/fag/ Friendly Apple General

Just got a 2012 Macbook pro

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Kill yourself. Douchebag Apple loving mods you can fuck yourselves for banning me in the last faggot thread

Where to technology illiterate mactoddlers get the false impression that they or their fruity toddler toys are wwelcome much less belong on a technology board?


>stop liking what I don't like
Can all of you summer fags go back to >>>/facebook/
We all know you don't understand shit from computers and just attack brands because some fag told you so

let the have it. Better this general than macfags shitposting in other threads.

Too bad its vintage now

Can all of you summer fags go back to >>>/facebook/
We all know you don't understand shit from computers and just worship brands because some fag told you so

>implying it didn't take Intel 4 generations release something that tops it
It just werks my man

how is it user? My 2013 MBPr is still a powerhouse

>I'm too poor to even afford 5 year old computers
My other computer is literally a T430 you tard

It's nice. I wanted to try using a mac for a while just for the fuck of it and I've been kind of digging it
Being a Windows / Linux user for most of my life it's kind of foreign but not bad

Fuck off, I'm not going to stop unless every fucking Macfuck piece of shit gets out of here and kills themselves.

>Being this ass blasted over a fucking computer
You need help. I mean it. That's not healthy. I too like to rant about shit but that's a bit much.

w2c keyboard

>t. iPajeet

Really doesn't change the fact that obsessing over something this much unhealthy. Seriously reevaluate yourself.

Well said, iPajeet!

>Sup Forums
>technology board.


What's the matter? Mactoddler and iToddler results in bans finally?

Mac threads are against the rules because it's not technology. Fuck off.

>getting emotionally invested and triggered over a specific brand of computers
You need to reevaluate your life choices, user.

You sure told him, iPajeet!

>Computers aren't technology


>applel garbage toys are technology

>decent mid-level laptops running the only UNIX that doesn't require constant reconfiguring
>"garbage toys"

What's the matter? Are you still upset your parents refused to buy you one?

>t. iPajeet

>t. underage crybaby

>I can't think of anything to say so I'm going to call you names!


>fruity toddler toys for technology illiterate technophobes


here's my macbook

>my laptop running identical hardware is definitely technology as long as it doesn't have a fruit logo on it

>those shit viewing angles

Nice macbook
Kind of want to buy one

it was only 180 dollars for a refurbished one if you need a budget laptop

I have a quad core lying around so might buy one for a powerful ultraportable

Problems with Macs:
>cannot change even the most basic settings such as themes and disabling sleep after the lid is shut
>Lowest Binned Intel Processors
>Underclocked GPUs to prevent overheating
>Cannot install software from places other than the App store unless you pay for the $99 Apple developers account
>Cannot access system files to see what's wrong unless you jailbreak
>Stupidly excessive use of thermal paste resulting in hot operating temperatures
>No right click

Apple Themselves:
>Stolen technology claimed as their own
>Overpriced for the same hardware as other manufacturers while using the shittiest manufacturers
>Suicide incidents and child labor at their factories
>Religious fanbase with single digit IQ

I love how this screenshot was intended to be bullshit back in 2012, now it ended up being true. Fuck Apple!

why post that picture when it takes 5 fucking seconds to google the command to unlock it and allow you install anything you want?

>needing to jailbreak your computer just to do the simplest task of opening applications.
Stop it, you macfaggots are getting more and more fucking pathetic each time you desperately try to defend your shitty iToys.

Stop replying to trolls

>clicking the lock icon and enter the root password is jailbreaking

You can't that's the thing. There's not even an option on El Cap and newer. The whole section is gone.

>cannot change even the most basic settings such as themes and disabling sleep after the lid is shut
t. never used macOS before
Both those options exist
>Lowest Binned Intel Processors
Not sure if true or not
>Underclocked GPUs to prevent overheating
Literally any laptop nowdays without xboxhuge fans
>Cannot install software from places other than the App store unless you pay for the $99 Apple developers account
t. never used macOS before
That's blatantly false and you can install any application you want, just gotta change a setting. Unlike Windows 10 S.
>Cannot access system files to see what's wrong unless you jailbreak
t. never used macOS before
>Stupidly excessive use of thermal paste resulting in hot operating temperatures
>No right click
t. never used macOS before

>Apple Themselves:
>Stolen technology claimed as their own
Literally any modern technology company.
>Overpriced for the same hardware as other manufacturers while using the shittiest manufacturers
With the strictest QA around, and world-renowned support are both factored into the price. And future support.
>Suicide incidents and child labor at their factories
Literally any company with manufacturing based in china.
>Religious fanbase with single digit IQ
Literally any brand, ever.

>t. iPajeet

Why are you lying?


unix is hard :(

The idiot you are responding too thinks MacOS is iOS. Why bother even arguing with this low grade specimen of life?

>There's no "Anywhere" option.

It's hidden from retards but available with a simple bash command.
sudo spctl --master-disable
disables Gatekeeper.

Because I haven't turned off assessments (because I don't trust chrome and those shady russian porn sites). But man spctl will provide you with necessary information.

posting on my mac running a tiling wm so idk what this mac hating pajeeet is trying to get at

>needing to jailbreak to do something as simple as opening an application
Fucking kek

Weak bait my man.

bash commands aren't jailbreaking

are you retarded? if you try to install a unsigned app it's going to pop up as soon as you go to security

Sup Forums is so retarded when it comes to mac

Don't even bother; the fucking idiot doesn't even think Macs have right clicking.

>all this trouble to open an application
Like I said, iToy garbage.

Why won't the mods delete this fucking shit thread?

Lmao, do you want to send me that $50 now or later?

i shrinked my os x partition to add a windows one and now i get this shit. clover bootloader, gpt scheme. pls help

it takes 5 seconds, and that''s the installer. After you do it once you will never be asked again for that program. It's basically the exact same thing as UAC.

Found the problems

its the windows botnet that broke it

Install the gentoo. Also trash the mack.

>comparing to Windows
Desperation is hitting its peak!


DELET the thread.

Why do people post retard shit like this?


Sup Forums i full of retard shit or what you think ricing your desktop threads are cleaver or smart thing to do?

So you'll be spamming your cancerous shit forever then?

dont give him (you)
he is idiot manchild who deep inside dreaming to own one of those apple devices


>applel thread
Fags belong there

>this is totally not the same person

Yes, totally isn't. Now take your fruity vibrator toys back to

One of the guys at the living computer museum doing low level 75xx series fault tracing with a logic analyser to repair a Xerox alto used one of those. Must be pretty good. Nice choice.

>I'm too poor to even afford...
>uses fancy external GPU and gaymur mouse
makes you think

>literally buy Macbook with spare cash because I wanted to
>too poor

Is there any manga reading apps on ios that let you pull your whole reading list from bato.to
The most popular one seems to only let you add them one by one.

Nice blog mactoddler.

I've got a 2013 13" Air at the moment thats been a pretty good companion. But it's starting to feel a little restrictive, not quite enough storage or memory (i foolishly went with the base model), and the screen while O-K, just isn't as nice as the Pros or MacBook.

Leaning towards going for a refurbished 2016 without touchbar at the moment.

Nice blog mactoddler.

W2C for $180?

Thats the best one. Mines going on 5 years and it still runs smooth as the day I got it

Exactly, None of these fecking, dank meme watching, lego collecting, Mineshit playing twelve year olds have witnessed the true fecking iBullshit of the early 2000s, Try using a fecking 1st gen MacBook for anything that uses the GPU (I.e; Turning it on), Then you will truly understand why engineering undergrads cannot design a mobo for shit-on-a-shingle.

(P.s; This is Apple's next logo, Try throwing a fucking weight at the screen to fix THIS conformist Prozium II fueled nightmare Apple)

Sup Forums is full of NEETs living in their mom's basement, who can only afford 12 year old ChinkPads.


Go die in a rotting dog's asshole.

>a mactoddler got so assblasted after the reverse happened in reality so he went home and made this

cut too close to home bro?

no you die you worthless basement dwelling neckbear desktop ricing peasant
you dont even worth 1/100 of my macbook pro

Did not cut to close to home, I have WAY more computers than that.

I don't even worth what? WTF is that your trying to say?

>2 hour battery life


Where do I unsubscribe from your blog

My iMac 2013 is better

Now you sir, May die in a rotting dog's asshole.