instead of the wiki as much as possible.
same user.
-Never recommended GNOME
>Patrician taste anons
explain? They all had in common one thing: GNOME
>I see you are mad about the xfce thing though.
Xfce is one of the best DEs out there, give me solid reasoning as to why it would be considered "Trash"
>>Get that shit out of my face
Cinnamon is GNOME based if im not wrong. It's by far the smoothest experience I've had with GNOME. I use i3 and Xfce on underpowered laptops and desktops but everything else uses one of the two big bloats KDE or GNOME.
>counting packages
unbelievably autistic people do this. debian uses around 1.4k packages from installing only.
>and it doesn't need a separate compositor to fix tearing
4.12 fixed this. Settings Manager>Window Manager Tweaks>Compositor>sync to vblank
>They all had in common one thing
The ricing was fine
>Cinnamon is GNOME based if im not wrong
I don't support repurposing, forks, and repackaging of mainline projects. It has led the community to shambles. Fortunately Ubuntu took a step back on that reguard.
I also use i3 on low-end production platforms plus gnome for my main.
I don't consider bloating to be a hindrance for a system with up to date specs, this is why I tend to not rate desktop systems based on their quantitative minimalism or resource usage.
I do it sheerly for the pissing contest out here
..and what is stopping someone from installing i3 and compiz on debian?
Reminder that "packages installed" isn't bloat you illiterate retards.
Hogging the processor and filling your ram is.
>using inferior system languages
Jesus fuck your desktop is so fucking trash I'm going to reboot just to show you a better one (dualboot)
nothing is stopping them, it's just that they haven't
Cinnamon for a non-retarded GTK desktop. I'd avoid Mint though, so Ubuntu + cinnamon PPA is probably the way to go.
CInnamon ain't a fucking fork you asswipe. It was rewritten from scratch in version 2.0, so it's a standalone desktop shell that has nothing to do with gnome shell. It usually comes with gnome apps, sure, but that's about it.
Where did I state that cinnamon is a fork?
Not that it even matters, everyone knows that the project officially began as a fork, and most of the stuff is still based on forks of gnome. Of course forks, like forks in a road, stride farther away from each other the more time passes.
Nonetheless, I don't see how this should change anything about my stance on the topic.
Your post seems more and more pointless the more I read it.
forgot about this. here you go, read the fetch and get a real theme portufag.
>floating WM
>"real theme"
how hell are people getting rid of the top bar in gnome and having a normal taskbar at the bottom?
stop posting autistic pepe
youre joking right?
Arch is such a fucking bad meme
user, every single DE needs tweaking, you can't have something perfect out of the box in Linux
Cinnamon is by far the best. XFCE/LXDE if you have shit hardware.
its infinitely better than an Aero ripoff and floating WMs are better for lounging and not remembering a million keybinds when you just wanna jerk off with your non-incognito browser in the background.
I use i3 too but using it all the time is exhausting.
Agreed but GNOME is a little stale with the top panel limitation.
your opinion is invalidate for having a seperate dock and stock urxvt.
Man I hope the community picks up Unity, it's the only desktop worth a shit.
i approve of this post
KDE > XFCE > GNOME > everything else