32TB of Windows 10 internal builds, core source code leak online

32TB of Windows 10 internal builds, core source code leak online

>A massive trove of Microsoft's internal Windows operating system builds and chunks of its core source code have leaked online.

>The data – some 32TB of official and non-public installation images and software blueprints that compress down to 8TB – were uploaded to betaarchive.com, the latest load of files provided just earlier this week. It is believed the confidential data in this dump was exfiltrated from Microsoft's in-house systems around March this year.

>The leaked code is Microsoft's Shared Source Kit: according to people who have seen its contents, it includes the source to the base Windows 10 hardware drivers plus Redmond's PnP code, its USB and Wi-Fi stacks, its storage drivers, and ARM-specific OneCore kernel code.

>In addition to this, top-secret builds of Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016, none of which have been released to the public, have been leaked among copies of officially released versions. The confidential Windows team-only internal builds were created by Microsoft engineers for bug-hunting and testing purposes, and include private debugging symbols that are usually stripped out for public releases.


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It's just shitty drivers and other things that don't matter.

How the fuck is 32TB worth of data simply a "leak"?

It's Windows, none of it matters.

You seem to underestimate how many petabytes of data are stored at a company as large as Microsoft.
>compress down to 8TB
You can fit that on a single hard drive.

You literally can't trust Pajeet with anything

I'm a longtime BetaArchive user and, according to staff, the 32TB file size is bullshit. The file size is very exaggerated. The SSK itself is only couple of GBs (which they've removed from the FTP).

The internal builds, however, were uploaded a couple of months ago.

MSM fake news at it again.

Oh look, it's a Linux user who thinks his opinion does.

>he doesn't know what BetaArchive is
>thinks El Reg is credible
Get off my lawn kiddo.


fucking hell this is going to get nasty

i remember how insanely buthurt microsoft was over the win2000 source leak a few years ago

>expect drone strikes on the leakers

Oh look, another Android/PHP developer. How's the weather in New Dehli?


BA has been around for fucking forever, and was preceded by OSBA. For how long The Register has been up, I'm surprised they're surprised BA has an FTP full of leaked Windows builds.

Must be a slow news day. Also the Win2k and NT4 source leak years ago was fucking nothing. The XP kernel was way more useful.


Gonna wait for mirrors and analysis

>hardware drivers plus Redmond's PnP code, its USB and Wi-Fi stacks, its storage drivers, and ARM-specific OneCore kernel code.
So fucking nothing.
Post when the actual kernel source gets leaked so we can mod a Win 10 Lite Botnet Free Edition and make Windows 10 actually worth using.

Why though, wasn't linux superior?

>PnP code
Who would want the Windows behaviour of having to install the driver for a device all over again if you plug it in a different port?

>USB stack
See above

>Wi-Fi stack
Windows' built-in Wifi stack is so bad that people usually have to install Intel's as replacement

>storage drivers
See above. Except this time people would install Intel's AHCI/RAID controller drivers even if they aren't using Intel chipsets

>ARM-specific OneCore kernel code

only enterprises and govs get access to shared source kit

Windows 10 is finally open source!

Sup Forums BTFO, Windows is finally open sores so we know it's secure.

presumably knowing the windows source would make it easier to find security exploits, at least

literally never had a single problem with windows' native wifi

Anyway, can anyone actually find the link or are they just talking about something that possibly might have allegedly happened?

Just show me where the NSA backdoor is located.

link the files or this is all a ruse

>Android/PHP developer
>new dehli
fun fact: pajeets can't do php development. Instead they force other languages to act like php.

how do you even exfiltrate 32tb of data without getting noticed

I dont think they ever made it to the public.
The files in question were on some private ftp server.
They are saying there was a gig of drivers and the whole rest of it are Windows Insider builds.
yall can go to sleep now

Would it be possible to make a modified version of Windows 10 with all of the botnet features removed? And maybe community updates. That would be awesome.

So it didn't leak then. See, telling the truth isn't so hard.

I'm sure they would be just as trustworthy as all the 'windows xp super ultimate ninja black edition definitely with no exploits preinstalled by botnet script kiddies' stuff you can dl from piratebay.

> Single hard drive
What kind of hard drive do you have?

Storage isn't that expensive, user. Fast storage on the other hand...

so does anyone actually have the files or is it a fucking fairy tale

Not him but 8TB hard drive. Apparently.

Deep pockets and lots of usb drives.

So, anyone know where I might find this archive?

I suspect there is code within windows to reject working well with anything. It's why third party software is always shit on windows. They have to keep paying them to keep the aggressive code at bay. Microsoft could use it as antivirus but that action would have to survive the internal competitive structure of the company that withholds resources and data to defeat itself from within. The part of microsoft that is in charge of the aggressive code is against most other divisions within microsft. If any code is released to the public, all that has to be done is to change the parameters of the aggressive code and it won't work well if at all.

That's enough information for the likes of you.

This is what happens when you hire pajeets.

Because it's open source. If Windows becomes open source, then its better overall software compatibility is better.


Open source

So windows 10 is open source now? Can I finally install it?




This only leaked because they gave copies to the government.



Fuck this kind of news and "leaks" that leaked but can't be found anywhere

Pathetic US journalism, MUH Russians, MUH GOP leaks, this bs, and only source is some bullshit shill agency

fuck you

post mega or it didnt happen

get out Sup Forums

Lads, Seagate makes a consumer 8TB that isn't rare or expensive. They're slow though, since they're SMR. There are enterprise drives up to 10TB with WDD having 12TB and 14TB in the pipeline.

If you've got money, Seagate also makes SSDs with 60TB storage capacity.

Drivers matter for ReactOS.

Microsoft should have enabled telemetry on their machines. It's their own fault for not trusting Microsoft.

enterprise ones (8TB+) are helium-filled. These are slow AF.
consumer 8TB are normal and same as smaller 2/4TB

I can't find the downloadable even in the dark web. anyone knows a link for it?

No, Seagates Archive 8TB is SMR, which is not the same as the "normal" drives (PMR). I haven't looked into the other consumer 8TB+ drives, so I can't comment.


>primary advantage of open source programs are that you can audit the code yourself
>meanwhile no linux kernel or OS has ever been audited, essentially putting on the same level of security as Windows 10

honestly don't bother with any OS, just hardware program everything yourself

Only TempleOS

Yeah where


I wonder if the react os boys will jump on it.

>You literally can't trust Pajeet with anything
But they built a mosque for them. Ahahahaa

>Drivers matter for ReactOS
Is it legal for reactors to use the leaks though? ReactOS already has to tip toe around on eggshells, and be very careful on what they use.

Reverse engineering is 100% legal so ReactOS never had to worry. As for using leaks, they can just be "inspired" by them. As long as the code isn't the same they're fine.

>Reverse engineering is 100% legal so ReactOS never had to worry.
This was my concern as they already got in trouble for improperly reverse engineering before. It was a huge issue before, and the outcome was very unkind to the ReactOS team.

USB and WiFi stacks would be useful for ReactOS