This is professor Winston at MIT teaching a course in machine learning

This is professor Winston at MIT teaching a course in machine learning.
He uses a ThinkPad.

He have a anime desktop?


Literally who? hahaha... he's not even fucking famous nor has he invented deep learning.

Do you know who this is?

OP means to imply that anyone not using a X/T/W *20 Thinkpad running GNU+Linux is a brainlet. Macfags in particular are BTFO.

and look here... another father of deep learning (there's three of them btw).

he doesn't use your chink shitbook either.

it don't matter. its preference

MIT niggers uses core dumps

Finally, see the guy in blue shirt? That's the third father of Deep Learning, Yann Lecun. Does he use your homless-tier chink shitbook? Didn't think so.

thats their thing, core dumps

Finally, do you have any idea who this is? Do you see him using your shitbook? Didn't think so.

and what do we have here... another deep learning heavy weight. Notice the Tensorflow sticker too...

He doesn't use a chink shitbook either.

he is ashamed to use it though. look at the sticker covering the white apple

Well played, user. I stand corrected. ChinkPads BTFO.
I'm literally ordering the new macbook pro 2017 15" right now. Thank you for saving me.

Next up, Peter Norvig... the guy who wrote the book on AI. Director of research at Google. Is he using your chinkbook? Kek!

How the FUCK can OP EVER hope to recover from this absolute and total annihilation? He simply can't. OP permanently and eternally BTFO for ALL TIME!

Holy shit, that's a lot of important people. I better order two just in case.

Finally, look here... this guy wrote the book on superintelligence and is one of the smartest people alive. Does he use your chinkbooks?


You know who uses Chinkobooks? Poor people and LOSERS!

deep learning is algorithm design, they just need a whiteboard and a calculator so no wonder they are using Macs as that is what they basically are

As a professor he probably doesn't make enough money to buy a real laptop.

s-stop it, ahhh please! senpai it hurts! I'm buying macbooks as fast as I can ahhhh!

who is that semen demon?
talking about the guy on the stairs btw

>put thinkpad on stairs
>bitches all over me
>mfw they didnt even know it was shopped

>this white adaptor
Displayport to hdmi certainly...


>he posts a bunch of white males
Ugh bigots are so annoying

Ok! i will install hackintosh in my x220 right now!

I can't think of the last time OP got BTFO so bad. He already left the thread probably. TOP KEK!

Hey OP, if you read this by any chance, you should commit a sepuku ASAP.


n-no I'm still here, I'm waiting for confirmation from the apple store that my purchase went through so I can screenshot it and post it here

Why are you listening to a racist alt right white nationalist OP?
He should go back to his containment board

This is his containment board.

Had to do it... kekekeke

Is this the new symbol of the alt right?

do you have any ice packs for your ass?

so? If he used a macbook would that be proof that macbooks were great?

>pics of only intelligent people
>no black

Go back to your containment board you racist fuck

no user, I'm an applefag now. I like it hot and sticky. :^)
the hardcore ass pounding he gave me opened my eyes to what I've been missing out on this whole time


Proof white people are the best
Shitskins BTFO
When do we get to gas the minorities?


This is Bill Gates, literally the richest man on the planet.
He uses a Thinkpad.

>that disgusting lenovo logo
I still don't get how Richard Sapper let this happen

I get it now.

The reason we haven't yet invented Strong AI is because of these researchers using macs..

holy shit

Now that I know this, I feel better about using my Thinkpad. No longer will people laugh at me and call me names. Today I am redeemed.

Seek mental help kid. Your obsession with your fruit religion is not healthy.

most teachers these days (atleast to my knowledge) are given thinkpads even though im pretty sure they would prefer macbooks (because le apple is professional meme)

Why should I care what their personal laptops are when any real work they do is on a proper workstation?

Haha give it back, Jamal

Most of the deep learning is done on the cloud platforms of google or amazon, so even a netbook with an internet connection would be able to do the calculations, because google charges charges $0.70/hour , so not really hefty and a great deal without upgrading your rig

Yes? Is he by your side? Can I talk to him?

hit that bong again kiddo

Unfortunately he writes his demo programs in Java on Windows. I saw his course on Artificial Intelligence.

OP is clearly butthurt about this thread:

gonna need to see some proof

I've been working in IT ( vibrant, diverse etc. ) for some years now. I haven't seen more more then a few coons thou and most probably they weren't strictly technical ( dare I say? ) people. Why nogs can't into computers?

but there are some serious cs people using thinkpad...

How does it feel to be THAT buttblasted that you deleted your other thread OP?

What other thread?

Please stop buttblasting poorfag low-achieving hobbyists, they can't take it.

Hey, hey, ... deep learning!
*laugh track*


that thread is still there, he's talking about some thread that got deleted

Oh, my mistake. Sorry.

We should start a Sup Forums version of poo-poo-pee-pee but with the apple logo and Sup Forums alt-right shit.
Seeing this on MSNBC would be unironically hilarious

>daily threads about le intelligent CS man using mac (even though they're almost all people who develop for all 3 OS and thus have to use a mac since macOS is locked down)
>literally one going on right now
>no problem

>a single thread is made showing someone using a thinkpad
Kek cry harder.

they probably use others for heavy task

I thought ThinkPads specifically target IT professionals and executives though

that is the machine that the university has given him. He probably uses an MBP at home.

>pigs are allowed to be professors now.

>GNU/NEETs assblasted professionals use macs

Congratulations that you pointed that out

So you just made this shitty thread to announce you're a gay macfag?

only Android users are gay. android is literally made by gays for gays. nickname for android inside of Google is gayfdroid due to a high number of gays working on it. stay mad!

>meme poster

poo in loo with shit shoes

>open meme office

tip top jej

You need to know how to screech to teach liberals